Thursday, June 30, 2005

This was one of the Bumpers on [adult Swim] last night

"Have you ever met some one you wanted to smear hemmrroid cream all over to see if they'd disappear?"

My answer...Yes


Lame title I know. Anyway it's about 10:30 pm on Thursday. I am bored so I thought I would blog. I know what you're asking yourselves and how can I possibly be bored. After reading my past posts you would hve to be inclined to believe that I lead an absolutely exciting life. Unfortunately nothing could be further from the truth.
I went to work today. It wasn't as bad as Monday, I only got yelled at twice instead of multiple times in one sitting. It was your basic lame graduation event. I am skipping over small details because it really isn't that exciting to talk about let alone read or hear about. After Pete gave me a ride home (thanks, Pete) I sat around and watched some TV. Then my brother and me went to Hollywood Video and Tommy's. After renting 3 movies for only $.99 each and purchasing delicious Tommy's food we made our way back home. Once home Alex quickly ate his food and left me home alone for some friends at CityWalk. Whatever!!
So that brings me to now. I finished watching one of the movies "The Forgotten". Not bad for what it was. A mildly entertaining mystery-suspense movie. After that I got on the computer to consolidate my student loans, that was action packed as you can probably imagine. That is how we come to the actual here and now... God damn it, it is so freakin hot right now I am going to pass out. Thank god no one is here right now, all they would see is well I am not going to go into detail because it might gross some people fact it might gross me out. It ain't pretty.
Anyway so once again I am alone at home with not a whole lot of options on what to do. I will probably watch another movie or TV even thought I don't want to.
This is so rambling, random and sad. That's it... I am out. PEACE!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2005

People are Strange (when you're a stranger)

People are friggin weird man. I work with this person who has the most bizzarre hairstyles I've ever seen that she wears day after day. She stays in the office until almost 8pm every night even though her workday ends at 5pm. And she sits at her desk and talks to herself even though she knows I'm in the room. I get chills up my spine everytime she starts having a conversation with herself. The funny thing is that I think she's paid more than the more normal people in the office. She totally freaks me out.

Another Day

Another day has past and another day is here. Last night was pretty fun but I want to apologize for me acting like a jerk last night I really don't know what i was doing. But with that done it was good for seeing officespace since I didn't see the movie in a long time. I also Mr. and Mrs. Smith by myself and I pretty much feel the same way Randy and Pete did It was good. Now I have to see War Of The Worlds even though Pete and Randy don't want to I make it a point to see all of the big summer movies even if they have a idiot like Tom Cruise. But today or thursday I'm going to universal citywalk with some friends but I don't know if I'm going today or tomorrow. I guess I'll just wait or maybe see a movie. HHHHMMMMM... What To Do...


it does make you think. it makes me think that i want lots of stuff i don't have.


I like the new sub-title that was given. It really makes you think.


Hey y'all what's going on? That's a little Texas talk for you texans. Anyway it's just a lazy Wednesday. I really got nothing to say right now about anything with great importance.
I paid my electric bill which sounds exciting but wasn't really. I watched some "Point Break" on FX. That movie is really kinda funny. So yup now I am blogging.
I think later today I am going to upload some more songs onto iTunes. That is always good for a few hours or so.
Oh I wanted to say to Pete, Lauri and Alex that I had a great time last night I don't know whether or not you did. I know we didn't do very much different. For some reason though I was just thinking about it last night before I passed out and early this morning when I woke up and I thought to myself WOW last night was a good time for a Tuesday. I am thinking maybe having like a weekly thing where we just hang out at someone's apartment and watch a movie or two and have pizza or something, no alcohol is required. Just something to think about.


i'm sure with that title you guys were expecting an exciting blog, but nope! i'm just going to tell you about my new subscription: sunset magazine. that's the kind of reading material you see on your grandparents' coffee table. but i don't care, i thought it would have some great articles and ideas for road trip destinations. this issue (my first!) had information on websites with live webcams so you could "vacation vicariously". which is exactly what i had been doing while lauri and pete were away in yosemite. they actually listed all the links we have on our blog! so unless pete is moonlighting as a writer for sunset magazine, then we're a step ahead of the game :)

i also wanted to publicly apologize for any ill feelings i conjured up by writing about certain employees of a certain civic auditorium that have to wear a certain colored jacket. i'm sorry. but i noticed that the hoopla was only over the jacket... i'd sooner comment over wearing a bowtie than a teal jacket. maybe teal is for pussies.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

tuesdays stink

hello everyone. it's rather ironic how i have nothing to say now that i have ample time to write. i was going to complain about how lame i consider tuesdays to be, but after reading lauri's blog, i'm suddenly seeing the glass half full! pete, that's a super funny picture of you guys at san clemente. i'll have to post some hilarious ones of lauri and me... j/k. that's blackmail material. looking for a job sucks, randy. but you'll find something good where you don't have to wear a bowtie and teal jacket (no offense lauri and pete) or work for... how did you put it? oh ya- your "fat, stupid bitch of a boss". that cracked me up. anyhow, you didn't graduate in vain. do something computer-related or whatever it is that interests you. then you'll be motivated to actually go to work. not that i'd know, but it sounds pretty good, eh?

well it's no secret how excited i am that lauri is back from vacation. i thought she'd come back to work and find me curled up in the fetal position under my desk. but i made it through the week and i'm happy to hear that yosemite was awesome. even though you guys got your asses smacked by the 'friggin rock wall'.

New Feature

so blogspot now has a feature that lets you upload pictures from you computer onto your post. Thats where that lovely picture of Half Dome in the previous post comes from, my own brilliant photography. So... cool dat.

Here's sweet picture of me and Randy, I don't know why he's holding that book and I don't really look like that much of a 'tard but its a nice San Clemente pic anyway.

Note to Alex

You only have to hit the publish button once to get your ost up there. Even if it doesn't seem like it went through, it probably did. I went ahead and deleted the superfluous postings. It feels like a happy hour night to me. Something about to day says cheap wings and nachos and a pitcher of beer. Who feels the same way. Oh hey Randy a good resource for jobs is
In response to Alex's post I just want to ask, what movies besides Batman and Sin City did you really feel were good this summer. I haven't seen crap this summer that I felt was very good. Hollywood is in a slump because they have totally alienated the adult audience. Everything is manufactured and reformatted so that it fits a teen audience. The only time I see movies that I feel like they were actually made for someone like me is when I go to like the Laemmle r see independent films.
I had this enormous posting in the works about our half dome hike, but I'm abandoning it, I think Lauri summed it up well by saying it kicked our friggin asses. I will say that it sparks a mix of emotions. Fear before the summit, elation after the summit, and then almost pure pain and exhaustion on the way down. Its been along time since I've felt that utterly spent. I also want to say this, "ITS A FRIGGIN WALL!!" I've never read any guide book that actually describes half dome as "a FRIGGIN ROCK WALL!" I think any guide book that describes the half dome hike should either be titled "FRIGGIN ROCK WALL" or end witht he phrase "oh by the way this hike ends with a FRIGGIN ROCK WALL!!" I also want to say that without Lauri there I would have quit at the sight of the friigin rock wall.

ah to blog...

