Friday, September 30, 2005

Peter Peter Oh where is Peter

Get a fucking cell phone you 1980s reject

Ode to Randy and Alex

You know how I know you guys are gay? You drink diet Dr. Pepper.

Alex will get this, Randy will not.

I have not yet begun to defile myself.

Just wanted to give an old pat on the back to my boy Randeezy, for having a few (more than a few?) much needed beers after work last night even though he had to get up at like 5 the next morning. Hope you made it to work. I might have called in sick cause I was FUCKED up. As a side note: Does any one know where Randy's dominoes are?
Hey Randy and Alex remembr this? "I'm sorry John , you're going to have to run again...Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnn!"

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

ahoy mateys!

let me just say this- cruises kick ass. i had an outstanding time. i met awesome people, got drunk and partied every night, spent the days by the pool listening to live reggae music, and ate tons of amazing food in between times. it's like vegas out to sea- except you only ever have to pay for drinks and there's someone waiting on you everywhere you go. the downside: it literally took me three days to recover. i probably slept a total of 12 hours the entire length of the cruise so when i got home on friday, i was down for the count. and my sea legs had me swaying and stumbling around like a drunkard. i still feel the need to eat everything in sight and no one makes my bed for me anymore :( megan got our pictures developed so i'll get to see those tomorrow night. they'll probably be half incriminating and half hysterical. and after a rigorous screening process, i'll share them with you guys.

but it's back to reality. i've come to terms with the fact that i don't get another day off until thanksgiving. that's brutal. i promise to post more often. bye for now...

I blog too!

I've once again noticed that Pete is the only one who blogs, regularly anyways. Sheila is no where to be found. I turn around in my desk and tell her to blog something but she still doesn't. Tim is super gone too. Alex, well i just didn't count him in in the begining. Randy is busy now, but he does find time to blog now and again. My excuse? Well my days are so repetitive its sad. I'm already bored with life, why should i bore you all. I have been so freakin tired lately that i start falling asleep at 9pm and i can barely wake up at 8am. I'm so bored with my days that its putting me to sleep. But anyways...

Last night Pete and I went to our favorite hang out for dinner. It was cool. Saw some people we know working. Tim, Tom, Katie. After dinner we went back to my place and hung out. Not an exciting evening. Don't you ever wonder what other people do at home? Like after work or on the weekends? I'm sure those people with homes are doing something, i mean it takes time to go to another room. If you live in an apartment though, the space is limited. I'm just rambling now.

I worked the BET Awards thing this past weekend. I had bought a suit to wear for this season at the civic. I've been a bit pressured. Anyways, i looked good. I got asked out once and men were introducing themselves to me, for no reason at all. So i was flattered. :) I was wearing some bad shoes though and i thought my feet were going to fall off. Girls know the feeling, but guys, just imagine your feet hurting from a long day and add standing on your toes to that. Yes, its painful. There's a price to pay for fashion. Now i'm searching for a new pair of shoes cuz i gotta work this weekend. Ahh the second job. Why have one you ask? i'm a money whore. I like having money. I never really spend it, and yet there isn't any money in my account either. i think there are evil money elves taking my money at night.

I'd like to give a couple of shout-outs to my homies before i end this blog:

Sheila: Your much more relaxed from your vacation, i can tell. Good to have you back!
Randy: I can't wait to see you graduate on Saturday, your all grown up...i am still invited right?
Tim: Sorry i still have your steak knives, i'll bring them back, i swear. Oh and i think its cool that you went and said hi to Marcos.
Jeff: Tell me more about your face-painting skills.
Alex: You haven't blogged in forever, i know you got some stories. Blog about your feelings about your parents being in town or something.
Pete: hey sexy ;) call me!
Amanda: We should hang out more. A girls night or something.
All others who read this: Comment, please. :)

Oh and another thing. What's up with this new thing where we have to type the word in? The verification. I know what its for but it should be stopping all the anonymous crap we've been getting lately on our comments. I think i even noticed that Amanda has a block on anonomous comments but she still gets them. Oh well i guess. So thats all from me for now. Sorry its a bunch of total nonsense. I'll make sure Sheila blogs something more interesting and funny today. thanks for reading!

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Yeah? Well I've done some stuff too.

I'm back again. Again with not much to say. Just killing time until the First installment of Cosmos with Carl Sagan comes on at 1am. The book changed my life and Discovery Science channel is rebraodcasting the PBS series with updated animation. It played three times today 6pm, 9pm, and 1am. I was gonna watch the one at 6, but Lauri got all hurt that I wasn't gonna be there when she got home. And I couldn't watch the one at 9 because I had to watch the second part of the Dylan documentry. So Im just waiting for 1am to roll around so i can watch TV til 3am and then get up at 8. Thems the breaks, I've been wanting to see this thing for years. I could buy the DVD but its like $100. By the way, this will be the extent of my fall TV watching. I hate postponing activities to watch shows on TV. I was planning on watching Lost this season, but since Randy "mistakenly" deleted the season premiere, I have completely Lost interest. Ha! did you see what I did just there? I played with the title. Guess Tim's not the only wordsmith in the family. By the way, the wordsmith didn't make an appearance at San Clemente this year. Perhaps the sly tongue was supressed by the endless flow of Seagram's 7. Perhaps no one could keep up with the Lyrical stylings of...well, a certain girl whose intelligence is surpassed only by a tree maybe. See? you like that? I've been speaking in code so people won't get offended. The names have been changed to protect the insanely stupid.
Did you guys hear that Don Adams died? He's the guy that played Maxwell Smart on Get Smart. Remember? the shoe phone? the cone of silence? He was also the voice of Inspector Gadget, unless I'm much mistaken. Remember his sidekick agent 99. HOT. I only saw it in reruns of course.

