Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cuz I can't think of a poem

Hey guys!! The title says it all instead of a poem I think I'll just give you a update on what's going on from the Great White North. I'm here working at City Hall doing audits on property cards so we can be ready for the 2008 tax roll. But enough mumbo jumbo about work. Christmas was pretty cool my Mom and I made a great meal. I think I'm becoming a pretty good cook. I got some shirts, a dvd, a cd, and some new boots. I really didn't need a lot becuase I bought my 360 and all the games I got now and don't need anything for it right now. Randy is still working hard for my uncle he finished working on my cousin's house for now. I'm still liking my job and it's better than a lot of jobs here. I'm working full days till the other deputy clerk gets back. Which means I'm only getting 6 hours of sleep cuz I'm used to going to bed round 12. But I can tough it out till the weekend and sleep in except for Sunday. My family and I are going to my Boss's house for New year's eve which should be fun I think they'll have firworks which is pretty cool. It's brisk outside it's not that cold and certainly not hot. No rain or snow either. I'm wondering how everyone else is doing. I should go and finish one of the big stacks of cards I have before I go home. Talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Vindication for the Holidays...

I always told you that Die Hard was a good movie for Christmas, but you always looked at me funny when I said that's how Randy and I spend Christmas eve. (Someday I'll tell you the funny story of having to track down a VCR because Randy only had it on tape.) Well now the Literati over at Slate have vindicated me. So this Christmas we say, "Now I have a machine Gun. Ho, Ho, Ho!"

poem at work

Here's a spur of a moment poem I thought of while I was at work:

here eating cheese popcorn
can't watch any porn

transcribing a meeting
gives my brain a beating

ouside all roofs are white
it's almost 4 and already night

i wanna go home and play 360
but got to do some work for the city

christmas time is here
gonna get me some beer

wanna see all of you
vacation time is due.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lauri's 30th Birthday !!

Thank You!

Thanks to all of you who were able to come join me in celebrating my birthday! Thank You!!!!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm going to hell...and you're invited!

So I'm leaving Rite Aid tonight (after picking up cold medicine for my eternally-sick wife) and realize that there is one of those people waiting outside for me to ask me to donate to his cause. Now, before you give me shit about this, please realize that most of these people are complete frauds. They tell you about some BS homeless shelter program and show you an old photocopy of who-knows-what that's supposed to be a permit to collect money. I'm sure that many of you have dropped some change or even a couple bucks into this guys box/bucket, bag, etc.

Well, not me. I give plenty to charities over the year - LEGIT charities. So here's my solution, which I know has reserved me a nice warm seat in hell. Now, even the scummiest ripoff artist won't do one thing - interrupt a phone call. So as I leave RiteAid I get out my cell phone and put it to my ear and talk about whatever. "Yeah, I'm just leaving the store right now and I'll be home in a little while..." Just long enough to get by the pseudo-legit beggar. I figure this way he doesn't have to lie to me with his bullshit "help us out during the holidays" lie and I don't have to lie to him with the "I don't have any cash - sorry." It works like a charm.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

so cold...can't type's f'ing freezing in my office. Why not crank up the heater you say? Marvelous suggestion, and I tried that. I am now convinced that the heater does not work. This is crap. The worst part is that I can see outside and it's all sunny and crap. It's a beautiful day outside (from what I can see) and I'm stuck in a fucking igloo. That's all.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

So yeah, i finally got that Xbox. So probably wont get many post for a while. Well, gotta get back to it.

