Monday, June 20, 2005

Virginity in 2005

So I just finished reading Rolling Stone. I am resisting the tempting glow of TV by doing other things. I read the most interesting article about how young adults are saving themselves for marriage. It was quite thought provoking.
While reading the article I reflected on my past experiences and had what alcoholics refer to as a "moment of clarity". All my relationships were great before sex and seemingly went down after that. Now while that could mean something I would rather not get into, I think that what it really means is unless there is a spiritual connection there between you when you decide to have sex. The relationship will not last long. These people not having sex may have something there. They choose to not just fuck but rather to wait until they have a meaningful connection. Now I am not saying you have to be married to have a connection, I know people who are not marries but couldn't be happier. All I am saying is that as far as I go.
I am giving serious thought to swearing off sex until marriage. I don't see why not, I am not getting any right now and it has been 9 months already and while sometimes I might talk about it like I am dying for it. In all actuality I don't miss it too much. I know every single one of you reading this thinks I am full of shit and I can't live without sex. You are entitled to your opinions and I haven't said for sure I am going to do this. But the more and more I think about it, can it really be a bad thing??

1 comment:

Randy said...

That's hurtful