Ramble On...

I was just thinking about going to bed, or at least lying in bed, maybe listen to some music. I was just watching that Bob Dylan documentry by Martin Scorcese on PBS. I found three new Dylan Songs to Download so that was pretty sweet. Anyway, I just felt like writing first. This promises to be one of those stream of consciousness type posts so watch out. So old Vanessa asked about me does she? She was good people. It was because of her that I made a sort of strange life decision. See we used to hang out on a fairly regular basis at one point. Eventually, it became less so. No other reason than that we were both busy, she lived out at UCLA, I lived in Pasadena. Then it became phone calls every few months: "Hey how you doing? good good. Whats new. Nothing much. We should get together some time. totally. I'll be at this particular place at this particular time next saturday, you should come around. Yeah I'll see if I can make it."
Attempts were made. Attempts failed. Finally, I thought: enough. Things happen , people grow apart. The friendship is no longer viable. Let it die. So I did. I let alot of old aquaintances fall by the wayside. I felt guilty for a while, but I also felt like the energy I had been putting into them would be better spent on cultivating closer freindships with a smaller group of people.
Maybe this is all a part of growing up and people don't really think about it. But it was something I did consciously.
Right now, I'm listening to the Dylan original of All along the Watchtower. I first heard that song on the U2 album Rattle and Hum. I found out there was another version of the song when I read the graphic novel called the Watchmen. In it a quote from the song is attributed to Jimi Hendrix. For a long time the Hendrix version was definitive for me. Until one day I was perusing the CD booklet of my Hendrix CD and noticed that the writing credits for the song were attributed to Bob Dylan. This was before the days of Napster where you could download anysong you were curious about. And since I was really into Dylan then I let it go. After an intensive Hendrix phase, I kind of forgot about the song. I never actually heard the Dylan version until I started using iTunes. I thought I wouldn't like it because I liked the Hendrix version so much. But once I heard it... I can't even listen to the Hendrix version anymore. The Dylan version is DEFINITIVE. I'm actaully stunned that so many have had the audacity to cover it.
I have the whole day off tommorow. Its weird, I went from having way to much time on my hands this summer to a 6-7 day routine of school and work. Feast or Famine. Anyway, I think if it doesn't rain, I'm gonna go for a nice long walk. Maybe not a hike, just a walkabout.
Thats all for now.

Monday, September 26, 2005

I am sick

Hey everyone it's me Randy and I am sick. Not like in the head or anything I just have a cold that is kicking my ass. Of course if I probably hadn't drank so much on Friday and Saturday I would be feeling better. But what's done is done no using crying over spilt milk, right?
So Friday was my birthday I worked and then I went out and drank a lot. A barstool knocked me down. It was comical. Overall the night was good even though my brother didn't hang out with me on my birthday I still had a good time getting seriously inebriated with my friends. YAY!!!
Saturday was my high-school reunion. Again I drank a lot. No barstools knocked me over this time. So I was really kind of nervous about going because I am 28 years old and really don't have too much to brag about, but I was like fuck it. So before I left my house I had 2 Miller Lites pretty much downed them in a row. Then once I got to the hotel it was like 8PM and that was when dinner was being served and even though I had paid for a dinner I was like no way am I eating some piece of shit dinner with all these people I don't even want to be around. So I posted in the bar and started drinking there. I had had 5 beers by the time I decided it would be safe to go down and not have to worry about shit food and fake conversation.
I was right mostly everybody was done eating and the people I knew were happy to see me. There was Jenny Boxley(married), Rachel Ronning(married), Mark Wurtemberg(married), Anyone else sensing a trend here. Linda Kotzot(married), Eileen Banuelos(married), Joel Goodwin(engaged), Vanessa Alquijay(not married, I think). Finally anyway as you can see the vast majority of people I had known were now attached to their significant other. Also not many people still lived here in Pasadena or outlying areas. Most were San Diegans now or somewhere north. Interesting, I thought.
So I hooked up with nobody but while downstais probably had a good more 5 or 6 beers I lost count. Pete the only person who mentioned you was Vanessa. Sorry. Maybe the others thought we weren't friends anymore but who cares. Vanessa was looking hot... though not a hot as your wonderful girlfriend Lauri of course but hot nonetheless. After the reunion some of them were going to Carmine's so I drove to Carmine's to preserve this night. I probably shouldn't have been driving anywhere but what was I gonna do. Anyway we hung out there for a while shooting the shit havinf a few laughs smoking some cigarettes all and all not a bad time. In the end however the night had to end afterall I was destined to workj the next day and already feeling not too good I politely excused myself and drove home to the sounds of Weezer and the wind blowing in my face.
I was pleasantly surprised with the evening. I had been dreading it in the days leading up to it not really wanting to see these people who in all honesty didn't care too much about me back then and at least not as much now. I guess the lesson is as follows and listen well my friends:
  • Beer can make even the most uncomfortable and dreadful situation, highly comfortable and actually even fun sometimes.
Of course the members of the Class of 95 who were there probably think I am an alcoholic but ask me if I care?

