Thursday, July 27, 2006


Owen "Red Dragon" Griffiths FINALLY has his name on the wall of the Crown City Brewery! I'm sure by this point he had given it up as an elaborate scam to bilk him out of $400. But the dream finally a reality. Pictures, are soon to follow.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

A rare appearance I am. I know that I am more of blog reader and blog comment maker, but why not participate? Why not provide some boring dribble about the not so exciting life of mine. I have realized that often my contributions are angry, but this will not be so. Or, will it? Hmmm...Just one complaint, it's too hot to function. Really, is this type of heat necessary? ok, I'm done now. So, I would like to defend myself by saying that I don't blog often becasue I spend most of my day doing one of the following: 1. busting my ass at work all day or 2. pretending to bust my ass, at which time I should squeeze in a little blog. But...while pretending, I can often get away with something quick (like a comment), but this situation does not provide for a long and tired rant (such as this). So, why today you ask. I don't know, today seems extra slow at my job. Is it that I am so efficient that there is nothing to do? Probably not. I wish that I brought a book. But, then we would all know that I'm not working. At least if I'm on the computer typing like a mad man everyone else just assumes that I'm working and doing something productive. HA! If they only new.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Fight the Power

Don't turn your Air conditioning down and don't conserve power. Use every drop of Juice you're hard earned money will pay for. Let Black this Mother Fucker Out and take few days off work. We need the break any damn way. Turns out the last "power crisis" was caused manufactured by Enron, so how can we trust those that say we are in a crisis.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ever Wonder?

Have you ever wondered if Jesus has already returned to the Earth, but got really into weed in high school, and is now just burnt out on some couch somewhere?
Because I do.

I feel the need to blog.

I'm not really sure what to talk about here. It just seems that the blog is lacking these days. My busy summer is starting to slow down a bit. There's just one more wedding to attend at the end of the month and then in August is camping. I'm taking lots of time off from work in August so that i can relax. First will be San Clemente then i think Pete and I are gonna try to go to Yosemite or something right after. Work is kinda weird right now. I have that new guy who is supposed to be my assistant and he sucks big time. I've already had to have a meeting with my crew cuz they weren't getting along with each other. So lame. Then at the Civic i got that new position. My first night in that position was last Saturday. It was the filming of the Last Comic Standing that aired last night. It was mayhem to say the least. I missed out on Amanda's bachlorette party (sorry Amanda). Then i work again this Saturday, so i'll be late to the Kegger Fest at Joe and Tim's. Their gonna start the construction at the Civic soon so i'll have to be the Event Supervisor of a big tent. Kinda like the circus. I'm not sure what else to really talk about. Oh i know! I've decided to not drink alcohol that much anymore. I don't like drunk Lauri. Now i'll totally get hammered at home but when out i'm limiting myself. And that's that. But what's cool is that i haven't craved any beer or anything lately. That always helps. Ok well i'm starting to bore myself here so i can only imagine your thoughts on this post. I'm sure i'll see you all around soon. :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

There's Beauty in the Breakdown

Okay so Maybe I wasn't actually on the verge of losing my mind, just really bored at work. And not the like, "Oh, I'm kinda bored today, I think I'll play some solitaire..." But more like the movie "Moment of realization" kind of bored. You know what I'm talking about. Here's how the scene would be shot: It's me sitting at my desk staring into my computer but not actually doing any work...(think Keanu Reeves in the Matrix right before Fed Ex delivers Morpheus' phone...) Cut to my face, a look of sorrow, a look of bewilderment, the glow of a blank computer screen reflects in my eyes. Slowly I look up, realizing that I can hear the flourescent lights buzzing. The buzzing is amplified for effect. I look over. In the cubicle next to me, the girl is shopping online for clothes. I look back forward, the buzzing of the lights is getting louder. Slowly, I begin breathing more and more heavily. Or maybe not, maybe its more subtle than that, maybe I just continue to stare straight ahead, but you know something is going on in my head. I slowly look over, there's my coat (For the puposes of this scene its winter) I stand up, I put my arms out and look around (think Jerry Maguire) I say nothing, grab my coat, and walk outside, suddenly the music comes up, Its the Shins New Slang. Now I'm on the sidewalk, hands in my coat pocket breathing steam and with an ever so slight grin on my face. Fade to black with the camera at my back as I walk into the distance. You know in your heart that I'm headed for a new life, outside this boring pointless rat race job. Roll Credits. It almost happened people I swear to god. Then I remembered I don't have one of those boring Rat Race type jobs. So instead of losing it, or walking out. I just went to Wahoos, got a couple of fish tacos and went back to work a little later when I would have something to do.

I saw "A Scanner Darkly" with Lauri the other night. I had an unfortunate movie experience earlier in the week and vowed to forsake theatres forever, but then decided I'd better get right back on the horse. I'll still never go back to the AMC Arcadia. EVER. Anyway, if you have a chance to see A Scanner Darkly...don't. What a let down. Its directed by the same guy that directed "Dazed and Confused" and its like, "what if I took those characters and put them in a old school Sci Fi Story. If you took out all the scenes when the characters are sitting around acting stoned, this movie is a half hour long...and better for it I might add.

