Wednesday, September 21, 2005

T-minus 1 hour

That title more or less sums up the way I feel right now. I am counting down the minutes till I can relax and then get tore up from the floor up. YEAH BOOOOOOOOOYYYYYYYYYYY!!
Anyway I am sitting at my desk blogging again due to the aparent fact that I have nothing to do. What am I supposeed to do? Get up and walk around. Not so much there is nothing to see here that I haven't seen already besides all the hotties who work here are gone. So nothing to even stare at. Oh well...
45 minutes and counting, I have been trolling the blogs trying to find inspiration alas I find nothing. Blogs are an interesting phenomena. I have never seen so many people pour out their souls to total strangers. Some of the things I read I am like, Wow I would never tell anybody that not even my closest friends. But I guess the fact that in all likelihood you will never meet these people make it easy to drop your guard and let it all out. I can't do that but that's just me.
Funny how this blog started out as a means to chronicle our everyday existence outside the rat race and now 3 of the members have a everyday regular job (4 if you count my brother). He has been working everyday lately. So now instead of talking about sitting around all day playing PS2 games or watching movies. I sit late at work commenting on how bored I am. I guess I shouldn't complain I mena I am basically getting paid to sit here and blog. Crazy.
Pete called me this morning and asked me if I was working. I was of course. But it struck me that before I had my job, today would have been an ideal day to hang out. But now that I have to work I can't just hang out. I mean if I hadn't requested Saturday off I would be working seven days again this week with no day off in sight. That just blows my mind.
Well what are you going to do again? You gotta make paper in this world. Well at least my boy Pete can carry on the banner of living outside the rat race for now. Tim could too but Tim never posts only comments. So Pete start posting some of your wild adventures on here so I can live vicariously through you.
That's it I gotta stop I am starting to ramble, 30 minutes and counting. Well all my little blogger friends if I don't see you tonight then have a good night and I will catch you on the flipside.


Pete said...

yeah. Check out that real estate. Sadly, my life has been very much in the Rat Race Lately as well. This is the busy season for events so I'm pretty much working the old 5 day work week as well. Heres a good suggestion to stave off boredom: Sudoku. You discovered it, so you should learn to play it. I bought the Big Book of Sudoku so If you want me to copy a few uzzles let me know.

Jeff said...

I like Tim's thought process:

1. Fuck off dick
2. I'm sorry
3. I'm really only sorry because I need your help.
