Monday, June 20, 2005


but as you know, i can't commit to anything. i'd love to say 'sure', but i may have a different attitude come wednesday. i hate that about myself. so even though my answer is lame, it has to stand. and that is, "we'll see". sounds like fun.

my weekend was gay sauce! i dogsat for megan while her and her hubby were up in oakland. didn't even leave the house once! not once! i watched television, played with benny (their pooch), and watered their newly planted plants. then i woke up on sunday and did it all over again. my weekends are generally lame though so i don't know what i expected. another one bites the dust!

i've been running around like a lunatic at work today. it sux without lauri here :( half and hour to go and i'll be home... watching the boob tube. i need a boyfriend. oh and as far as your blog on celibacy randy, that's your nine month draught talking. don't listen.


Randy said...

You should make it a point to hang out with us a lot more than you do. We are AWESOME!

Pete said...

He is Awesome despite how his blogs read.