Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Founding Fathers, Failed Directors and Inspiration from on High

Here's a special 4th of July post that will make it in just under the wire. I was watching Book TV this weekend, the author was Christpher Hitchins who wrote a recent book on Thomas Jefferson, and a revelation occured to me in which I could make a connection between the founding fathers and George Lucas. Bear (Bare?) with me here. Both George Lucas and the Founding father did several things with their lives, they made something great and then proceeded to do shitty things. Lets start with the founding fathers, they created The United States, with all its brilliant freedoms and seperations of power. The Declaration of Independence, The Constitution...documents of unrivaled brilliance. But the plain fact is that most of them were, individually not particularly nice, nor did they particularly believe the ideas contained in those documents. Just a few examples: It was said that George Washington was not a very friendly guy, very proper and snobbish as I understand it. John Adams, the famous failing of his presidency is the Sedition Act, under which it became against the law to criticize the government in the press or in public. A clear violation of the first ammendment which he helped write. Thomas Jefferson, not only a slave owner, but a man who had affairs with his slaves. Clearly, he did not feel all men were created equally.
Now we come to George Lucas, Star Wars the first trilogy...an act of cinematic brilliance. Nearly everything lucas is involved in after Return of the Jedi is complete garbage. (Some would argue that Jedi falls into this category, but I say it has redeeming qualities). Just think about it...Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom? ugh. He gets a pass for The Last Crusade, but we all know that Speilberg is the real Indy Mastermind. Then you come to the enhanced version of the original Star Wars trilogy in which two unforgivable mistakes are made: Greedo shooting first, and the alien musical number in Jedi. Then, of course, the new trilogy. You all know my feelings about the new trilogy so I won't go into it again here.
So i ask you. Is there such a thing as a muse, as the ancient greeks believed? Can the gods work through you pen and then abandon you for the rest of your mediorce life? Just something to chew on.


Anonymous said...

you didnt like Indiana Jones?

Pete said...

I liked the first one and the third one. But the second one is horrible.