A Plea

Randy. Write a post about the high school re-union. I want to know who you ended up hooking up with and how many thought of me longingly. Ummmm...Thats all. please somebody write something. I need stimuli. I am of the MTV generation. Without constant media bombardment I start to have frightening thoughts about my life.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

"This is not The Greatest Song in the World (this is just a tribute)"

Every labor day weekend, KLOS 95.5 had (I don't know if they still do) a countdown of the 500 greatest "Classic" Rock songs. Although the order sometimes varied, the top three were inevitably:
Led Zeppelin- Stairway to Heaven
Pink Floyd - Comfortably Numb
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

I don't know man. No doubt these are three great songs...but the best? I mean, have you ever put Stairway on at a party? Talk about buzzkill. Same goes for comfortably numb. Freebird is a little more upbeat, but have you noticed how the last 5minutes of the song is like the same repetitive guitar solo?
How do you judge that sort of thing? Shouldn't a great Rock song be one you can listen to anytime and not just when you're "in the mood"?

There are those that say that Dylan's like a Rolling Stone is the greatest Rock song ever written. One dude even wrote a book about that one song. But the thing with Dylan is that you either love him or you can't stand his voice.

This post is not going to attempt to name the greatest Rock song, by the way, so don't get hopes up. I will enter some suggestions that might be better than the KLOS big three.
Magic Carpet Ride- Steppenwolf
We rocked this song at 12am at a new years eve party once. And the room fuckin exploded. Its just a kick ass Rock song that you don't have to be sad or happy to listen to, it just rocks.
Fortunate Son- CCR
I know you're saying this song is way played out in movies and on the Radio..BUT. Consider the theme of the song and how appropriate it was (and now is) to the Vietnam era. Its a populist song about how the poor are sent to fight. Now that I think of it System of a Down BYOB is a direct descendant of Fortunate Son.
Voodoo Chile - Jimi Hendrix
Have you ever listened closely to the opening of this song. It starts out soft with this funky guitar riff. It slowly adds this little symbol rattle. Then come the...What do you call those shaker things?...I don't know. But then whole things just blows up. Listen to it on headphones once and hear how Jimi's guitar wanders from one headphone to the other. The lyrics are simple and wierd, but then there's that one line..."If I don't see you no more in this world/ I'll meet you in the next one/ and don't be late.

Anyway, those are just suggestions. Let me hear your suggestions for the greatest Rock songs of all time. And they don't have to be classic Rock. They just have to be good.

Friday, September 23, 2005

The phone won't ring

Hey everybody what's goin on? Right now it is 9PM here at work and you all are either in the process of getting drunk or about to start getting drunk. Jealous I am. So it's my birthday and I am at work but it's all good cause after this I am getting wasted, no joke people, I am going to drink. To borrow some words from the immortal Peter Griffin, "Let's drink till we can't feel feelings anymore." My sentiments exactly.
So I just got off the phone with a girl who is the manager of the Ventura store. I was on the phone with her but about 40 minutes or so. It was a problem I could have fixed in like 5-10 minutes but I was just getting so wrapped up in the conversation with her I would occassionally forget what it was I was doing. Anyway she was really cool and she wants me to come visit her store. Although I don't know I mean Ventura is far and it would almost be like a blind date plus I can't like accidentally walk into a womens clothing store. I would be instantly recognizable. Anyway...I digress. So I don't know that is really the only contact I have had with a human being tonight. Kristian is here but he is ghosting drives or something.
What parents are coming into town on Wednesday night for my graduation on Saturday morning. Next week I actually have 2 days off, and they are drumroll please... Friday and Saturday. Pretty cool. So yeah they sent me a gift but I guess they forgot to put the apt# on. So UPS said I won't get it till Monday. Bastards. UPS not my parents. Anyway it'll be nice to see my parents and what not.
Ok I don't really have anything right now left to talk about and I only have like 40 minutes left. So I just have to tough it out, go back to reading my book and prepare myself for some serious debauchery later this evening. Alright you fools have fun drinking without me for now. I will see you soon!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2005

The Music that finds you

The cool thing about music is how you can hear music in a different way when someone you know turns you onto something. And consider the difference between listening to music and really HEARING music. For instance:

I start really hearing 2pac until that time at camping when we were driving around in Emily's Explorer. Blaring All eyez on Me.

I was never really interested in Blue Oyster Cult's Don't Fear the Reaper until Amanda has said she'd been listening to it a lot. I listened to the lyrics and finally HEARD them.

I had no idea about Jurassic 5 or Gangstarr until I met Dave.

Last summer at the Ford I was talking about Dropkick Murphy's (Who Emily turned me on to) with a girl that worked there. She said I should check out a band called Flogging Molly. Best group I've discovered in years.
Owen turned me on to a song called Where is my Mind by the Pixies that I've been listening to a lot.

My dad turned me on to Creedence and Bob Dylan.

My uncle turned me on to Led Zeppelin.

A lot of music I find comes from movies.

I don't know, its just cool thats all.


This is my favorite Literary passage ever. Its Steinbeck from Cannery Row.

"It has always seemed strange to me," said Doc. "The things we admire in men, kindness and generosity, openess, honesty, understanding and feeling are the concomitants of failure in our system. And those traits we detest, sharpness, greed, aquisitiveness, meanness, egotism and self-interest are the traits of success. And while men admire the quality of the first they love the produce of the second."
"Who wants to be good if he has to be hungry too?" said Richard Frost.