Hello there everyone! I had a wonderful vacation last week. Very relaxing and most times strenuous. Pete and I hiked Half Dome which kicked my frickin ass. We saw wildlife and lotsa water. We didn't wanna come home. Being back at work is going ok so far. Nothing to major to stress out about...yet. I'm sorry your having such a terrible time at work Randy. I agree that its time to move on. However, your going to wait until next Monday? Get your ass moving now, and stick it to the man! Don't even give them the satisfaction of finishing out the week. Don't forget to check out the fav web sites like for a new jobbie job. Also something enjoyable to check out, an oldie but goodie,! I was checking that out yesterday and its always fun to read. I guess i don't have much more to talk about today. Keep your head up everyone, it never stays bad for long.

Good Movies

I have seen a lot of movies this summer. Even though I haven't seen all of them some are not out yet (Fantastic Four, The Island, War Of The Worlds) some I haven't seen yet (Mr. and Mrs. Smith) some I'm not gonna see (Shark Boy and Lava Girl, Madagascar, Sisterhood Of Traveling Pants, Herbie). But of the movies that have been out this summer I'm surprised Hollywood is in its worst slump. 18 straight weeks we have been behind last years numbers and I didn't there were a lot of good movies out last summer. I just saw Batman Begins and it was very good too good to see at home on the TV. There are just some things you get from movies and some DVD. Movies: big screen, state of the art sound, anice place to take a date. DVD: comfortable chairs, pause to go to the bathroom or a snack, no one talking. But I wonder will we get out of this slump? Is it the comfort of DVD or is it maybe that no good movies are out. I would say that's not true but some would say it is. I hope we haven't lost all movie goers and movie theaters with some bad movies. Is it because there are only very few good movies? Comment.

Monday, June 27, 2005


Hey everyone what's happening? I'll tell you what, I hate my job. That is it I said it. I really, really hate my job and I am going to attempt to look for a new one starting Monday of next week.
It is annoying to get blamed for everything that goes wrong. There are times when I do smoething wrong or something that is stupid. Everyone messes up occasionally, right? Well not at my job, no matter what I do it is wrong or bad so that is why I am like, FUCK IT. They can all kiss my ass. I am done with this fucked up job. So I am going to move on and they can find someone else to blame when something goes wrong.
On to better things, Sunday was my graduation party and while the expected crowd was not as bog as anticipated. I had an awesome time. It was one of the better times I have had at a party lately. I got to drink as much as I wanted, I ate as much as I needed and all around just had a totally great time. Most everybody was hung over from a party the night before but still once that wore off the party hit its full stride. Basically I had a totally fun time at my graduation party on Sunday.
So my virginity thing is still going strong but I am starting to have second thoughts. I know I know I said this was a done deal. Maybe I am going about it wrong though. Pete's blog made sense to me (usually he does). I am denying myself for really no good reason, the people in that article I read were doing it for religous reasons. I have no good reason for it. So we'll see what develops in the coming weeks but maybe instead of virginity I will just making amrter decisions when it comes to women and relationships.
Well that is about it for now I guess. I am going to go watch some TV and forget about the shitty time I had at work this weekend and the tongue lashing I got today from my fat, stupid bitch of a boss. As well as all the back-stabbing lying people who I work with. Except for Pete and Lauri love you guys. Anyway PEACE OUT to all my blogging buddies. I am lloking forward to comments and cool blogs in the upcoming days. Bye.

Friday, June 24, 2005

We're Back Bitches!

We're back bitches! I want you all to know that the first thing I did after walking in the door (after taking a shit in a real toilet that is...) was to check the blog. I'm glad to see there was some active blogging going on. I am less than happy to see that after being gone for five fricken days Randy has had a lifestyle change and become a retarded...I mean I can see how making major life decisions might be difficult when I'm not around so maybe you should refrain from trying Randy.
Here are several reasons why I object to your decision.
Biology: The male of every species has evolved the urge to procreate with as many different females as possible, so as to engender genetic diversity. To deny the urge to engage in sexual intercourse is to suppress millions of years of evolutionary response. For one, I don't think its possible. For another I think its dangerous to try, who knows how that energy is going to manifest itself.

Self Image: Remember, 90% percent of the things we do, as men, in our day to day lives is for chicks and the prospect of sex with chicks. Even in a long term relationship its important to maintain an impressive self image. Think about it. If I cared nothing for chicks I would never shave nor groom myself. I would not try to make money. I would shop for my clothes at walmart. I would eat until I weighed 400 pounds. And I'd probably be drunk 24/7. Is that what you call a healthy lifestyle. With nothing to strive for your self image will fall apart.

Lack of philosophical Basis: I didn't read the article in RS but I bet those who choose to wait until marriage are doing so because they have some moral issues (probably religious) that they are using as a basis for their non-activity. You don't have that. You don't think sex is wrong your just doing this because...Well I don't really know why. But without a strong philosophical basis to back up your decision you'll be in the heat of the moment looking for reasons to stop and you will have none.

Cats out of the Bag: YOU'RE NOT A VIRGIN! You've already done it and there is no going back. If you want to change the way you manage your relationship that's one thing, if you also want to put off having sex with any particular woman that another thing but, again, to randomly deny ourselves that which makes us male is unwise.

Anyway I just had to weigh in before it was too late. Yosemite was a blast I will blog about some stories later. I'll be talking to you guys soon.


Shiela relax, you have real job an d things to do during the day. Besides the fact that I have nothing to do but watch TV and blog. You don't suck. Stop being so hard on yourself. So you didn't blog as much as you thought you would or should. Trust me when I say we'll all be able to make it through.
Anyway I would love to blog some more about stuff but I gotta get in the shower and get ready for work. YUCK...oh well gotta make that cheddar. PEACE.

P.S. Shiela when you did blog I enjoyed them.

my apologies

after nagging alex and randy to keep up with the blogs while lauri and pete were away, it was i who dropped the ball. i haven't had a spare moment all week! i feel pretty bad about it actually. if randy and alex wanted to know what was up with each other, they could just talk at home! anyhow, i apologize. i haven't blogged, i didn't make it to hump day happy hour, and i've barely made a comment or two. i suck.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Going well

Just FYI...the newly made virginity vow is going well. Three days in and no urges to participate in any sexual activities thus far. I think that this will actually work and change my life. OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

It's Coming

Randy Moe's Graduation Party...Sunday, June 26th. It's going to be awesome!!

