Wednesday, October 06, 2010


I know of a man who makes tons of money

He looks very strange and he is kind of funny,

He set up a store for selling some words

and his business was good, it took off like birds.

I am glad that this man is my friend,

we do business with each other, again and again.

I buy words from him, some short and some long,

Can you guess which words are making up this song?

I hope that his business doesn’t change course

Or else I will have to find a new source

Of words to use that I can bet on,

So I can keep branching out with these songs.

Monday, October 04, 2010

seriously?! Two weeks?!

I had some time to kill at work today so i decided to scroll back through the old posts. I read a rant by Pete saying we never get cool, exciting weather. Funny how just in the past two weeks we've had 110 degree weather and now today its been raining all day....well drizzling anyways. Then i looked to see if i had written anything in 2007 about leaving my old job for this one. I did in fact. There were two. One was that i gave my notice and the other was that it was my last day. I thought it was interesting because i feel like i'm in the same position now that i was when it was my last day...i'm bored. I have two more weeks, give or take, until the "blessed event" and this week holds my last scheduled event to work. So now i'm going to be sitting at my desk, bored, waiting to go into labor. Its an odd feeling when your not needed but you still come to work. I do enjoy not getting 30 emails a day though. And i won't miss it when i'm on my landline, my cell phone is ringing and someone else is calling me on the walkie talkie. So that part is quite refreshing. i feel bad for those around me who have to work overtime cuz i'm not going to be here though. i'm really good at my job and i like it a lot. so its going to be kinda hard to be at home all day.....yes i know i will be busy but it will be a different kind of busy.

Two weeks people, two weeks! Where did the time go? Wasn't it just yesterday that Pete and i went over to the DeClerk house to tell Steve and Nina? And then later that night he called Tim and Tom? And from there it spread like wild fire! lol. And now the next phone calls you'll all start getting is that there's a baby. So surreal.

Now that i think back, i'm a little bummed that Pete and I didn't blog more about getting Barney and his cute pictures. And that we didn't post more on the pregnancy progress with ultrasound pictures...actually, i hate ultrasound pictures. They do not do the baby any justice on the cuteness factor. But anyways, you know what i mean. Because the fact that this blog can have our stories logged from 2005 to present, no matter how many times we actually posted something, its all there to read back and remenise. Facebook doesn't do that. its just a quick blurb about something and then you lose it.

So i think we should all take this opportunity to start blogging again. Let's think of it as a scrapbook of memories.

Sheila: Let's see some pics of the house and all the work you've done.
Lynlee: Beer Pong Tourney?
Pete: Barney videos?
Alex: CA trip pics?
Randy: Fantasy Football updates?

You guys get the point. :)