I know its a bit preachy and socialist...but damn if it ain't truthful.

In the Beginning...

In the beggining there were tapes. And it was bad. The first tape I remember buying was Warrant. Not Cherry Pie but thier first album When I realized there was swearing on the tape and that alot of the songs were about dirty nasty sex, I felt I had to hide it from my parents. I'd listen n secret in my room. Once, I bought a Social Distortion tape and It got eaten before I could play it. I bought another copy a few weeks later, it also got eaten after a short while, by a different radio. There was a time when I had a pretty extensive tape collection. I held on the the whole tape thing way past its prime. I even joined Columbia House once and got my ten free albums on Tape format. Where are they now? No Idea. Would I like to have them as CD's Now? Yes. But at the time I figured that CD players, especially car CD players were too expensive. I was still buying tapes when Weezer's blue album came out. My first copy of 40oz. to Freedom was on tape. (The tape had an extra track) When I finally got a stereo that played CD's though...I was an instant believer. No more rewinding, fast forwarding, fipping, or eaten tapes? I'm sold. However, I was still using tapes to make Mixed tapes. After all, what were you going to listen to in the car? I had a passion for mixed tapes. And that was BEFORE High Fidelity came out. I prided myself on arrangement. This was after the invention of the consumer CD writer, but before reasonable people could afford them. It was also before the biggest revolution in Music History: Napster.
Napster changed everything. All of a sudden you could have any music, practically any soundbite or even movie quote you ever wanted, at the click of a button. Over were the days of buying a CD for one song. The mixed CD replaced the mixed tape. I don't think I bought one CD during the whole Napster thing. Did I have ethics issues with Napster? Not really. The stuff I was downloading was mostly stuff from the 60's and 70's. The artists were either dead or no longer collecting royalties. Plus I thought of it as a natural selection sort of thing. Those who put out bad albums with one good song, got downloaded. I wouldn't have had a problem going out and buying a CD with 3-4 good songs downloading took too long back then anyway. In my mind Napster would change the music industry for the better. Well, the music industry changed, but not necessarily for the better. I don't think pop albums have gotten an better. Anyway, when the RIAA began suing File sharing users (Thank you Lars Ulrich) I deleted all my files and stopped downloading. I went back to CD's. I think the only good CD I bought during that period was Chili Pepper's By The Way.
Then came iPods and iTunes. You can do the same thing as with Napster, only now its legal and it costs money. Still, a buck a song ain't too shabby and you have the freedom to do what you want with it, like write it to a CD. I knew when the iPod came out that mixed CD's were obsolete. They've gone the way of the Blank tape. Now I can take my entire CD collection on a hike with me and with the touch of a button go from Beethoven to 2pac.
My iPod is like the soundtrack to my life. I have 550 songs currently. Music to fit any mood. I listen in the car, I listen at work, and I listen when I walk to class or to Lauri's. I surround myself with Music.
Then next step will be the iPlant. They will implant a player into your eardrum and the controls will be in your ocular nerves. you just look a what you want to play and it plays in your head. No more hard drives, they will just use your brain's storage capacity. Most of the music is still gonna suck though.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

T-minus 1 hour

That title more or less sums up the way I feel right now. I am counting down the minutes till I can relax and then get tore up from the floor up. YEAH BOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYY!!
Anyway I am sitting at my desk blogging again due to the aparent fact that I have nothing to do. What am I supposeed to do? Get up and walk around. Not so much there is nothing to see here that I haven't seen already besides all the hotties who work here are gone. So nothing to even stare at. Oh well...
45 minutes and counting, I have been trolling the blogs trying to find inspiration alas I find nothing. Blogs are an interesting phenomena. I have never seen so many people pour out their souls to total strangers. Some of the things I read I am like, Wow I would never tell anybody that not even my closest friends. But I guess the fact that in all likelihood you will never meet these people make it easy to drop your guard and let it all out. I can't do that but that's just me.
Funny how this blog started out as a means to chronicle our everyday existence outside the rat race and now 3 of the members have a everyday regular job (4 if you count my brother). He has been working everyday lately. So now instead of talking about sitting around all day playing PS2 games or watching movies. I sit late at work commenting on how bored I am. I guess I shouldn't complain I mena I am basically getting paid to sit here and blog. Crazy.
Pete called me this morning and asked me if I was working. I was of course. But it struck me that before I had my job, today would have been an ideal day to hang out. But now that I have to work I can't just hang out. I mean if I hadn't requested Saturday off I would be working seven days again this week with no day off in sight. That just blows my mind.
Well what are you going to do again? You gotta make paper in this world. Well at least my boy Pete can carry on the banner of living outside the rat race for now. Tim could too but Tim never posts only comments. So Pete start posting some of your wild adventures on here so I can live vicariously through you.
That's it I gotta stop I am starting to ramble, 30 minutes and counting. Well all my little blogger friends if I don't see you tonight then have a good night and I will catch you on the flipside.