Moe the Elder needs your ideas

Yo peeps what's happening? I know it's been forever since you heard anything outta me. But to tell you the truth it's only because for the most part shit don't go on up here. It has gotten colder, snowed a couple of days and now it's icy. That's it. I am still working for my uncle doing whatever he tells me to. Lately a lot of construction type of work. Not really into it I am not a fan of the manual labor. But he pays me so I do it. I did apply for a job as the Administrative Assistant at the Cordova PD. It pays more and probably not as much as work so cross your fingers for that. The more money I make the faster I come back.
So anyway that is what's going on up here in a nutshell. Now the real reason I blogged is this. My Mom is having a brunch in two weeks and since she is convinced I am an alcoholic I am in charge of drinks. She says she wants Bloody Mary's and Mimosa's. That's great. Only problem I have never made either of those. So what I am asking for is the "Perfect Bloody Mary" and Mimosa recipes (please include portions). Please keep in mind I live in AK so any ingredients that can only been found in CA won't work. So substitute ok? Well that's about it for now I look forward to your submissions. THANKS!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Party at our Place!

Sorry loyal readers, I know its been a coupla days. I was actually a little disheartened by the low response to the last post. Not that those who did comment, didn't have good reaction to it, but c'mon a wikipedia article about the taint with two actual taint picture, and a slang term identifying it as the "trail of tears" I damn near laughed myself silly.
Lauri turns 30 on Saturday and we are having a Party at our place. We gon' burn this muthafucka down! There will be snacks, beer and music, but we can always use more of all three. Let me know that you WILL be there!

Yeah, Yeah!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Just the thing I promised I wouldn't do

For tonight, just an informative link for you. Make sure you scroll all the way down to ge the most out of this article.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Bring Your Nickels, Tap Your Feet

I'm a little pissed off today

I'm a little pissed off today. Not at anything in particular, just a bad mood day. People are extremely frustrating sometimes. It's amazing the amount of people that will act contrary to thier own best interest simply because its what they've always done. It's amazing that some people will act like fucking douchebags when a little pressure is applies to them. I'm being purposely vague here, but I'm talking about any of you. Jobs are hard, life is hard. It's full of little inconveniences that at the end of the day make you flop on the couch and fall asleep even though you know its gonna fuck up your sleep later in the night. I like my job, its fun and everyday is something new, and frankly I would work 14 hours a day everyday, if I thought that the next day someone might cut me some slack, or if I could get others motivated to make some real progress. So now its 9 o'clock and I feel like I just got home from work and will probably be in bed in an hour. And I still haven't go t a smog check or registered my car. I'm just a little pissed off. I think my mood has a lot to do with physiology which, let's face it, ain't in a good place right now. I missed lunch to day and found that I had the shakes at the end of the day, I crammed down a double size peanut M&M before getting home and having two servings of dinner because I had starved myself all day. I need to find balance. I need to chill out. I need exercise.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

In Defense of Tolkien, Briefly

So Phillip Pullman (Author of the Golden Compass) thinks that Lord of the Rings is a trivial work? Well it's not. Pullman says that LOTR does not ask or answer the religious questions that the Narnia books do. Well, being a secularist, he should be happy about that, but he's not because he's interested in those types of discussions. LOTR is not Moby Dick, it doesn't ask or answer deep philosphical questions, but that doesn't make it trivial. Consider what it does bring to the table. Besides beign the fonding work, practically, of the fantasy genre what it really does bring to the table is environmentalism(the ents, and anti mechanization are prevelent) and feminism. ( Arwen, Galadriel, and Eowyn are the three of the best heroes of the books) It's a fairie tale on steroids but at least its not thinly veiled didactism. Thats all, just a quick defense.

AJ, there was an article in today's sunday Times called 45 painters under 45. If you didn't get a chance to read it I'll hold on to it for you.

Broken Streak

Yeah okay, so I didn't post last night. I guess that answers that question. The funny thing is that I didn't do shit all day. Literally, I watched TV from 4am to about 11pm. I watched Munich then I watched most of The Abyss then I watched Star Trek: First Contact. Then I tried to watch 28 Weeks later, but it wasn't any good. In between I watch some other stuff I can't remember. There was a nap in there as well. I even made a half hearted attempt to get drunk somewhere in there, but I ran out of steam. No I didn't buy an Xbox. I looked into it, but everyone is out of stock. The video game thing has gotten weird. It used to be that there was nintendo and there was sega. Now you have 3 different versions of the playstation, probably 5 different versions of the Xbox, and the Wii which is just strange. And they always seems to be sold out. Do they make these things one unit at a time? Even 2 years ago when I needed to replace my PS2 I had a hard time finding it and that was about a 7 seven year old system. Anyway, I hope this makes up for last night. I'll post again later today.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Appreciation and Bile (Time to live with your decisions)

Tonights post will be short because I am tired from movie night.

Thanks to those who came, I think we successfully demonstrated the genius of John Carpenter and Kurt Russell.

To those that acted super excited but then bowed out at the last minute and I do mean, literally the last minute, and you were several, it's over between us, good luck with the rest of your lives.

Thank you god for the rain although it makes my life at work extremely difficult, I still enjoy the change.

Thats it, I can't take it anymore, I'm buying an Xbox 360 tomorrow, don't fuckin try to stop me! I need this. When GTA 4 comes out I want to have a good understanding of the Xbox controller. So there it is.

I would like to suggest this, I can't think of stuff to talk about so I would like you to suggest topics.. You put it out there and I will pretend to speak intelligently on it. And I do mean ANYTHING. Let's make a game of it, come up with something ridiculous and see if I can post a few paragraphs on it.

Also, I'm working on a top 5 Rock Bands post, so those of you who are members and can access drafts, no peaking, it spoils it.

Look at Randy's new Picture. Two things I miss, The Crown and Randy Moe. He would have enjoyed movie night. Come home soon my brother.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

So Much Things to say Right Now

Its that time again. No I did not get my car smog checked today. I think I'll go first thing tommorow morning. (I have serious difficulty spelling the word tommorow, yes I see you you little red fucking line, but I ain't changing the spelling, so Fuck off.)
You'll never believe what I did today. I got up and went to work. again. Ah, it wasn't so bad. I had a product demo today. Those are insanely bad. You won't truly know human nature until you've asked a salesman a question regarding expected results of a product and seen the look on his face as he struggles with the moral question of whether to tell you the truth or not. Then I learned how to drive a scissor lift I had to show my crew who have worked there for 10 and more years that it was not impossible to clean light fixtures. Of course I did end up breaking a light bulb over my head, and not on purpose. We had a guy win a law suit recently when something similar happened to him. He claims he now can't think straight. I would have argued that he never could in the first place, but the city attorney never met him before his unfortunate little bop on the head.

I just got up to get a soda and might have broken my little toe. I was making fun of Lauri for watching America's Next Top Model for the 500th time in the last three days and I crashed my toe into the couch leg. Instant Karma's get you.

I sent this out in a mass text but just for clarification, you are all welcome anytime after 6:30 tomorrow (there I got it right) I thought I'd order food around 7 and we'll start the movie at 8pm. After that you all have to get the Fuck out of my house. Just kiddin' I hope you'll all stay for some post film discussion. I expect everyone to lay down a nice buzz, you'll enjoy the movie more. And no sleeping!

After this post I think I'm gonna watch 28 weeks later, even tough I know its going to be crap. In a world of blind men (or bad movies) the zombie movie is king.

Here are some Song Lyrics for you:

"havin' her on my brain's like gettin' hit by a train/shes gonna kill me/ and I don't mean softly"

"It's 3am 3 n----- just got hauled off in an ambalance, 2 n----- started bustin', and one n---- done took his shirt off talkin' bout "who else wanna fuck with Hollywood Cole?"

"There an old man sittin next to me, makin love to his tonic and gin."

"Strangers on this road we are on, but we are not two we are one.."

Well I'm sorry this post sucks, but thems the breaks tonight. See you tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another Post About Some Shit

I apologize for the lateness of the post. Have you been clicking the refresh button on your computer all day? I'm flattered. Man what a day. I long for the day when I'm not completely fried after work. Being fried after work calls for getting toasted. Or for those of you on the herbal tip, baked. Are you enjoying the cooking slang?

What's going on today? I don't know. I tried to watch Transformers but it sucks. I have to get a smog check on my car before Friday, but I have no idea when I'm gonna get particularly unpleasant chore done. I've also received a jury summons so that's super fun.

I'm sitting here staring at the screen wishing I had something fun to say. Maybe I should have promised a post a week, y'know let the stories and shit build up. Literally shit. What if I only posted and shit once a week. The shit would be the reward for the post. What would happen if you held you shit in for a week? I wonder, would you eat less? Maybe shitting once a week is the perfect plan for weight loss? Think of it in these terms, modern man considers it healthy to shit at least once a day, but maybe thats because we are able to shit so comfortably. Consider ancient man, ancient man had to shit outdoors and ancient man did not have the benefit of mass produced toilet paper. Imagine the wholly unpleasant experience shitting would have been for ancient man. Can we really believe that he did it once a day? I'm thinking more like once every two weeks. Then again ancient man lived til he was like 30 so maybe the everyday shit really is the way to go. Personally, I'm on like the 3 or 4 shit a day routine because I drink to much beer and eat too much.

I told myself that I wouldn't read Lord of the Rings again until I was 30, I wanted to get all the movie imagery out of my head before reading the books again. Now I'm 31 and still haven't read them. For one, I haven't got the movie imagery out my head (there are those that say I never will) and I really just haven't been in the mood. Lord of the Rings is good to read in really bad weather. Of course we haven't any that for a few years now.

I'm really looking forward to movie night, I'm stoked at all the positive feedback. The one thing about this movie, or this DVD I should say, that you won't get to experience is the audio commentary by John Carpenter and Kurt Russell for a movie nerd like myself its very insightful. This wasn't the only time they worked together, you'll remember The Thing, Escape from New York, and Escape from LA. There may be others that I'm forgetting.

I think thats gonna have to do it for today. Take it sleazy and I'll smell ya later.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Can't keep this up much Longer...

I think I should be let off the hook because I posted twice yesterday. But I'm not going to dodge my responsibility to the community. So here goes..."" I got nothin. Nothin but a headache. The thing about beer is that if you don't keep drinking it until you fall asleep, hangover tends to set in rather quickly. Especially when you are 31 and overweight. Well I say fuck it, I just cracked another beer and it's a Firestone Double Barrel so I am clearly not fucking around. I have 3 Netflix that I could be watching right now: Transformers, which after I get done with all the fast forwarding will be about a half hour of entertainment. I have 28 weeks Later which is a zombie movie so that will be fun. And I have the Hustler with Paul Newman, Jackie Gleason and George C. Scott. "I got a feeling Fat man I can't miss!" Frankly, Lauri won't stay in the room for any one of those so who am I kiddin. I'm looking forward to Big Trouble in Little China night. Its one of the few movies that I liked as a kid and can still appreciate as an adult.
I will take this opportunity to remind AJ that he has been commissioned to paint me an Old Ben Kenobi. ("Your powers are weak old man..." )Has it ever seemed strange to you that when Luke comes into Leia's cell on the Death Star and she get all bitchy with him and he intruduces himself as being with "Ben Kenobi" that she repeats it back in immediate recognition, "Ben Kenobi? Where is he?" Because in the recorded message she refers to him as General Kenobi and would clearly have known him as Obi Wan Kenobi. This has always struk me as strange because if you're hiding out all incognito from the Empire on some backwater planet and they know you alias all the way over on Alderaan, you're not doing a very good job of hiding. Oh, did you think we were gonna get through this post a day thing without talking about Star Wars? Doubt it.

Do you listen to SModcast yet? You should. This week you missed out on Americans being to fat and bottoming out boats on Small World at Disneyland and teenagers getting high by pissing and shitting in a container, leaving it in the sun and inhaling the fumes.

You know what I don't understand. People who think that they will have a job in a few weeks when they don't accomplish what I ask them to. I think I may be too nice. because I ask politely but what I really mean is, do it or you're fired. I've already fired 2 people you want to be next? I don't think so. I'll fire all you reading this just for the goddamn hell of it. Watch this..."I'm afraid things aren't working out, you're not meeting your expectations as a blog reader. So we've chosen to exercise our right to immediately terminate your employment. I'm sorry things didn't work out.." Actually that's not funny, firing people sucks even if they really deserve it.

Last week I was looking at tickets to Alaska for mid January, they were like $450 round trip. This week they are back up to like $750 I am confounded how can the exact same airplane ride cost $300 more over a 5 day time period. Clearly I'm not clued into the economics of air travel. Its no wonder the government has to constantly bail the airlines out of bankruptcy.

Here's something strange, I've become obsessed with my own iTunes top 25 most played list. I've been playing songs on repeat that I think deserve to be in the top 25 but haven't made it yet. I recently purposely bumped Cat Stevens "The Wind" in favor of David Bowie's "Life on Mars". Oh don't worry Randy I will not, at this juncture reveal the #1 on your top 25. No one would believe it if I did anyway. However, if someone out there wants to somehow entice me into telling them I'm open to that. It is I assure you, quite shocking.

In the spirit of Kevin Smith...Have a Day.

P.S. I'm gonna post this without proof

Monday, November 26, 2007

It Has Been Announced

This is your confirmation. Friday night November 30 will be Big Trouble in Little China movie night at Me and Lauri's place. The movie will start at 8pm, we'll get some Chinese food to munch on and if anyone knows where to get some Tsingtao beer let me know and I'll pick some up. If you want Coors Light go ahead and bring some and if you can put $5 down on some Chinese Food that would be appreciated as well! Until then, keep your mind and spirit as one and remember its all in the reflexes.

My Insane Diatribe Against the Adventure Pass

I bought an adventure pass once. It was in Big Bear, we were staying at a cabin up there and I wanted to do a hike that was a few hundred yards down the road from the cabin. Being a good upstanding citizen, I drove a mile or to out my way to visitor center, paid my $5 and drove back to the trail head, hiked for an hour or two and that was that. That was the last time I bought an adventure pass. A short time later, at an event we had at the job (it was a geology show) there was a wild eyed activist who had rented a table at the show to rail against the adventure pass. I talked to him. He told me, what I later found out to be true, there was no actual penalty for not buying at Adventure Pass. He showed me his "notice of non-compliance" I looked at it carefully there was no fine, no notice to appear, nothing just a sort of vague statement to "don't do it again." I asked the wild haired activist (yes, he had wild eyes and wild hair) what purpose, in his opinion, did the Adventure Pass serve? He said, "It serves the purpose of creating a bloated government bureaucracy!" Well, I don't know if I buy into that, but I did resolve not to buy adventure passes anymore. Whats the point of obeying a law that no one bothers to enforce? It doesn't exist to remedy an unsafe condition like sppeding or running a red light. It exists to generate money..period. About a month later, I was hiking in Colby Canyon, parked on Angeles Crest Highway and I got one of these notices of noncompliance. I completely ignored it, nothing ever happened. There are no forest rangers staging a raid on my house, at least not that I'm aware of. Keep in mind this was all in the program's infancy, I've parked on Angeles Crest, probably a hundred times since that first notice and have never gotten another notice.
I guess that's my biggest argument against the adventure pass, that its never enforced. It feels like being taken advantage of. Its like, "yeah we don't really care if you pay or not, but if you're silly enough to pay us we'll take your money." I think the problem is this, to seriously enforce the fee , you would have to hire more rangers thereby eating up funds generated by the program. I was going to do a detailed list of points and point out that we don't know what the funds are being used for, but the Forest Service does, it seems, keep detailed records of how the fee money is being used on their website. But here's the thing, the Forest Service is not what you think it is. The Forest Service is not like the National Park Service and is not there to protect the natural environment. The Forest Service exists to manage logging contracts and land leases with timber companies and usually at a loss to the taxpayer. In A Walk In the Woods author Bill Bryson dedicates a few pages to how the Forest Service uses its funds. Mostly the Forest Service exists to build roads to the trees so loggers can cut them down. This is a government agency, funded by your tax dollars. Do you pay $5 every time you call the police or the Fire Dept.? No, thats because that 20% of your paycheck that disappears before you get it, pays for all that.
Did you know that the Adventure Pass exists only in Southern California and parts of Oregon? Thats because its an experimental system. Its called the "Recreation Fee Demonstration Program" it exists to research whether or not people will pay to recreate on public lands. Clearly since it's inception in 1994 the program has not taken hold across the country and now exists as a sort of donation program.
Jeff and I got into a debate about this the other night and he says I'm a freeloader, but this isn't so. When I camp on a Forest Service site I pay my fees. When I go fishing I get a license. If I go to a visitor center, I might even through a few bucks in the box as a donation, but I just don't see the use of a fee on top of a tax. I haven't seen any tangible results from the program. I've been hiking in the San Gabriels since I was 5 years old and I've yet to see new bathrooms, more rangers, or less graffiti on any of the trails I frequent. Nor would I want to. I ask very little of the forest. I ask for a trail and peace and quiet. Thats it. I piss in the woods and if I want to drink from the water I bring a water filter. And I pack out all my trash and usually trash I find on the trail. I don't want to see more urbanization of the forest. I don't want to make it easier for tenderfeet to go deeper into the forest, mostly they are just loud and what I'm trying to get away from in the first place. And guess what, if new tax legislation was proposed to help protect our forests from logging, hire more rangers and maintain trail systems...guess who's the first guy writing his congressmen.

Here's a few things that will confund you further about the Adventure Pass:

If you hike at Chantry Flats, on the weekend there is a Ranger there encouraging you to buy an adventure pass. On the weekdays its a ghost town. Whats the difference? I'm still technically in need of an adventure pass right???

You can Hike to Mt. Wilson from Sierra Madre or Altadena and not need an Adventure Pass, but if you hike it from Chantry Flats you technically need one. Three quarters of the way up its all one trail. In fact I could hike from Sierra Madre into Chantry flats if I was so inclined.

If you venture into the Azusa Canyon area, they actually have signs posted that you do not need an Adventure Pass on weekdays. Why? If the purpose of the program is to collect funds, shouldn't they be trying to get as much as possible?

The Chantry Flats trail head was closed for three years, where were the funds to get it back open? The Henniniger Flats trail is still closed due to landslide, where are the fees at work for that? Mismanaged, thats where.

My Facts here are not irrefutable and I'm sure Jeff is salivating waiting to post his rebuttal, but I don't care , I just don't like the program, its poorly run and not enforced. I feel my taxes and other fees pay for any impact that I might have on the forest. So I will continue with my small bit of civil disobedience.

I reserve the right to edit this post as I think of more shit to say...

Sunday, November 25, 2007

A Post a Day

Thats my promise kids. I started this blog to talk shit about people and movie and music and shit like that. And to begin with, it was fun, and I don't mind tooting my own horn a bit, I think those post were pretty good early on. Lately, aside from a few exceptions, its been feelin like a chore. writing has become harder for me because I'm doing it less often. Well no more this is the first post in a long stream of posts. I'm going to try to keep up a post a day for was long as I can. And I'm going to try to make them quality posts not just the hit and run jobs I've been throwing up lately. I'm going to try not to talk too much about work and stick the mundane shit that was out bread and butter for so long. Here's the thing though, you are all characters in my life (and of course vice versa, I don't believe you are all actors or part of the matrix but I have my suspicions) so your name may come up in conversation. Don't be offended, I'm laughing with you not at you. Consider this post #1. I might get to post two today depending on how boring or exciting my Sunday is. I usually don't sleep on Sunday nights so we'll see how it goes.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Neither Rain nor sleet nor snow...ever

I don't say this very often, and maybe I don't even really believe it but fuck southern california. Jesus Christ I am so bored with the weather here. Nothin ever changes. Me and Lauri went for a walk tonight just to experience the little wind there was. It lasted half an hour and it was a hot wind. Now its back to business as usual, I have the sliding door open and I'm not even wearing a sweater. Will it ever rain here again? I'm not so sure. The thing is, layers of clothing work in the favor of a person of my particular proportions. I have all these great gap sweaters just sittin in my closet. I remember the wind, I remember the rain. I remember that these things once happened here. I remember reading in my room with the rain beating on the window or the wind rattling the sliding glass door. In a place where weather in an anomaly, you can occasionally defeat some boredom by taking an interest in whats going on outside. In a place where theres no weather at all everything just becomes too easy.

Sausage Bread

Buy a pack of pre-made loaves of bread (Bridgeford makes a pack of three you can find in the freezer section). Thaw it overnight in the fridge. Once thawed, set the loaves you are going to use out under a damp towel to rise for a couple of hours. Cook 1-1.5 pounds of sausage (Jimmy Dean sell them in tubes - spicy seems to taste best). Drain and cool the sausage when done. As the sausage cooks start working on the dough. You need to get it pretty flat and into a 18x12 rectangle. Put a layer of mozzarella cheese on the dough then sausage, then more cheese (about 1.5 cups of cheese or so - OK, maybe 2). Then roll it up like a jelly roll. Pinch it shut. Beat one egg with a tablespoon of water and brush it on the bread. Bake for 40-45 minutes at 350 on a greased baking sheet.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

My Peoples if you with me, where you at?

My History of Music (Part 2)

So I left off where I was listening simultaneously to some hip-hop and some 80s/90s metalish music. This was about 8th or 9th grade. I was still pretty geeky, but was looking to become more cool, a nearly impossible feat for a fat, smart, socially awkward sophomore. So my "style" in 10th grade was a mix of my enjoyment of hip-hop (baggy everything), metal/grunge (flannel, with holes, sometimes jeans) and the jock side of me that played baseball (Oakley Blades, sometimes jerseys). Yes, I looked like a bloody moron.

In 10th grade I figured out that cool people liked classic rock. So, as Pete predicted in his comment on the previous post, I figured out that CCR was a great band (greatest ever? I don't know). I also listened to Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Steve Miller Band, The Eagles (they were just starting comeback tour #4), and Santana. That was the bulk of my CD collection. It was also pretty convenient that my dad had many of these albums on LP.

It was also at this point that I more or less dropped the hip-hop. In the 90s I found one of my true love in music and I can't define it better than 90s rock. EMF, Jesus Jones, Ned's Atomic Dustbin, Sponge, Bush (a little), even Spin Doctors for a short time. I stuck with Guns n' Roses despite the "Spaghetti Incident" but dumped the rest of the metal sound. The grunge movement was kind to the portly teenager and I ran with it. Generally, my fashion sense was about 12-18 months behind the rest of the world (I got my first Birkenstocks in 10th grade - they were cool when I was in 8th), but I could easily justify flannels since they were pretty cheap.

After 10th grade I could no longer dodge my academic future. I had straight A's that year so they convinced me to get into AP classes, where people wore polos and tucked their shirts in. When in Rome... I also started to wear glasses off-and-on, which went really well with the tucked-in polo shirts. They also listened to the music that their older siblings listened to and I already stated that I never listened to Depeche Mode, The Cure, etc. So my musical tastes were all my own that point forward. I stuck with the classic rock phase for a while and even went to an Eagles concert during the summer after my junior year in high school. However, this was also the time that I first started getting into punk and ska. It actually started one summer at summer camp when I first heard Rage Against the Machine. Listening to that music was the first time I connected to the lyrics. I mean, let's face it - how much can you connect with CCR? Not me at least. From there I heard some of the newer pop-punk bands like Blink (later Blink-182), Green Day, Rancid, etc. - the more mainstream stuff. I'm not sure how fast it happened, but I dumped the classic rock right then and there - rarely to go back. (sorry Pete)

My senior year brought me more money and freedom (two jobs). I would guess that 75% of that went into going to punk and ska shows, buying punk and ska CDs, and buying t-shirs of paunk and ska bands. All levels of ska were great for me - skacore, 3rd wave, two-tone, Jamaican, whatever. Same for punk - hardcore, pop-punk, etc. Voodoo Glowskulls at the Barn. Aquabats at the San Bernardino Arena. Bouncing Souls at Showcase in Corona. DFL at the Underground in Redlands. It was all I did. That seriously lasted through college and into my first year or so afterward.

For some reason, once I hit 23 I stopped going to shows. I can't even say what my last show was. I stopped listening to punk and ska for the longest time. My preferences turned back to pure rock, fueled mostly by bands like Foo Fighters, Hot Hot Heat, and eventually White Stripes. Through it all I stuck with Rage Against the Machine until they broke up (sort of?). I also got more into jazz. In fact, my first real date with Amanda was something called the "Holiday Jazz Caravan" sponsored by K-Jazz where we could ride a shuttle from club-to-club to see different jazz bands/artists. (By the way, there was a previous "not real date" with Amanda which was just a night where we caught up after not seeing each other for a while after college. It was not a real date since we were hanging out with several friends. That may have been the last time I had a chili dog at Pink's).

The point of all this is that I looked through my musical history to see what part of my musical anthology has stood the test of time as far as my tastes.

Question: Do they still hold a solid place in my personal jukebox?
Parent's music: not even close
NWA - still a few on my iPod, but I still think Dr.Dre's "The Chronic" was one of the best albums of all time across all genres. So that's a yes.
KIIS-FM-fueled pop: dead as a blind dog on the freeway
classic rock: sorry, Pete. Hardly any (only Dylan) on my iPod and all of those CDs are gone
metalish rock: I can still listen to any Guns and Roses except anything after the Use Your Illusion series, but the rest is only there as a kind of joke - so I guess not really
90s rock: I practically get a boner during "Rock of the 90s" weekend on KROQ - strong yes
Punk: yes yes and yes
Ska: there are some of my ska CDs that I loaded on my iPod due to the in ability to ever replace them if the CD was lost, but a lot of that more poppy-3rd wave stuff is just not my cup of tea. There's this band called "Jeffries Fan Club that I thought was pretty dope back in my first year of college - now I can't stand them.

Hmm... that was kind of a weak finish to a long two-part post, but I hope you enjoyed it.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

My History of Music (part 1)

This isn't a history of all music - just a history of the music that I have listened to. I loaded a bunch of CDs onto my iPod and as they are going through on the shuffle I am noticing that not all of my old CDs are that interesting anymore. So I looked at my old stuff and deep into my memory to bring you this archive of Jeff's musical interests. Most is probably not that surprising while some is downright shameful and hard to talk about. (I decided to break this into two parts since it was getting to be too long)

As a kid I really didn't have much musical taste. My first record was (I think) something like "Mickey Mouse's Parade" or something. At 2 years-old I didn't really get to choose, but I remember digging the hell out of it and maybe marching around the living room like I was in a marching band. There is even a slight possibility that this still exists in one of my parents' collections.

The lack of choice is what really defined my first 10 years as a music listener. Since my parents preferred Lionel Richie, Neil Diamond, and Michael Jackson that is also what I preferred. I feel like these days kids start liking music earlier than 10, but whatever. So there is a distinct possibility that all of the lyrics to Lionel Richie's "Dancin' on the Ceiling" are buried somewhere in my subconscious. