Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Note to Alex

You only have to hit the publish button once to get your ost up there. Even if it doesn't seem like it went through, it probably did. I went ahead and deleted the superfluous postings. It feels like a happy hour night to me. Something about to day says cheap wings and nachos and a pitcher of beer. Who feels the same way. Oh hey Randy a good resource for jobs is craigslist.com.
In response to Alex's post I just want to ask, what movies besides Batman and Sin City did you really feel were good this summer. I haven't seen crap this summer that I felt was very good. Hollywood is in a slump because they have totally alienated the adult audience. Everything is manufactured and reformatted so that it fits a teen audience. The only time I see movies that I feel like they were actually made for someone like me is when I go to like the Laemmle r see independent films.
I had this enormous posting in the works about our half dome hike, but I'm abandoning it, I think Lauri summed it up well by saying it kicked our friggin asses. I will say that it sparks a mix of emotions. Fear before the summit, elation after the summit, and then almost pure pain and exhaustion on the way down. Its been along time since I've felt that utterly spent. I also want to say this, "ITS A FRIGGIN WALL!!" I've never read any guide book that actually describes half dome as "a FRIGGIN ROCK WALL!" I think any guide book that describes the half dome hike should either be titled "FRIGGIN ROCK WALL" or end witht he phrase "oh by the way this hike ends with a FRIGGIN ROCK WALL!!" I also want to say that without Lauri there I would have quit at the sight of the friigin rock wall.


Randy said...

I feel the same way

Randy said...
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