Oh Boy

This turning into a bad habit. Blogging when I have nothing to do at work. Oh well moving right along. Today is Wednesday and as everybody knows Wednesday is Happy Hour Day. I am so glad to have something in the middle of the week to look forward to. I know that I could drink at home or whatever but knowing that friends will be at The Crown drinking with me just is awesome.
Well let's see what is going on...since I last blogged not a whole hell of a lot. Wow that was kind of depressing.
I am starting to second guess this whole reunion thing. I don't know if seeing a bunch of people who really meant nothing to me is such a good way to spend my Saturday night. The only thing in could inevitable lead to is remembering high school and that wasn't exactly the best of times in my otherwise kick-ass life. Like I said yesterday though open bar. So all I can say is they better have a lot of alcohol on hand.
What case anybody was wondering I have worked 13 days in a row so far. By Saturday the number will have reached 15. Wow I never thought I would have to work that many days consecutively ever. Oh well I am making decent money so that makes it all worthwhile.
Well, well, well...I am going to go ahead and exit because I really have nothing to talk about and am just rambling. So I can almost guarantee this will be a night of two posts yet again because...well you know why.

The Height of Vanity

This is me showing off my new beard. I'm quite proud of it. Yes, I'm very vain.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Two posts in an hour?

Yes ladies and gentelmen after not posting for probably a good month or more I now have two posts in under an hour. Chalk it up to boredom in the workplace.
I can't think of anything to write about...Ok I will talk a little about my job until something better strikes me.
No wait I better not I started writing about where I work and then remebered this article I read in US News and World Report. These employees were blogging about their job and when their employers found out they got fired. Not all of it was bad either. So I am just going to steer clear of that cause I actually enjoy my job and dono't want to lose it.
What else...? My birthday is on Friday. Not really a big deal I know. I am going to be 28. An old man. I have to work here from 1-10PM on my birthday but just in case you missed it earlier (i.e. last blog) I am still going to party hard even if I am by myself. Which I know I won't be becasue I have super friends.
On Oct.1 I walk across a stage and officially graduate from college. I mean it had kind of lost all its luster since I havea job and what not but it should be cool. It will be a reason to have a drink or two or three or four, etc.
Well I have wasted a good 20 minutes so I will sign off now and twiddle my thumbs for a half-hour waiting to leave.
Be good you crazy kids and remember the Force will be with you.

What to do...

So what's happening people? I am just sitting here at work with right now oddly nothing to do. The phones aren't ringing and nobody is left in the building except for Kristian and myself. Kristian is a guy who I work with in IT. I usually would have some case work to finish up but alas I have finished all I can do today. So here I am blogging at work and I feel guilty about it.
Well not much has been going on with me lately just working. I started Friday Sept. 9th and haven't had a day off since and wouldn't have a day off this week if I hadn't asked for Saturday off. The reason I asked for Saturday off are two-fold.
  1. I asked for Saturday because Friday is my birthday and after I get off work I plan on getting completely trashed. So I figured I better get Saturday off for that reason.
  2. I asked for Saturday off because that night is my 10 year High School Reunion.
Now I know what you are thingking why on Earth would I possibly want to go to my high school reunion. Unfortunately I can't answer that question. I am almost sure it will suck, I will ineveitably see people I didn't like then and still don't like now. I am holding out hope that there will at least be one or two people there that I can converse with. I believe it is an open bar as well so if all else fails I can get hammered.
I tried to get Pete to come over yesterday but I guess in between killing baby tarantulas and the thunderstorms he forgot or just didn't want to come over either way it's cool.
I will be at the Crown on Wednesday for Happy Hour so I expect to see at least a few people there. I don't have to work till 1PM the next day so i will be getting my drink on. I want to down a beer and see what it does to my mind.
Well anyway I am going to get going; however, if it stays like this though there is a good chance I will blog later on tonight. What can I say? I get bored easily...

wild night

I'm very tired this morning cuz i was up most of the night enjoying the thunder and lightening storm. The people here at work who do nothing all day are talking about it right now. I don't think it was that interesting to be talking about it around the water cooler this morning, but then again i'm typing about it, so...
Then i was all upset last night cuz as i was going to bed i glanced to see a horrible spider above my bed. Pete had just left so i was freaking out. Usually i can take care of a spider but this was a huge, nasty, frightening spider. It was a baby tarantula, i swear. So i called Pete and told him he needed to come back to my house and take the spider out of my room. He thought i was being ridiculous of course, i can't blame him. Well he did come back and he got the spider out. My hero!!
After over sleeping this morning i was slowed down by a couple of obstacles. There's this house on the way down to the freeway that's been for sale for a while now. It looks like a fixer-upper, very ranch style and a clean slate to work with. I like checking out houses that are being fixed up cuz i enjoy the "before and after" results. Well anyway, it burned down. I was delayed by fire trucks and traffic being directed. It was very sad. Maybe lightening? I'll never know.
Then as i was getting off the freeway the news was talking about power outages. Man i was hoping that my work would not have power this morning and we were all sent back home. As i drove down the street the street lights were blinking, kinda of a good sign, but they were still on though. So i get to work and everything is normal. Ah crap!! So begins my day.
Sheila isn't here this week. She's on her sweet cruise. Now if she's to arrive in Ensenada on Thursday, will she be affected by Hurricane Max off of Baja? I wonder.
Ok i think i'll drink some coffee now and get to work. I hope to see others blogging this week. No one has been blogging for a while now, and this goes to Jeff and Amanda too. I like reading your blogs. OK bye.

Friday, September 16, 2005

"beer and sausage"

We're back from camping! I'm a bit sad now because i don't have any other exciting plans for the rest of the year. Now all i have looking forward to is the weekends.

