Thursday, June 02, 2005

'WARNING!!' Depressing Blog!

I'm cursed! Nothing goes my way. So last night I was rubbing my lip or something and i must have made a tiny scratch cuz i got a cold sore immediatly. And then during the night i must have been thinking about my cold sore because now i have another one. That's right everyone, i have two cold sores. How is my luck so shity? Who can fucking rub there mouth and not get a bumpy blistery cold sore? Apparently everyone but me! So i was up at 4am and there wasn't anything there. Then i woke up at 6am and there it was, #2. So i got up and put some ice on it. I think that the medication i have is expired and i'm not going to go to the doctor so i'm gonna buy some Abreva. Pete uses it and it works for him. Oh and b.t.w. i gave Pete cold sores too. A gift that keeps on giving! Anyways i went to Ralphs at 7:30am but couldn't find it anywhere. That pissed me off. So i drove towards work and went to the Savon where i know exactly where it is. It cost $15 for a tiny ass stupid tube. So now here i am at work, trying to stay calm and not stress out about it so that it doesn't get bigger. I just don't understand, am i really that stressed in life that i have an ulcer and cold sores? Oh and i just remembered that today i pick up my refill prescription for my ulcer med. i really hope that its like $100, that'll really finish the day off right! there is however two good pieces of news from all this cold sore shit. I'll be in Vegas this weekend where i'll be so drunk i won't care what i look like and hey! no one will hit on me cuz i'm a herpes looking freak! The second thing is that i think i actually caught it early enough so it won't be as bad as i've had in the past and its on my lips only, as opposed to the skin above my lips. So lets see what happens. All this does however let me know that i won't win any money in Vegas, i'm just not a lucky girl.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Damn that was hella depressing. i just remembered we forgot the play bouncy bouncy with the tennis ball on memorial day.