Friday, September 23, 2005

The phone won't ring

Hey everybody what's goin on? Right now it is 9PM here at work and you all are either in the process of getting drunk or about to start getting drunk. Jealous I am. So it's my birthday and I am at work but it's all good cause after this I am getting wasted, no joke people, I am going to drink. To borrow some words from the immortal Peter Griffin, "Let's drink till we can't feel feelings anymore." My sentiments exactly.
So I just got off the phone with a girl who is the manager of the Ventura store. I was on the phone with her but about 40 minutes or so. It was a problem I could have fixed in like 5-10 minutes but I was just getting so wrapped up in the conversation with her I would occassionally forget what it was I was doing. Anyway she was really cool and she wants me to come visit her store. Although I don't know I mean Ventura is far and it would almost be like a blind date plus I can't like accidentally walk into a womens clothing store. I would be instantly recognizable. Anyway...I digress. So I don't know that is really the only contact I have had with a human being tonight. Kristian is here but he is ghosting drives or something.
What parents are coming into town on Wednesday night for my graduation on Saturday morning. Next week I actually have 2 days off, and they are drumroll please... Friday and Saturday. Pretty cool. So yeah they sent me a gift but I guess they forgot to put the apt# on. So UPS said I won't get it till Monday. Bastards. UPS not my parents. Anyway it'll be nice to see my parents and what not.
Ok I don't really have anything right now left to talk about and I only have like 40 minutes left. So I just have to tough it out, go back to reading my book and prepare myself for some serious debauchery later this evening. Alright you fools have fun drinking without me for now. I will see you soon!!!!


Jeff said...

no kidding Randy, you were fall down drunk last night. Damn, someone had to say it.

Pete said...

he fell. tee hee.