Just a Blog

So It's Thursday night. Nothing exciting happened at all today. I stayed in the entire day. It was more or less a waste of a day. I imported some songs to Itunes from some CD's I have. I now have 92 songs so far. I got some bags of laundry together. I am going to go up to Sierra Madre tomorrow and get them washed. I still have lots to do but these are the important clothes.
This blog is so lame right now. So Shiela hasn't blogged for 2 days now, wassup with that? Oh well I guess when you have a job sometimes you just don't have time.
I am so looking forward to this weekend, besides the fact that I have to work tomorrow night and Saturday during the day, there is a lot to look forward to. I got my Graduation Party on Sunday which will be totally fun and then Saturday night George is having a party that I am going to visit.
We went to the Crown last night for Hump Day Happy Hour. It was cool we hung out with Emily while she told us about her tours. It was interesting. Nothing really interesting has happened lately, which sucks.
I will be glad when Pete and Lauri get back they will have some good stories about Yosemite I am assuming. Not that this hasn't been fun blogging with only Shiela and Alexut it just works better when there re a lot of of other people pontificating about their day. Especially when I pull this kind of crap out.
Alright I am done. PEACE!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


the word "busy" doesn't quite capture the essence of my workday. so i'm regretfully declining going out tonight. i'd love to but i'm pooped. i'm sorry! the sucky part is that this is probably the end of invitations to anything from randy. like i said... regretful.

i'll try to blog tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!! don't hate me cuz i'm beautiful. good night.

Waiting in suspense

The suspense is killing me. What are you going to blog. The anticipation is more than I can handle. End it, end it soon!!

A voice from the Past

So as most people who know me know there was this girl I was dating at the end of last year. Well after I came home from Alaska for Christmas I never heard from her again. Until today that is. This morning around 11 or so, Cynthia called me. You can only manage to comprehend my astonishment to speak to a girl that I hadn't talked to in over 6 months and had basically forgotten about. She told me she had had some medical issues and had been in the hospital for these past months, I won't be discussing the issues here what with confidentiality and all and that she didn't want to be a burden to anyone while she was going through this. I gave her a fairly hard time for not calling at all and at least letting me know she was alive. But in the end we just talked for about 2 hours about what we had been up to and what not. We did not get back together or anything. I don't really know where we stand I know it is impossible to just pick up where we left off. So I am just going to go with the flow and see what happens.
This does not affect my new vow in any way. I will be sticking to my guns and not wavering.
Anyway so last night my brother came home from Alaska and I was no longer alone, whihc I kinda miss, sort of. So taoday he has all this stuff to do, whatever.
I am waiting here for Shiela's blog because it is already almost 2 and not a single peep from her. I really think she should come out tonight to Hump Day Happy Hour. It is good to get out of the house occasionally. Well I don't really have too much to talk about today at this point. I just wanted to let you know what was going on so far today. Holla Back!

Back From The North

Hey guys wussup!!! I'm BACK!!!!! That's It!

NAAHHH! But I got so much stuff to do this week so this will be short and sweet. I know what you are thinking Alex is busy NOOOO. But I am I have to get a new drivers license cuz mine expired and I didn't get sent one or a renewal slip in the mail so I have to go to the dmv tomorrow. WOOHOO!! Have to sign up at triple A cuz I have the money to do that now. Have to talk to my agent. Have to talk to my booking service. Have to get gas. Have to go to the bank. Have to talk to my Dad about some stuff. Have to call Kelly cuz I bet she'll wanna see Mr and Mrs Smith again cuz someone couldn't wait but thy did wait for Batman. Most of those are things I have to do. But I do get to go to two cool parties this weekend. On saturday I'm goin to Caroline's goin away party it's goin to be sad. But she'll come back hopefully me and nate can handle the forces of evil with one of the slayers gone. Then on Sunday I go to Randy's Graduation Party he wants me to get drunk but again I have to drive he said I could crash somewhere but I'll about it. That plane ride took my energy. So hopefully I get enough energy from sleep cuz I got a big week. Talk to u Guys later.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Born again, New or Recycled

Those are the titles I am considering giving to my virginity vow. I know you all think I am just doing this for laughs or kidding around. But I am serious as a heart attack about this.
Anyway I am leaning towards "recycled virgin". Because I have had sex but now I am vowing not to. And when you recycle you turn something you used into something new. Like me.
Comments on what you feel about these terms?

Thanks...I think

20 bucks for a CD player, good job. Usually I just waste $20 on beer, cigarettes and crap. It's good to know somebody out there can put their money to good use. So after reading your blogs I was unhappy about the "we'll see" in reference to the Crown and the comment that I was "crazy".
After retracting the comment "crazy" today. I felt better about your blogs. Now all that needs to be fixed is the "we'll see" comment being replaced by "I would love to, that sounds like fun". OK so start working on that.
So I was on your mind last night? Just kidding. I am sorry to hear all your relationships end with sick, sadistic, twisted turns. Boys can be such jerks. Hahaha. Really though you just need to find a nice guy who will treat you right. We are all pulling for you. I am serious!
So after a lot of thought yesterday and last night. I still hold the reservation to change my mind within 3 days of the decision. I have decided to "wait until marriage". I know I am going to get a whole load of shit for this from ALL of you but I think that as of now in my life it is the right decision. In my mind the pros outweigh the cons.
Now just so we get the definition straight. Deciding to become a "new virgin" means nothing. I don't want to get weighed down in rules and semantics. Simply put no sex of any kind. I think that should cover it. If you have any questions feel free to comment and I will do my best to answer them. LATERS!!

the best $20 ever spent

i'd have to say that the best 20 bucks i've ever spent is on a cheesy little portable cd player. i bought it just before leaving for texas a few weeks ago because i was dreading reading ten thousand magazines on the plane. that gets old. but can listening to awesome music get old? never. i love that thing! the only downfall is that my little buddy doesn't have that button for extra bass. know what i'm talking about? songs are a bit flat. what can you do though? it was twenty dollars.

this morning i woke up an hour earlier than normal. i had a horrific nightmare about a pitbull that was attacking me! and after that, i just couldn't get back to a sound sleep. anyhow, i had plenty of time to get ready. while driving to work i realized that i forgot to put on deoderant! now, there are few things worth turning around and going back home for, but this is definitely one of them. so i was ten minutes late! unbelievable.

i was thinking about you last night randy (don't get excited). i was weighing the pros and cons of your ideas on "waiting until marriage". i know i commented on your post that you were crazy but you may be onto something. my relationships tend to be long term though. so things don't necessarily end after sex begins, you know? they usually take a sick, twisted, sadistic turn for the worse after long periods of bliss. none of what i just said relates to your blog. so nevermind. i'm just going to retract my "your crazy" comment. get out there and be the best secondary virgin you can be!

