Thursday, December 28, 2006

I'm bored!

I think there should be a new thing where people don't go to work between Christmas and New Year's. I'm seriously just sitting at my desk doing nothing. I come in at 8:30am and get my coffee and sit at my desk checking the internet and while doing this i am fully aware that my staff in the other room is also just sitting there and they are waiting for me to give them something to do. Well i got nothing for them or myself to do all week! So what do i do? I can only fake being busy for so long. I got 8 hours of faking to fill. All machines have been cleaned. Rooms have been cleaned. Paperwork is done. Any ideas?? I guess i'll go onto and continue to search for people from back in the day to see if they have a page. Or there's always solitaire. *sigh*

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Year of Change

In this year old post, Lauri predicted that 2006 would be the year of change. I think she has been proven right, not only for herself but for a lot of you out there. Lets see if I can highlight some of the life changing stuff that happened over the course of the last year. i'll start with Lauri since it was her post. She wanted to get a new cheaper apartment, which she managed to do with the help of a new, awesome, roomate/ live in lover (lovah!). She wanted a new job, well she was offered a new job, but decided to turn it down because of the huge raise she got at her current job. Well done Lauri with making things happen. As for myself, I finished all my classes at Cal Poly finally and went from working part-time to being a dept. head over the course of the year. I finally moved back out of my parents house and got a new apartment with Lauri and I paid off my truck.
Aside from Lauri and me there have been a bunch of reisdence changes this year, lets see if I can remember them(I'm not including those of you that got married this year, you'll get your turn): Tim moved out of 511 and in with Bima. Tom moved down to...I don't even know what city that is, Alhambra? San Gabriel? Shiela ended up moving in with her sister in texas and then got a house of her own. Alex moved to Alaska. Our Welsh blogger Owen got an office job and then quit the office job, I'm sure causing several residential shifts.
Then there were the marriages: Amanda and Jeff, Melanie and Aaron, Bree and Ruben, Ed and Amy, who did I miss?

Yep, the year of change. I wonder what will 2007 bring? Will it be more of the same or more changes? I don't know but I'm looking forward to finding out.

Saturday, December 23, 2006

I little Douglas Adams for you

"Time is an illusion, lunchtime doubly so."

Peter's brand

Just the other day we were sitting around the office talking about the beers we liked. I mentioned that the worst beer I ever tasted was a beer that had my name on it. Its that "Peter's Brand" shit that they sell at Trader Joe's, it friggin awful. So today one of the sales managers was really nice and bought me a couple of 6 packs for Christmas (she was not privy to the previous conversation) What was one of the six packs? Peter's Brand. (she was being clever and thoughtful and I appreciate it.) As I looked at that six pack, I thought to myself, how can this beer be as bad as i remember, is there any such thing as a "bad beer". Well I just cracked open the first of the six pack, and good god is it bad! It tastes like a normal beer that some scraped across their asshole before putting the bottle cap on. I think I will bring a class action suit for all the Peters in the wortld whose name this beer defames.

Beatles Rising

"Don't let me Down!"
For some reason this Beatles refrain became suddenly extremely relevant to me, one night when it was played on the George Nauri show on KFI. (Its what I fall asleep to.) I had the CD already but for some reason had not put it onto my iTunes yet. Strange how songs move in and out of your life, having relevance at certain times and falling into obscurity at others. I won't psychoanalyze myself as to why this song is suddenly important, but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with you fine people. MERRY CHRISTMAS, (Happy ch-iz-anikah to all you jewish mothahfuckas) I hope you all come by the parents house at some time on christmas eve for some Big Sandwich, eggnog, bloody mary's, beer or whatevers your poison.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Update on the Alaskan Asassin

Well I'm still up here this marks the longest time I've been in alaska with my parents. I'm still unemployed which pisses me and my parents off (Mostly MOM). But anyways I fill out applications and these are the responses I get : 1. A grocery store called Nichols The guy who was in charge of hiring told me "at church" that he would call me that week ... that was 2 weeks ago. 2. The community medical center would've been a great job with a good salary and benefits. I actually went to an interview at this one and I thought the interview went pretty well but I was wrong I got the call today said they were going to get someone else. But they said they were going to keep my application for "special jobs" I don't know what the hell that means. I need a job right now. It also threw a wrench in my plan to visit all you guys. I miss all you so much and I don't care if I'm being mooshy. Also it's been snowing for almost a week mixing with rain and it's supposed to snow through christmas which looks pretty but I have to shovel which sound easy but it starts to hurt. So you see I haven't blogged becuase nothing exciting has happened. My parents just did our (me and Randy) christmas shopping on tuesday... which means it will not be there christmas day aside from a couple presents. I need an xbox 360 and I doubt they are getting me one but who knows. Sometimes I think my life is a tv show and it's a wierd one at that. Actually I found a little something exciting on a wrestling website. TNA Wrestling which is the second popular wrestling aside from WWE is accepting resumes for interns during the summer and spring. I have to look into that. Last but not least bad news I have to go back to school. I came up here after they said I wouldn't have to go back to school. It's for an AA degree which I don't think it will help me. Especially getting it from a college where the head is an aunt who gossips. I swear that college is horrible when you are 4 points away from a B in a class and they give you a C because you didn't try to be a friend to them. I can't be a friend to a 40 year old woman teacher. I hope this situation changes quickly for the better. Like have a single girl my age show up. Well I guess that's all I can say about that. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Everybody!!!!!!


Holy shit i can't believe its almost Christmas! I haven't even finished my shopping yet. I just started on Tuesday so i guess its all my fault. But i've been busy. I went to Texas to visit the family. It was freaking cold there! I took pictures of icicles on the plants it was so cold. I can't say i've ever seen actual icicles, it was weird. Then i came back for less than a week to work my ass off at work so that one of the managers could go to India for like a month. After all that work i went to Vegas! Pete and I lost our asses off. Oh! and if you were one of the ones who got drunk texted, we apoligize. We were in our room drinking till we couldn't feel feelings anymore and we wanted all of you to be there with us. So now there's nothing to look forward to till summertime. I think starting in the new year everyone should blog once a week. Just once a week is all. I think i can come up with something, you? Well i just wanted to say hi and i'm sure i'll see you all this weekend. later!

Friday, December 15, 2006

Happy Birthday Lauri

I Love You!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Don't sink the ship rally. This rally will be held on Dec. 23rd at 3:00