Wednesday, June 22, 2005

A voice from the Past

So as most people who know me know there was this girl I was dating at the end of last year. Well after I came home from Alaska for Christmas I never heard from her again. Until today that is. This morning around 11 or so, Cynthia called me. You can only manage to comprehend my astonishment to speak to a girl that I hadn't talked to in over 6 months and had basically forgotten about. She told me she had had some medical issues and had been in the hospital for these past months, I won't be discussing the issues here what with confidentiality and all and that she didn't want to be a burden to anyone while she was going through this. I gave her a fairly hard time for not calling at all and at least letting me know she was alive. But in the end we just talked for about 2 hours about what we had been up to and what not. We did not get back together or anything. I don't really know where we stand I know it is impossible to just pick up where we left off. So I am just going to go with the flow and see what happens.
This does not affect my new vow in any way. I will be sticking to my guns and not wavering.
Anyway so last night my brother came home from Alaska and I was no longer alone, whihc I kinda miss, sort of. So taoday he has all this stuff to do, whatever.
I am waiting here for Shiela's blog because it is already almost 2 and not a single peep from her. I really think she should come out tonight to Hump Day Happy Hour. It is good to get out of the house occasionally. Well I don't really have too much to talk about today at this point. I just wanted to let you know what was going on so far today. Holla Back!

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