Monday, June 20, 2005


but as you know, i can't commit to anything. i'd love to say 'sure', but i may have a different attitude come wednesday. i hate that about myself. so even though my answer is lame, it has to stand. and that is, "we'll see". sounds like fun.

my weekend was gay sauce! i dogsat for megan while her and her hubby were up in oakland. didn't even leave the house once! not once! i watched television, played with benny (their pooch), and watered their newly planted plants. then i woke up on sunday and did it all over again. my weekends are generally lame though so i don't know what i expected. another one bites the dust!

i've been running around like a lunatic at work today. it sux without lauri here :( half and hour to go and i'll be home... watching the boob tube. i need a boyfriend. oh and as far as your blog on celibacy randy, that's your nine month draught talking. don't listen.

Blogger Playdate

Hey Shiela, I think you should come out to the Crown on Wednesday for Hump Day Happy Hour. What do you say??

Virginity in 2005

So I just finished reading Rolling Stone. I am resisting the tempting glow of TV by doing other things. I read the most interesting article about how young adults are saving themselves for marriage. It was quite thought provoking.
While reading the article I reflected on my past experiences and had what alcoholics refer to as a "moment of clarity". All my relationships were great before sex and seemingly went down after that. Now while that could mean something I would rather not get into, I think that what it really means is unless there is a spiritual connection there between you when you decide to have sex. The relationship will not last long. These people not having sex may have something there. They choose to not just fuck but rather to wait until they have a meaningful connection. Now I am not saying you have to be married to have a connection, I know people who are not marries but couldn't be happier. All I am saying is that as far as I go.
I am giving serious thought to swearing off sex until marriage. I don't see why not, I am not getting any right now and it has been 9 months already and while sometimes I might talk about it like I am dying for it. In all actuality I don't miss it too much. I know every single one of you reading this thinks I am full of shit and I can't live without sex. You are entitled to your opinions and I haven't said for sure I am going to do this. But the more and more I think about it, can it really be a bad thing??


So school is over for me. That is right ladies and gents. Randy Moe is out of school. Hard to believe I understand. But it's true now all I gotta do is find a job. Funk that. (for now)
I'll be back. I started this post on Friday after I had finished school then Pete came over adn I started drinking and well you know how that goes. Anyway so this weekend was pretty mellow. On Friday I went out with Pete and Lauri to the Crown before they depaprted for their vacation in Yosemite. Hope they are having a good time. Alright now I got some music playing and it is a perfect blogging environment.
So Saturday I did nothing. Literally I sat around the apartment all day. Watching TV, playing video games, surfing the web. Nothing with a point. Then I started drinking around 4 or 5 and by the end of the end of the evening had finished about 10 or so when I decided to stop. More or less Staurday was pointless.
Sunday was mostly nothing again. It was Father's Day and my brother's birthday. Both of them were in AK so I really had nothing to celebrate. So I watched some TV, took a nap and played video games. Later that day I went over to Tim's house to watch the Finals and hang out with some beer. After all that excitement I rented "Be Cool" from Hollywood Video. I watched it, it wasn't bad. Then I went to bed.
Today is Monday, it must suck having to go to work. I have done a lot today. I got my passport information turned in so I can go drive through Canada, eh. I also consolidated my student loans through Sallie Mae. Important to do since loan rates are going up 1.9% July 1. I also haven't watched TV or played video games yet today. BOOMMM! Damn I rock.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

As I head out of Town...

Not that I don't love all of you but I just wanted to give you a little sense about how I'm feeling as I leave the work, the city, the monotony of day to day life for just a little while and head out into the great wide open. I quote Ignignokt (He's the green one.) "I hope you can see this because I'm doing it as hard as I can."
You guys make sure you follow Sheila's orders and keep blogging while we're gone, in fact I think you should schedule a blogger playdate. Maybe at humpday happy hour.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

What The Hell!!

What the hell is goin on in california. I left thinkin I'm glad i wont deal with anymore hot weather. But it looks like I left at a good time because 3 earthquakes have happened since sunday. Is this a lead up to the BIG ONE? I know they weren't near us but they could be moving their way to us till they are in downtown LA and BAM!! THE BIG ONE happens. Comment.

to the moe's bros:

you guys know what? next week it's just going to be the three of us! lauri and pete will be off in mother nature's big backyard having a gay ol' time. i'm happy for them-- lord knows lauri needs a vacation as you can tell by archival blogs. and there's no internet in the woods (they're the last pure places on this decaying planet) so they won't be contributing.

the point of this blog being: k.i.t. okay? cuz my workday is boring and pitiful and i need entertainment. oh yeah-- and pete and lauri will have hours of reading enjoyment when they return! now all we have to do is come up with interesting stuff to say...

Itchy Scratchy's

Something in my house is eating me alive! I have bites all over me. I came to work this morning with four new scratching bites. Its driving me nuts. Sheila said its spider bites cuz it has two marks next to each other. I have two on my feet, one on my hand, two on my arm, one on my leg and one on my hip. How can i have spiders? I hate bugs, they don't stay in my apt. that long. I make Pete get them out! I have got to vacuum my house when i get home. aaahhh it itches!!!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2005


I miss that title. It worked for me, ya know? So is it just me or is this week going by super slow? Its only Wednesday! I can't wait for the weekend when Pete and I go to our favorite place ever. So since i am waiting for the weekend, the week is going to go by slow. Yesterday was an interesting day. I was kinda pissed at work (big surprise), a lady from work tried to get me hooked up with her son (by asking Pete!) and there were earthquakes and tsunami warnings! It was crazy. I just stayed at home last night, eating more tamales and cookies that Sheila made. I'm so tamaled out right now. This morning isn't going very well either. I'm trying hard not to get mad. You know Pete how you were always irritated at the Ford, well that's me. Michael tried to give me some gossip about how Tim (a guy who used to work here and was in love with me) got a girlfriend. I changed the subject cuz i really don't even remotely care. To change the subject here...I love those Yosemite web cams. I'm always changing the wallpaper on my computer to reflect the new day over there. Sheila says i'm obsessed with Yosemite and i said "if you've ever been there then you would be obsessed too". I'm excited. I think also cuz we haven't been to this campsite. Today Sheila and I are going to work hard...maybe. One of my girls called in sick today. I have to talk to her because its on a regular basis now. Another girl decided to take monday off (without telling me) to go on some tv show, en espanol. I let her have it yesterday....not. I'm such a softy. So tonight i think i'll stay home again and eat tamales and cookies and think of a list of things i need to buy. I should do laundry too. I really don't see that happening though. Ok so i'll end this horrible, all over the place, nothing to really say blog with this final note: Roses are red, Violets are blue, Your Daddy sells crack and Your Mama does too. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

tamale love

last thursday, one of the manufacturing gals asked lauri and me if we'd like to buy some tamales that her grandma or aunt or whoever was making over the weekend. and to cut right to the chase, we put in an order for three because, jesus cristo!... who doesn't love tamales? lauri and i ate some for lunch yesterday-- delicioso! then we both confessed to having more for dinner last night. and then we ate more for lunch this afternoon. b-bauuum.

