Tuesday, September 20, 2005

wild night

I'm very tired this morning cuz i was up most of the night enjoying the thunder and lightening storm. The people here at work who do nothing all day are talking about it right now. I don't think it was that interesting to be talking about it around the water cooler this morning, but then again i'm typing about it, so...
Then i was all upset last night cuz as i was going to bed i glanced to see a horrible spider above my bed. Pete had just left so i was freaking out. Usually i can take care of a spider but this was a huge, nasty, frightening spider. It was a baby tarantula, i swear. So i called Pete and told him he needed to come back to my house and take the spider out of my room. He thought i was being ridiculous of course, i can't blame him. Well he did come back and he got the spider out. My hero!!
After over sleeping this morning i was slowed down by a couple of obstacles. There's this house on the way down to the freeway that's been for sale for a while now. It looks like a fixer-upper, very ranch style and a clean slate to work with. I like checking out houses that are being fixed up cuz i enjoy the "before and after" results. Well anyway, it burned down. I was delayed by fire trucks and traffic being directed. It was very sad. Maybe lightening? I'll never know.
Then as i was getting off the freeway the news was talking about power outages. Man i was hoping that my work would not have power this morning and we were all sent back home. As i drove down the street the street lights were blinking, kinda of a good sign, but they were still on though. So i get to work and everything is normal. Ah crap!! So begins my day.
Sheila isn't here this week. She's on her sweet cruise. Now if she's to arrive in Ensenada on Thursday, will she be affected by Hurricane Max off of Baja? I wonder.
Ok i think i'll drink some coffee now and get to work. I hope to see others blogging this week. No one has been blogging for a while now, and this goes to Jeff and Amanda too. I like reading your blogs. OK bye.

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

i like thunder when i'm not trying to sleep. I ended up dreaming that i was being forced to run laps all over the northridge campus with no umbrella and getting soaked. That's so crazy about that house- I bet it did get struck by lightning. I saw some CRAZY lightning storms in the sky on the freeway on my way home from school last night. and as for the spiders, i feel ya. I am not a fan. However, i can appreciate their role in the food chain and I think their spiderwebs look cool when I am not walking into them. remind me next time i see you to tell you about the freakish and unidentifiable scorpion-like creature that was on my car a couple months ago.