Tonight i'm going to a church function. I'm not a big church go'er but if they provide some beer i'm so there. Its a sausage and beer bash. we get to eat big sausage sandwiches with grilled peppers, onions, and sauerkraut. It should be fun.

Nothing planned for the weekend so far. Just a hair appointment. I'm still super tired from the camping experience. I can't catch up on my sleep. Plus its been so dark and gloomy in the mornings these days that its hard to get up.

Pete and I are starting to become addicted to LOST. Its an interesting show, kinda slow at times. I just want answers. Lets see what else.

Oh, Sheila talked to Marcos (our machanic friend) and it looks like his shop will be opening soon. So all our car problems will be taken care of very soon.

I don't think i have much more to talk about, its been a short week here at work so i didn't get angry. Have a great weekend everyone and i hope to see all of you during it.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Getting Bucked up at the Fuckineer

I don't have a whole lot to say. But as it turns out a few new people seem ti be hip to the blog so a big hello and welcome to Emily, Owen, and Amy. And Whitney who posted a comment. Thanks for stopping by.
I didn't so much tonight except for the late night hump day happy hour at the Crown. We went to the Buckineer tonight which was a bit out of character for me. I had a good time, winning at Darts twice thanks to Lynlee's sound leadership.
Randy made it out tonight despite a busier work schedule than I think he's ever expericened in his life. I really appreciate the effort, because I know there are those that get gainful employment and dissapear off the face of the Earth. I knew that wasn't Randy's personality but I'm glad to have my beliefs confirmed.
I closed down the Buck with Owen and Emily, listening to some music we put on. Its a strange feeling closing down a bar with someone. Its like getting to the top of Everest. Well maybe not Everest, but its an accomplishement isn't it, if you can close down a bar and make it home of your own accord. It means you have managed your shit properly and gotten the most our your drinking experience.
Thats all for now. I'm off to make a killer's CD for Emily and a best of CCR CD for the both of them and who knows maybe a new Road CD for their Travels.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Just saying HI

hey everybody it's Randy it is like 8:35PM here at work and I have nothing to do so I am just stopping to say HI. I am still alive I am glad everyone had a great time at San Clemente camping. I was at work...major bummer. Oh well guess I have to make money somehow right. Anyway like I said I don't want to take up to much time because I am at work and i could probably be doing something. I just wanted to let you all know I am doing well. EXIT Stage right.

Don't Shit in Your RV and other Life Lessons.

What can you say about camping? Good weather. Bad waves. Good times. More importantly learned several important lessons. I learned that the Giant Anteater from the Pleistocene Era is not a dinosaur. (nor did exist in the Pleistocene or look anything like I thought it did, but I digress.) I learned never to laugh at kids even when they refer to thier penises as "Mr. Peepers". I learned that under no circumstances should you shit in your RV. (Although there was some controversy over this point.) I learned that England is not, in fact, part of London but indeed the other way around and that England is part of a place called the United Kingdom consisting of several countries ( I actually knew all this but I'm saying that I learned it because the person who should have learned it probably didn't and I don't want the learning to go to waste.) Including a region known to some as "Old" South Wales but to its inhabitants as just South Wales. I learned that despite warnings on the bottle to the contrary beer and vicodin can be quite pleasant.
Some of you are scratching your heads right now at this load of Goobledegook. To those I say: Come camping next time and you'll be in on the joke. Just Remember this: Don't shit in your RV!

Monday, September 12, 2005

hello? ello.. llo.. lo.. o...


Wednesday, September 07, 2005

it's true.

this blog is taking a dinner night-ish turn. abandoned by it's creators. but i'll have to quote a guy who took the words right out of my mouth when he said, "does anybody really miss me and my uninteresting life? i think not"- randy moe. that's totally why i haven't posted anything lately. that and the fact that my computer here at work only connects to the server for ten minutes at a time. when this other lady in the front office is signed on. and if the moon is perfectly aligned with jupiter. during a leap year.

you lucky ducks are going camping tomorrow! i'll be here slaving away (yeah, right). this week has been dead. all i have to do is suffer through the next twelve days and then "bon voyage!" i'm setting sail. unfortunately it's the very same cruise ship that killed three crew members with methane gas poisoning last friday. hm...

pete, sorry to hear about your dental issues. root canals are no fun. per your request, i won't share the story of mine.

okay all you dudes and dudettes, have fun in san clemente.

I'm here!

Hello everyone, I'm sorry I haven't blogged in a long time. Let's see were did I leave off...oh man, looking back at past blogs I've seen a trend. Pete's right, not a single other person has blogged but him! I'm so very sorry Pete. Let's get started then shall we?

I'm pretty much over the whole Hurricane Katrina thing. Yes its still upsetting that people died in horrible ways, but things seem to be slowly coming together.

I'm excited for camping. We leave tomorrow. I think I'm mainly excited cuz I can sleep all the time and I don't have to worry about work at all. But when I get back from camping, I got nothing to look forward to. Actually, when I get back I should start working on my Halloween costume. I've thought of a good one.

My knees are a pieces of shit these days. They hurt all the time. I had an MRI last week and now I have to wait till I get back from camping to go to the Orthopedic for results. Fun times! That hill at camping is going to kill me though, Pete is going to have to carry me eventually.