I discovered a new Pink Floyd song that kicks ass. Its called "Wish You Were Here". It includes the line, if I'm hearing right, "do you think you can tell...a smile from a veil...". It is largely unencombered by the weirdness that renders most Pink Floyd songs unavailable for casual listening.

Jeff was trying to track me down today. Something about spreading rumors? Perhaps he's refering the the public urination incident, which did happen but is certainly nothing to be ashamed of. Or perhaps that was a mere pretense to get his hands on me for buying one too many Bushmill shots. I actually found it very hospitable of him not to turn any of them down, despite the verbal abuse and obscene gestures that followed each one. It was heartbreaking to see them go down the toilet. I guess they end up there one way or another its just a matter of time. It's not my fault, that dude can hold his liquor and I couldn't tell he was drunk. Thankfully, I don't carry a cell phone and am diabolically hard to get a hold of.

That's it you marvelously, magnificent sons of bitches.
I'm on the verge of a complete mental breakdown.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

trees! with knees!

Thought i'd expand a little on my previous blog- the trees in question are sort of Lord of the rings type tree monsters made out of foam and cardboard with a hiking backpack attatched. So you get strapped in to the pack, then the bottom of the legs are attatched to your feet and you control the arms with wooden poles- I have a rehersal tomorrow, then the carnival is next saturday, I have to carry this thing for an hour through the streets, but i'll have a couple of stewards along side giving me water and stuff- apparently they've got the local buddist group to do the stewarding, and Hari Krishnas to lay on the food afterwards- lets put them in a jar and see if they fight!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Your Mother is a Terrorist Whore

This is what an Italian lip reader reported was said to Zidane to make him headbutt that dude, though both parties deny this is correct. Frankly, that comment would have me bust out laughing not make me headbutt someone. Imagine a Terrorist Whore, she could be her own weapon of mass destruction, spreading venerial disease to the Infidels.

Something New

So a couple of girls from work and i have decided to join Curves. (stop laughing) Its true. Its awesome too. Its not your average gym. This place makes you feel comfortable, maybe cuz its all women. Things you hear about Curves aren't really true. Its not a whole bunch of old fat women. Its average sized women and there are all ages there too. There are women there who are thinnner than i am working out. And then yes there are your handful of very big women too. But its fun there. Your not waiting for machines. Your not struggling with different weights. Your not confused as to how to use a certain machine. Its all women. The music is fun. And its a circuit workout, so i have to finish the whole workout. I can't convince myself to stop at Cruves. At a regular gym i'd just to do the treadmill then go home. That's no kind of workout. So go ahead and laugh at me if you want. I'm a Curves girl now!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Drunkedness and Metaphor

The sting of an over zealous vodka tonic cuts the meloncholy mood.

Yo! bumrush the show!

have 10 minutes- here goes- work is ok, everyone seems to like me and i pretend to like everyone else, and dont join in to much with the bitching, unless it's about managment 'cos then it's just standard office procedure right? have joined another band bringing me up to 3 1/2. the keyboardist is a complete drug freak but also a genius (he retired at the grand old age of 31!- apparently he kept on taking acid and his company kept on promoting him). the summer festival season is kicking off- I've been asked to dress as a giant tree and parade trough a town in a carnival type thing, followed by one of my bands taking to a wooden stage built in a forest- photo's will be forthcoming. thats all i've time for- hope I've entertained you for a moment there ratracers, ciao

Monday, July 10, 2006

To the Contributors of the Blog

Screw you guys.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Founding Fathers, Failed Directors and Inspiration from on High

Here's a special 4th of July post that will make it in just under the wire. I was watching Book TV this weekend, the author was Christpher Hitchins who wrote a recent book on Thomas Jefferson, and a revelation occured to me in which I could make a connection between the founding fathers and George Lucas. Bear (Bare?) with me here. Both George Lucas and the Founding father did several things with their lives, they made something great and then proceeded to do shitty things. Lets start with the founding fathers, they created The United States, with all its brilliant freedoms and seperations of power. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution...documents of unrivaled brilliance. But the plain fact is that most of them were, individually not particularly nice, nor did they particularly believe the ideas contained in those documents. Just a few examples: It was said that George Washington was not a very friendly guy, very proper and snobbish as I understand it. John Adams, the famous failing of his presidency is the Sedition Act, under which it became against the law to criticize the government in the press or in public. A clear violation of the first ammendment which he helped write. Thomas Jefferson, not only a slave owner, but a man who had affairs with his slaves. Clearly, he did not feel all men were created equally.
Now we come to George Lucas, Star Wars the first act of cinematic brilliance. Nearly everything lucas is involved in after Return of the Jedi is complete garbage. (Some would argue that Jedi falls into this category, but I say it has redeeming qualities). Just think about it...Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? ugh. He gets a pass for The Last Crusade, but we all know that Speilberg is the real Indy Mastermind. Then you come to the enhanced version of the original Star Wars trilogy in which two unforgivable mistakes are made: Greedo shooting first, and the alien musical number in Jedi. Then, of course, the new trilogy. You all know my feelings about the new trilogy so I won't go into it again here.
So i ask you. Is there such a thing as a muse, as the ancient greeks believed? Can the gods work through you pen and then abandon you for the rest of your mediorce life? Just something to chew on.
HAPPY 4th OF JULY!!!!!!