onto something else: have any of you seen that show on mtv called "next"? what a horribly wonderful concept. anyhow, on one episode, the girl was doing the choosing from the guys on the bus and she'd ask them what three things they'd want to have with them on a deserted island. for myself, i'd have to say diet coke, a cd player (with cds- we'll just assume that's included, okay?), and my dream man. how 'bout you guys?

wow, this is a lame blog. forgive me, it's been a long day.

What up bitches?

People, people, people. What is the haps on the craps? I am a little happy today because I only got two more days of school left, ever! So you will have to excuse me. So what's going on in the news today? Michael Jackson is acquitted. Gee didn't see that one coming. Our court system in America is flawed somehow, I haven't figured out how yet...wait that's it. It was so simple how could I have missed it. If you are famous you can get away with murder, child molestation and practically anything else you want. Oh well I guess another perk of being famous. Hmph.
So Pete's trip got canceled, then moved, then put back on the original time frame. I would have given up the first time, I don't have that much motivation. Just so everyone knows my party is officially on the 26th that is the final date. No more moving around. Now you plan around me. Got it? Good.
So I have to work tonight I don't wanna. That place bugs. I don't mind when my boos isn't there, but whenever she is there, yuck. Whatever moving along.
I am kind of rambling cause I got not much to say my past week was pretty tame nothing too exciting. I had fun Friday night with Lauri, Sheila and Pete. Sunday night at Tim's wasn't too bad either. All in all nothing too exciting. I should probably stop cause I could get into boring territory and then well...

Monday, June 13, 2005


No Pete no bars as of yet haven't had the desire to drink. I know you are probably calling me a wuss as you read this. I went to the reluctant and it wasn't great their fish and chips aren't the same but I had some great fish and chips at this trailer restaurant (its a trailer thats been made into a restaurant like a catering truck) called "The Picnic Basket". I had some beer on saturday I had to go with my Dad to some award ceremony for some guy I never heard of. they were serving drinks free so I had one and then I asked dad for another one and he said yes but thats it. BUMMER! I've been to the Killer Whale Cafe and that's been good twice I had a blue cheese bacon burger and just today I had the Cobb sandwich and fries with both and they have not dissappointed me yet. I was also booked on a audition for a commercial. I think it was today my cell phone is fucked up so I didn't know. But I think she forgot I was on vacation and I'll call her tomorrow and find out what happened. So I've been having a good time I've watched the Avaiator, Finding Neverland, and National Treasure twice. Also I heard from Yahoo Movies that a HALO movie is being made. YES!!! Pete it is the powder house. I miss you all and I will talk to you guys later.

New Webcams

If you'll notice I added a few links to some Yosemite Webcams. Look for Lauri and I at the top of half dome at about noon on Monday the 20th.

Hey Alex

Hey Alex. Have you been going to the Bar a lot? I can't remember the name of it but I wanna say Powder House or Powder Keg. How about the Reluctant Fisherman? THe restaurants up there have the coolest names.

my lovely weekend

to randy, pete, and lauri: thanks for the training course on dominos friday night. i suck but that's okay. did anyone decide to adopt taco? ya, i didn't think so.

saturday morning i got up pretty early and headed over to megan and doug's place to help them out with their front yard. they have four main problems: rocks, weeds, snails, and gophers. so we started out by filling the gopher holes with poison pellets (although i suggested sticks of dynamite). we pulled out alllll the weeds, dug ditches like prisoners, put in a retaining wall, picked up enough rocks to build meg and doug a whole other house, and layed out gardener's fabric to keep the weeds from growing again. but it was a successful day all in all. i had dirty boogers.

i couldn't sleep a wink until 4am sunday morning and then that earthquake woke me up at 8:45. but that's okay, i figured i had the whole day to take a nap. i didn't plan on doing anything but laundry. so i got up and made coffee and pancakes for breakfast, watched cheesey movies on cable tv, and then baked pumpkin butterscotch cookies (with extra butterscotch chips especially for pete). livin' la vida loca.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Fuck The National Park Service!

So I'm minding my own business and starting to get excited about the upcoming Yosemite trip when out of the clear blue sky I get a call from the National Park Service..."Hi, we're cancelling your reservations, seven days away from when you supposed to be here, because there is snow on the ground. What can you do about it? Not a damn fuckin thing." It took every fiber of y being not to lose my mind right there. It would have been easy, all I would have had to do was just let go. Let go of my loose hold on reality and just go crazy. But I didn't. I went right to my trusty Lonely Planet guide, which I now believe to be the best book I've ever purchased, and found some campgrounds outside the park. I found reservations at a hostile a bit outside the park but only for a week later. Then I was able to get reservationsfor a campground that was only a mile outside the park gate but we lost a day of vacation in the process. Oh well a figure better than nothing. My grip on reality is beginning to take hold again. I'm still a bit bitter about losing the campsite that we booked in Feb. But perhaps the strife and panic that the cancellation caused will make the trip all the sweeter. The irony in all this is that when we were getting all that rain this year, I was lovin' it, i thought it was great. As it turns out, that rain was turning into snow in the Sierras and ruining my camping trip. Funny ol' world in'it?

Saturday, June 11, 2005



An Alaskan HELLO!

What's up everyone It's ALEX!!!! I'm here in Alaska visiting my family and having a good time. I miss everyone down there but I will be back soon. I haven't been up to anything good because it's been raining since I got up here but I plan to go and see the glacier this week sometime. Also I've just been resting and settling in I had a hectic flight with my flight being cancelled and then my luggage didn't come for 2 days. But I'm here and having a good rest I watched THE AVIATOR and ANCHORMAN man Howard Hughes was fucked up. I also talked to Nate and Caroline (the other aspiring actor slayers) and I told them to watch over you guys while I'm gone. Don't try to find them because they see you but you don't see them. Couple things I wanna adress:

Pete I was happy I was getting an agent and soon to become an actor and no she doesn't know anyone to make you become a Jedi but good luck with that. The song by THE GAME and 50 Cent is called Hate It Or Love It. Keep Randy cool and spirits up and tell Danny M. Congratulations and I hope his marriage is great. I'll watch all the Aquateen Hungerforce when I get home.

