Thursday, June 09, 2005


So I had promised to post after my meeting on Tuesday, but chose to watch TV and drink beer instead. Can you blame me? Anyway the meeting went well she was super cute and we had a good time exchanging stories. I don't remember if I mentioned this or not in the last post but her cutoff age was 26. I knew this but I figured I can make her change her mind.
Unfortunately as I found out the next day even though we got along really well according to her she thought down the road things would change and it could become weird. So I said it's okay and what not, you know played the role I have played so many times. I was bummed though I will not lie. We are friends though, we still talk online so anyway.
Now in regards to 2 comments I received on the blog. One from Pete and one from Tim.
Pete's comment was about me dating more Internet chicks than anyone else he knows. I admit I have gone out with more Internet girls than anyone else I know of. I just have 1 question and 1 comment for Pete.
1. If not online where? I don't go out to find chicks...ever.
2. My luck with non-Internet girls ain't that great either.
I love you though Pete you are right I do go out with the Internet chicks. I can't help it on the computer through IM and email I got skills. In the real world not so much. Oh well, moving on.
Now Tim's comment in response to my blog about my week was nobody really cares about what I did because I am boring. I am definitely not the most exciting person in the world not by a fucking longshot. But for some one to call you boring is kinda harsh. But it's Tim and if nothing else Tim states his opinion regardless if you want to hear it or not. I am adding that when created, the point of this blog was just to go over our days and what we did when not working as well as random opinions on pop culture and shit.
Anyway this is just a random post when I have something more interesting to say I will come back on because I wouldn't want to bore somebody. God NO!


Anonymous said...

yo yo yo randy moe whats the fuck up wit you. did you get my last comment hope you liked it. by the way man don't sweat it we'll find you a nice little peace of ass. oh by the way to all the rest of you blog heads randys party is coming up so get your party shoes on bitches.

PS fears the JDS slut. they'll drop a duece on your face

Pete said...

You just go right on bloggin about whatever the fucks you feel like bloggin about. Thats what this space is for. And I wasn't tryin to dis about the internet chicks I was just commenting. If I was chattin with a girl online and she said "lets meet", I would think she wanted to slit my throat or something. What did that bitch mean "it would be weird" was she like 17 or something.

Lauri said...

Sorry the girl didn't work out Randy. My advice though is don't even bother talking to her still, you have plenty of friends. You don't need to talk to "weird" girls.