Hmm what else...Sheila is looking into getting a kitty. Well a cat I guess. She doesn't want a kitten that she'll have to train. Her apartment lets her have animals. Of course she wants to go get a cat from a shelter, and I'd love to go with her, but how sad. There is nothing worse than being an animal lover and seeing all these pets that need homes. I wanna take them all with me! All of them!!

Poor Pete and his teeth. I'm just glad that its over for now. It was pretty painful. I had sympathy pain in my mouth when he was getting his root canal. My teeth hurt too. Thank god I haven't had anything done to my teeth.

Today is going to be the longest day. I've noticed that I've been saying this lately. Am I caught up on work or something? Or maybe I just don't want to work. Its almost 10:30am and I feel like I've been here forever already. I even came in late today, sorta. Oh well. So I guess that's about all I have to talk about. Now you know why I haven't been blogging, there isn't much going on. Sheila still is without a functioning computer. Maybe she can give us a run down of the baby shower this friday. Yuck! She can use my computer since I'll be gone. Ok now more, bye!

When you Stare into the abyss...

Okay Seriously, where is everyone? Tim? Randy? Alex? Lauri? Sheila?...Anyone? Has it gotten old? Hello?

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Trying Times

So yesterday my swollen face tripled in size in that matter of an hour. I was pretty painful so I decided to go to urgent care. Lauri came with me. After about three hours there, I got some antibiotics, some vicodin, and instructions to see my dentist (as if I have one.) in the next few days. Well, I took some vicodin, and I took some antibiotics. Niether of them worked. I was in pain all night and when I woke up I looked like the elephant man. So I bit the bullet and actually went to the dentist. He took one look at my X-rays and made his assistant call the endontist. Then he said the word I've been dreading hearing for years....ROOT CANAL.
He made me an appointment for an hour later. Needless to say, being afraid of dentists in the first place, I started to freak out. My mom gave me a pill called clinatovan to calm me down. It worked pretty well, I almost fell asleep in the waiting room. I was fine until I sat down in that torture chair. With the dangling wires and sharp metal objects everywhere. As it turns out, it wasn't that bad. That guy shot me up wth so much novacaine my friggin eye went numb. He lanced my pussy gums and took out what he called "tons" of puss. Next was the drill. The damn drill freaked me out pretty good. I can't stand the sound and the smell. But all in all the whole thing only took about 10 minutes. Of course, that was only the preliminary stuff. I have to go back in a month to finish the job. And thats the long job.
I'm still swollen, but alot of the pressure has been releived. I'm totally emotionally drained and am going to get high on Vicodin later.
If anybody reading this has root canal horror stories, you can save them. I'm freaked out as it is and don't want to hear it.

Sunday, September 04, 2005


I have a huge friggin absess on the right side of my face. Its all friggin swollen and I feel like crap. I'm afraid of dentists but if I go to a doctor he going to tell me to go to a dentist. HELP!
Anybody notice how Randy and Alex have disappeared from the Blog?

Three Degrees of Bills

Here's a fun little puzzle.
Can you connect Bill Paxton with Bill Pullman in three moves?
Lauri found the connection, lets see if you can work it out.
We came up with this when we were watching a movie that had one them in it and Lauri asked which one it was, Paxton or Pullman. I couldn't find the connection but Lauri did.

Bill Pullman

Bill Paxton

Pete and the Rat

I've had kind of a...weird night. So I wanted to share some thoughts. I was at work tonight when I heard a little rustling in the office. I didn't think much of it, until it happened a few more times. It was coming from the cubicle next to mine which was unoccupied. I took a closer look to find...a rat. A rat caught in one of those sticky traps. Its like a giant piece of flypaper for rats. The idea being that the rat gets caught and then eventually dies of starvation or thirst. I can only imagine that it must be for people who really aren't interested in the efficient elimination of pests, but want the animal to REALLY suffer before it dies. Had I known the trap was in the office, I would have thrown it away while no one was looking. But here we were, me and the rat. As I approached, he squealed. Both his back legs and his front legs were caught in the trap, also one side of his face. His little black eye, staring at me pleading as his struggling dug him deeper into the sticky trap. Not on my shift. I picked up the trap, rat and all and brought it over to the sink we have in our office. My idea was to run water over his legs where they were caught in an effort to dissolve the glue holding him in. It actually worked a little bit, but would have taken forever with all four legs. Plus it pissed the rat off really good. So I got the scissors at the near by desk and carefully used the blades to dig his paws out of the glue. He had managed to free his head himself. We were in this together now. When I had his back legs free and was able to keep him from getting them restuck I realized that as soon as I freed his front legs he was gonna bolt. And I'd have a sticky rat running around my office. I did the rest of the job over a nearby trash can. I little hair trim here a little careful prying there and he was free and at the bottom of a trash can. A little sticky, but seemingly no worse for the wear. I carefully removed the little bit of trash in the can and took the rat outside in the bag to release him.
Here's the thing. When I got outside there were a bunch of members of our event services crewa few feet from my office. As I carried the bag containing my little friend to a suitable release area, I prayed no one would ask me what I was doing. I was embarassed at having rescued the rat from the trap. I could hear the question in my head, "Why?". Aren't rats supposed to be filthy disease carrying pests? But thats not what I had seen. I'd seen an animal, suffering, a suffering that wasn't going to end anytime soon. (How long do think it takes a wild animal to starve to death, they practically live in a state of starvation.) I believed I had done the right thing, the humane thing, the compassionate thing. And yet, I was embarassed for having done it. At least in front of other people. Why? Why do I play down my beliefs around people with LOUDER opinions? Why do I want to tell my bosses that I refuse to work in an office where I might at some point encounter trapped suffering animals starving to death but know that I won't? Anyway, nobody asked me what I was doing and I let the rat go in some bushes. I don't know if he can live with sticky shit all over his feet and face. Maybe that stuff is poisonous and he's dead already, but at least I gave him a chance.
The other thing that really bothers me is that I found that trap right under someone's desk. I wonder if she knewit was there. I wonder if she volunteered to have it put there. To what end? She wouldn't come back to work until tuesday, and to find a rotting rat carcass? I don't know. I don't know what else to say. I find cruelty to animals one of the worst traits in the human being. The fact that some people take pleasure in it sickens me. I know, I'm a hippocrit because I eat meat. I'm still struggling with that one. I imagine that at some point I will have had enough and become a vegan. But I'm tired of being shy about what I believe in. I'm tired of staying quiet in a room full of outspoken republicans. I want to tell anyone who says they hunt for fun, that I think they are wrong. It's something to work on.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Marcos' Garage