Lauri I'm glad you are doing great but I wanna know the story of this inside joke.

Sheila You are a great additon to our blog I love reading your little comments and posts.

Randy I don't know what to say to you. Watch out for crazy girls? Good Luck with finals. Okay I'm lost what happened with this girl do you like her or not. But you remember what Lloyd Banks says in his song ON FIRE.

Also everyone watch LORDS OF DOGTOWN and keep an eye on the screen for yours truly. the best and biggest time to see me is at the Long Beach competition and I'm wearin a hawaiian shirt thats blue with white flowers.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Whole Lotta Nothin...

Hi bloggers! Well nothing to interesting had happened lately. I can't seem to stay out of trouble at work though. For those of you who know me, i'm not a trouble maker and i'm very responsible, oh well. BUT if you get me angry i'll throw you across the room until you bleed! I'M SO JUST KIDDING!!!! :) So today after work i have to go shopping. We are all headed to a wedding tomorrow and i'm still shopping. Its not my wedding, so why do i care? Cuz i don't get dressed up that often and i wanna look pretty. Then after that i'm going to Pete's aunt's house to watch doggies. Its gonna be fun. I work on Sunday. Ok wow this is the most boring blog ever. Its quite obvious i have nothing to say. I apologize! Have a great day...everyday! (inside joke)

Good Music

Sometimes I think that all I EVER want to do is listen to really good music all day long. I can't think of any job or occupation that is ever going to hold a candle to just sitting outside and listening to really good music.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


So I had promised to post after my meeting on Tuesday, but chose to watch TV and drink beer instead. Can you blame me? Anyway the meeting went well she was super cute and we had a good time exchanging stories. I don't remember if I mentioned this or not in the last post but her cutoff age was 26. I knew this but I figured I can make her change her mind.
Unfortunately as I found out the next day even though we got along really well according to her she thought down the road things would change and it could become weird. So I said it's okay and what not, you know played the role I have played so many times. I was bummed though I will not lie. We are friends though, we still talk online so anyway.
Now in regards to 2 comments I received on the blog. One from Pete and one from Tim.
Pete's comment was about me dating more Internet chicks than anyone else he knows. I admit I have gone out with more Internet girls than anyone else I know of. I just have 1 question and 1 comment for Pete.
1. If not online where? I don't go out to find chicks...ever.
2. My luck with non-Internet girls ain't that great either.
I love you though Pete you are right I do go out with the Internet chicks. I can't help it on the computer through IM and email I got skills. In the real world not so much. Oh well, moving on.
Now Tim's comment in response to my blog about my week was nobody really cares about what I did because I am boring. I am definitely not the most exciting person in the world not by a fucking longshot. But for some one to call you boring is kinda harsh. But it's Tim and if nothing else Tim states his opinion regardless if you want to hear it or not. I am adding that when created, the point of this blog was just to go over our days and what we did when not working as well as random opinions on pop culture and shit.
Anyway this is just a random post when I have something more interesting to say I will come back on because I wouldn't want to bore somebody. God NO!

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

The Best Chili Fries in the City

Hey everyone Tim commented on Lauri's vegas blog while he was home and he wants everyone to read it. My wonderful internet is down so i'm doing this dail-up stylees. Also, for your reading pleasure is a list of songs I will need to download when I get my ipod.

Barry Maquire - Eve of Destruction
Weezer - Beverly Hills
Guns N' Roses - Patience
50 Cent and the Game - That really good song that I like but I don't know the name of.
There were a butload of others but now I can't remember.

Also, I just wanna say for the record. And I will go to the mat for this. WonderBurger has THE best chili cheese fries in the city. They are so frickin awesome I can hardly beleive it. YOu know when you go to Tops and you get the fries but only eat half because the Chili gets all hard. Not these the chili is great and it even has some spice to it. And the Cheese, oh my god the cheese. Its melted but not swimming in its own grease. I don't know what they do but you can't beat them. Yes, I've had The Hat, these are better. Better than Lucky Boy and better than Tommy's. You gotta try them.

My Name is Shake Sula the Mic Rula

Aquateen is back on at midnight on [Adult Swim] and that my freinds is friggin'awesome. It was getting to the point where I was going bed at like 11:30pm or watching the discovery channel. Where once I was lost, now I am found. And check this my friends, they are new episodes. I also wanna give a shout out to my homie in the Great White North, I hope he's checkin the blog from Alaska, although he never checked it here so I don't know. Maybe if you since he's away from his DVR he'll hook up some blogs and let us know how it is up there. Don't shoot any crows bro, they aren't hurting you.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Long Time Coming

So what's up people? I know it has been a long time since I last posted like a week or so. For that reason instead of writing in block paragraph form I am going to do a timeline of sort for what has transpired starting from last Wednesday. First I am going to go have a cigarette. BRB!

