Wednesday, September 07, 2005

it's true.

this blog is taking a dinner night-ish turn. abandoned by it's creators. but i'll have to quote a guy who took the words right out of my mouth when he said, "does anybody really miss me and my uninteresting life? i think not"- randy moe. that's totally why i haven't posted anything lately. that and the fact that my computer here at work only connects to the server for ten minutes at a time. when this other lady in the front office is signed on. and if the moon is perfectly aligned with jupiter. during a leap year.

you lucky ducks are going camping tomorrow! i'll be here slaving away (yeah, right). this week has been dead. all i have to do is suffer through the next twelve days and then "bon voyage!" i'm setting sail. unfortunately it's the very same cruise ship that killed three crew members with methane gas poisoning last friday. hm...

pete, sorry to hear about your dental issues. root canals are no fun. per your request, i won't share the story of mine.

okay all you dudes and dudettes, have fun in san clemente.

1 comment:

Pete said...

You know where methane gas come from right? IT COMES FROM FARTS!!! ahhahahahahah. Maybe there were some old farts on the boat and thats hat killed everyone. ahahahahahahah