Thursday, July 13, 2006

Something New

So a couple of girls from work and i have decided to join Curves. (stop laughing) Its true. Its awesome too. Its not your average gym. This place makes you feel comfortable, maybe cuz its all women. Things you hear about Curves aren't really true. Its not a whole bunch of old fat women. Its average sized women and there are all ages there too. There are women there who are thinnner than i am working out. And then yes there are your handful of very big women too. But its fun there. Your not waiting for machines. Your not struggling with different weights. Your not confused as to how to use a certain machine. Its all women. The music is fun. And its a circuit workout, so i have to finish the whole workout. I can't convince myself to stop at Cruves. At a regular gym i'd just to do the treadmill then go home. That's no kind of workout. So go ahead and laugh at me if you want. I'm a Curves girl now!

1 comment:

appojax said...

do they have an exemption policy for curvy guys? just wondering.