Wednesday, July 19, 2006

I feel the need to blog.

I'm not really sure what to talk about here. It just seems that the blog is lacking these days. My busy summer is starting to slow down a bit. There's just one more wedding to attend at the end of the month and then in August is camping. I'm taking lots of time off from work in August so that i can relax. First will be San Clemente then i think Pete and I are gonna try to go to Yosemite or something right after. Work is kinda weird right now. I have that new guy who is supposed to be my assistant and he sucks big time. I've already had to have a meeting with my crew cuz they weren't getting along with each other. So lame. Then at the Civic i got that new position. My first night in that position was last Saturday. It was the filming of the Last Comic Standing that aired last night. It was mayhem to say the least. I missed out on Amanda's bachlorette party (sorry Amanda). Then i work again this Saturday, so i'll be late to the Kegger Fest at Joe and Tim's. Their gonna start the construction at the Civic soon so i'll have to be the Event Supervisor of a big tent. Kinda like the circus. I'm not sure what else to really talk about. Oh i know! I've decided to not drink alcohol that much anymore. I don't like drunk Lauri. Now i'll totally get hammered at home but when out i'm limiting myself. And that's that. But what's cool is that i haven't craved any beer or anything lately. That always helps. Ok well i'm starting to bore myself here so i can only imagine your thoughts on this post. I'm sure i'll see you all around soon. :)

1 comment:

Lynlee said...

WHAT!! What is this non drinkiing nonsense have you totally lost it? I love drunk Lauri