So for the majority of Wednesday I sat around and watched TV nothing new there. It was more or less a relax day. Towards evening time I became restless though and wanted to do something. So I called up Pete and asked if he wanted to go to The Crown for happy hour late style. He said No he had a paper due and was saving his monet for Vegas. I was unhappy about this but nothing could be done. So instead I got my brother motivated and we went out to Crown. There were a lot of people there from Islands so it was kind of cool I drank beer and was merry. Eventually though we left and went home.
I had some stuff due on Thursday night so I grabbed my computer from my brother's room and started working on my stuff. There was a marathon of the first season of America's Next Top Model on VH1 so I had that playing while I did my homework. After a while I finished all my homework and realaxed till I had to go to class that evening. I turned in my stuff and got the teacher's opinion she made a few corrections and said if I faxed it in before midnight I could get a better grade so I got home made the corrections and went off to Kinko's to fax it. I went to the Kinko's in Arcadia to do that, after printing it out I went to go fax it and the guy said they were closing and he couldn't do it. I was slightly perturbed because I was under the false assumption that Kinko's was 24 hours. Obviously in Arcadia you are allowed to close. So pissed off I got in the car and drove to Kinko's in Pasadena. When I finally got there, they were luckily open and after waiting 20 minutes or so to get some service,a dude finally came over and faxed my stuff for me. On the way home I stopped at McDonald's cause I was hungry. So Iordered drove home and ate. After all that adventure I was wiped out so I went to bed.
Friday I went to school and turned in my report on Cuba. Some IDS assignment to find out about Cuba's infrastructure. Whatever. I sat there and listened to the lecture and then left. At home I had nothing to do again so I mad my brother take me to Rite-Aid so I caould buy some beer. Now usually I wouldn't buy Coor's Light but at 10.99 for a 20 pack I couldn't resist. I knew I would have nothing to do that night cause all my friends had gone to Vegas for the weekend. So I hunkered down in front of my computer to do some research for my paper due Monday with ample amounts of beer in the fridge. So after about an hour of that my brother went to go eat somewhere and I was strangely drawn to Yahoo! Personals. I have done the online dating thing before without any overwhelming successes. But I figured what the hell I went on and within a half-hour or so I met this girl who wanted me to come over that night and spend the night after looking at her pictures I respectfully declined. This may sound mean but she was a very large woman, too big for me. So I kept trolling convinced I would find no one interesting enough for me. Then like out of nowhere I found someone who was online and who was by far the best-looking girl I had seen that night. So I struck up a conversation and we ended up talking till about 1AM when I had to go to bed since I had work the next day early.
I worked all day 8AM - 6PM. It sucked. The rest of the day I did nothing. I came home hung out for a while and then went to bed because I was so tired. Saturday nothing happened worth noting.
I went to work at 11AM and worked till about 5 or so. Then I came home and my brother was packing because he was goign to Alaska the next day to visit our folks. I forgot to mention he told me this Friday evening. Anyway so I hung out and watched TV. He went to Dave & Buster's later that night to hang out with his friends Nate and Caroline. Pete came over later that night because he wanted to say Later to my bro but he was tired due to the Vegas trip so he couldn't hang there too long. So he left then my brother came home later. I went to bed cause I would have to wake up at 5AM to take him to the airport. LAX, yo!
I awoke at 4:45AM to take my brother to LAX. We left at 5AM. The sun is not up at 5. So I drove home to the airport and dropped him off and headed home. As I am heading home I get a call from my brother saying his flight got cancelled, he said he would try to go get another one and call me back. So he calls back and says he got another flight and it is leaving from the OC but they are giving them vouchers to get there. So I tell him to call me before he leaves and when he arrives. So I go home to work on my paper and what not. When I get home I start on my paper and my Yahoo! girl signs on so while working on my paper I am talking to her this goes on all day. From 7:30AM till she leaves at 4:15PM. After that I finally put my paper to bed and wait till I go to school. I go to school turn in my paper take a quiz about WWI and WWII. I got them all right I am so smart. Came home and after being up for about 16 hours. I watched a half hour of TV and went to bed.
So now we arrive to today. After waking up around 10:30 feeling rejuvenated and alive. I signed on to my computer and started to talk to my htYahoo! girl who will from here on be reffered to as Jeniece. So we just were chatting and what not about tonight, becasue we are supposed to meet tonight real casual like for some Coldstone. She is 23. Anyway So that is up till now. I decided to blog because it had been a while. I will be posting later tonight to let you know how the meeting went and if the ice cream was any good.
Peace out homies. Stay tuned for Tuesday night, hopefully it will be good news!!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Vegas Weekend...a.k.a. Drama For Yo Mama

Its Monday! What a crazy weekend. We know how to do vegas when we all go, thats for sure. Friday was fun, we got drunk and i think we were all actually winning for once. Its beginners luck or no luck at all for me in vegas. So Friday night there was some crying and Sat. nite there was a lot of crying. I think the girls had a rough time overall. No one really knew each other and it was hard to stay together. Lynlee had a massive hangover and was ill all Saturday. I missed the Chipindale's show and ended up wandering the strip for an hour. Then went to a club and had people passing out and starting fights. It was a super cool club but to many drunk people to watch. I hate being that person who ends up taking care of others. Well ok i don't hate it, but it can ruin my fun, and its important for me to relax and have fun. There was maybe a couple of hours each day where guys and girls were completely separated. To many couples were there who wanted to hang out with each other. I just hope that Danny and Jill had fun. I had fun, but it could have been funner. Ya know? So now here i am at work and i'm not 100% yet and i have two disgusting cold sores on my face, which have already this morning been brought to my attention by co-workers. Its gonna be a great day! What's planned for the week? More work, i don't think i'll do any work at the civic this week, and a wedding on saturday. Fun times ahead!

Friday, June 03, 2005

Tomorrow...Only a day away

I will blog later in the day probably afternoon sometime about my week I promise. I have been kinda busy lately and now I have to go to bed what with school in 12 hours.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

The interconnectedness of all things

I was expecting a blog from Randy today or last night. he called me sounding all depressed that I would go out for hump day happy hour. Sorry but #1 I continue to be broke and have to save for vegas. #2 I was still getting over drinking all day on Memorial day. I don't have your regenerative powers. "The force is strong with me...but not that strong". Damn I gots a lot of Star Wars references goin on these days. I suppose once all the hype subsides I'll have room in my brain for something else. The truth is that I'm actually a bit stoked that Episode III wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Don't get me wrong it was a piece of crap but just not the decroded piece of crap I thought it was gonna be. I'm a sucker for a good lightsaber battle. back in the day we had these huge plastic lightsabers that had vents cut in the top so that when you swung them they made that signature whooshing sound. It was sweet. Anyway, back to Randy. Whats wrong dude. Was KD givin you shit? i don't doubt it. Wanna hear a coincidence? Last night I was watching A Time to Kill with Matthew McCona(however the fuck you spell it) and Ashley Judd. And then today I was watching Star Trek and who was in it? A young Ashley Judd, having a crush on a certain Wil Wheaton. Nice. Also at the same time A Time to Kill was on, also starring Samuel Jackson, Jackie Brown was on IFC starring Samuel Jackson. Also there is a white 1980 Honda Civic that has been for sale near Lauri's House forever. In the Movie Jackie Brown drives that same car. In Pulp Fiction also directed by Tarantino Bruce Willis Drives that car. In Outta Sight George Clooney drives the car. Both Jackie Brown and Out of Sight were based on books by Elmore Leonard. Who used to star in Star Trek? Leonard Nimoy. Think about that next time you think the Universe is random. (also, one time I went into Blockbuster to rent a movie and they punched my card number into the computer. They puched the wrong number in the computer but guess who's card number they did come up with...a Mr. Randy M.) The Matrix has you...

Terror Alert Level

Terror Alert Level

I found this Link and thought it was Kinda cool.

'WARNING!!' Depressing Blog!

I'm cursed! Nothing goes my way. So last night I was rubbing my lip or something and i must have made a tiny scratch cuz i got a cold sore immediatly. And then during the night i must have been thinking about my cold sore because now i have another one. That's right everyone, i have two cold sores. How is my luck so shity? Who can fucking rub there mouth and not get a bumpy blistery cold sore? Apparently everyone but me! So i was up at 4am and there wasn't anything there. Then i woke up at 6am and there it was, #2. So i got up and put some ice on it. I think that the medication i have is expired and i'm not going to go to the doctor so i'm gonna buy some Abreva. Pete uses it and it works for him. Oh and b.t.w. i gave Pete cold sores too. A gift that keeps on giving! Anyways i went to Ralphs at 7:30am but couldn't find it anywhere. That pissed me off. So i drove towards work and went to the Savon where i know exactly where it is. It cost $15 for a tiny ass stupid tube. So now here i am at work, trying to stay calm and not stress out about it so that it doesn't get bigger. I just don't understand, am i really that stressed in life that i have an ulcer and cold sores? Oh and i just remembered that today i pick up my refill prescription for my ulcer med. i really hope that its like $100, that'll really finish the day off right! there is however two good pieces of news from all this cold sore shit. I'll be in Vegas this weekend where i'll be so drunk i won't care what i look like and hey! no one will hit on me cuz i'm a herpes looking freak! The second thing is that i think i actually caught it early enough so it won't be as bad as i've had in the past and its on my lips only, as opposed to the skin above my lips. So lets see what happens. All this does however let me know that i won't win any money in Vegas, i'm just not a lucky girl.

i've got a good joke...

but ya have to read it to yerself like your from kentucky or something in a moonshine drinkin', belly scratchin', sister marryin', double-wide livin', white trash accent, okay?

"a cop pulled me over and asked me if i had been drinkin'... i said 'no, why? is there a fat chick in my backseat?'"

lol... i love that one even though i'm not a guy. and i guess it's funnier told in person. but i'll give you guys the copyrighting permission so you can tell it to your friends. oh ya- i totally stole it off of "blue collar tv" which explains the trailer park accent. i'm such a biter.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Hello everyone. I got something to so say I hate acting drunk while drinkin no alcohol. On monday i was working s tome show where I was booked as a underage drinker (I know im almost 25 but I took it anyway). So anyway they wanted us to act drunk and pantomime sounds easy but it's hard if you need to act drunk. No talkin then they said we couldn't stumble it's too loud. But thats not the thing I tried to call my hope to be agent in mid afternoon she picked up and I asked for the feedback for my workshop class. She said they said I was very good and she's decided to rep me. So I have a agent. I need to create my resume and take my pictures to some casting service. She also said I'll probably need another acting class but I think I'm gonna do some auditions before I take a 200-300 dollar class. I also asked if I could go to alaska in june and she said that's okay. But if I go monday it will only be for 2 weeks instead of the month I was planning. Then I would gpo up ther relax and come back down and attack the auditions like a madman. So I'm close to becoming who I was born to be. Also I saw THE LONGEST YARD last night with Kelly and overall it was pretty good. Funny and some cool football action. I love football movies!! So that's it I'll write more when I get more.

i seemed to have lost something...

i blogged last week on friday, i think. i was telling a joke, see? and i tried to finish it before lauri and i left for lunch but my brain wasn't cooperating. anyhow, i saved it as a draft. and that's the last i've seen of it! i can't seem to find it. where are you little blog?... any persons with information leading to the recovery of my draft will be handsomely rewarded. thank you.

My far

Lots to talk about.....where to begin, hmmm lets start with saturday shall we? Yes that's right saturday,(i know its wed). Saturday i was pissed cuz Pete had to go to work and i was gonna be bored(a single tear falls from my eye) and then i was stressing cuz i needed to get a smog check that was due very very soon. I somehow talked myself out of getting a smog check after my hair appt. but then i got mad at myself for being such a procrastinator that i went and got one later. So the smog check got done! Then i sat on my ass and watched repeat after repeat of things on saturday tv.

Sunday was rainy so that was a bummer..or was sat the rainy day? anyways, i had to work that night so that sucked cuz Tim was having a gathering that afternoon that we missed. As far as the work night went, it was interesting. Pete referred to having to write an incident report about that night. Well his boss, who i never really see, flipped out on some guys. He asked if he could help them and they said no and he got super pissed. I don't know what set him off but it was scary to watch. You almost saw the moment in his brain where he got angry. It was really weird. So the guys ended up getting kicked out even though they had tickets and everything and they called the next business day and made a fuss. So since Pete was there he had to give a report about what happened. Gotta watch what you write with that one!

So on Monday we all hung out at Pete's. It cleared up perfectly and we got some sun. I drank some beer, ate some bbq, then got super tired, then drank like eight cups of coffee, then drank some more beer, then ate mac & cheese then had a huge hot dog. My stomach was pissed at me! All night it was gurgling and gasy and then in the morning i was peeing coffee and burping hot dog. It was not ok!

Tuesday (yesterday) i dragged myself to work. It wasn't a bad day considering that Sheila isn't here to help. She's in Texas (hi Sheila, check Leslie's email) and i had to work alone. The main printer wasn't working so i couldn't print anything and neither could anyone else. And no one could fix it. I worked hard and got home only to be very lazy. I should have gone hiking but i couldn't get motivated. I decided to make some dinner instead. Then i went for a stroll, at a decent hour i might add. lol.

And now here we are at wednesday. I'm drinking some coffee and i had a doughnut. Talk about heart burn. One of my girls called in sick and the printer still isn't working. Sheila comes home tomorrow. I gotta pick her up at the airport in the afternoon. I leave for Vegas on Friday! I hope it'll be fun and rewarding. I gotta figure out my expenses tonight and get my ulcer meds refilled. Its gonna be a painful weekend otherwise. Didn't i tell everyone that if my medication was going to be that expensive i was gonna make it work hard! Believe me its working very hard!

Oh i forgot to talk about Pete and Randy walking with beer. It was not ok. You can't do that anywhere, i don't care where i live, vegas only! Randy at least put it in his pocket and you couldn't see it. Pete was showing everyone. I was so angry, i think i cussed him out a lot. But of course i think back on it now and he was only having a good time. But then when we were walking back home he brought a beer in hand again and there was a cop parked outside near my apt. I waited for Pete(he was way in the back) and he didn't have the beer anymore. I told him there was a cop right there and he said he had thrown the empty can in the bushes at the library! Do you remember that Pete? You litterer! So i was mad. Then Alex came to pick up Randy but he wouldn't get out of the car of come to my door. He called the apt. wondering where he was. I hung up on him. I thought it was rude he wasn't coming to the door. (Come to the door next time Alex). So thats it. That is my week in review. I hope you enjoyed my blog! :)