So our friend Marcos is getting his Auto Shop together and has a website with some under construction photos. He's good and more importantly HONEST mechanic. So once its open, take your car to him.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

another depressing post

I'm at work right now and I'm so bored. I can't find anything productive to do. So far, I've tried the following things. Reading What's the Matter With Kansas. Reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, reading the news, playing sudoku (I apparently don't have a working printer so couldn't print the puzzles) I'm 45 minutes away from this shift being over and I can't read another word or surf the web for one more minute. I'm currently listening to my iPod and posting of course. I feel sorry for you poor bastards who thought they were gonna read something funny or insightful and then come across another one of my mopey posts. I have to say its kind of cliche to blog about current events, but I have to say I can't believe whats going on in the south. Is our civilization so fragile that a Hurricane, albeit a major one, thrusts a whole region into anarchy. I'm no reactionary but its time send the army in and restore order. Also, its time for the president to declare a "War on God". God, with his storms and earthquakes and tsunamis has been threating our freedom for too long its time for us to take action and bring down this cosmic despot in the interest of the preservation of democracy. All kidding aside though, this shit is fucked up. I think anyone found to have taken up arms against their fellow citizens in this tragedy should be frickin deported. If they like that way of life they can go to Iraq or something. I wonder if Wal-Mart will reconsider carry large supplies of Guns and Ammo in their "superstores", I know I'd be feeling pretty guilty right now.

Hurricane Katrina

My thoughts, and some of Sheila's, on Hurricane Katrina. This is going to be a very taboo blog. Everyone has a different feeling or take on the disaster. And it is a disaster, no doubt. My disclaimer: I am not a racist and i am not cold hearted. Where to begin...

The people who have been affected are going nuts! They are angry and upset. Of course, they should be. But the things they have been doing are unacceptable. Now i'm not an idiot, when i say "they", it isn't everyone. So i'm talking about those people who are looting, burning things, shooting at people, etc. Have you all read some of the stuff that has been going on? A Wal-Mart was totally cleaned out in their gun department and who ever bought...oops, i mean stole, the guns are shooting them off in the air at night. A police officer got shot in the head by someone who stole a gun. Now they are shooting at the rescue helicopters at the Superdome. What the fuck is going on? Have these people all gone crazy? Do i really want to donate money to these people?? Not exactly. But moving on...

There are families crammed into hotels and everything is under water and there are no supplies whatsoever. All the people who decided to stay and ignore the warnings to get out kinda got what they wait before you get angry at this statement. When i say this there are exceptions of course. No one deserves to die this way. If you have no family to run to or your ill or poor or any other reason preventing you from going somewhere else, its a horrible thing. If you thought that you'd risk your life and your family's lives because you thought this hurricane would downgrade at some point then your an idiot, why would you play God? This is mother nature people! Which brings me to my next topic.

Why are all these people so angry that they aren't being helped? They're looting hospitals and stealing from ambulance's. If you have to steal for food and water, ok, i guess i'd say its justified. When we have earthquakes, the disaster brings us together. What is going on over there? No one is coming together that i've heard about. It almost seems as though the media is holding back the bad stuff that is going on cuz its so taboo to say it. I think it may have been the Mayor of New Orleans who said it, "what bothers me most is that tradgedies like these should bring out the best in people, and in this case, its brought out the worst!" Its so fucking true. They were warned to have the supplies ready and they didn't, so now they are pissed off like the gov't owes them something. Now i'm from California, and all i have is the media to go by here but, i don't think the gov't, the President, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama or even terrorists had anything to do with screwing these people over with a hurricane. Its mother nature, no one owes you anything, no one thought that "those places need to be wiped out".

If i'm going to donate any kind of anything, i'm donating to the city of Houston who will now be receiving these wonderful angry people. Good luck to Texas. These hurricane survivors have found a new home.

As a final thought: Everyone needs to relax over there. Help is coming as best it can. If you look around, there's lots of water, it won't be easy. If you cooperate it will be easier for everyone. Please stop the shooting, and the raping (unconfirmed), the burning, the looting and the yelling. As Sheila said so perfectly: "Help me, help you."

Your comments are more than welcomed!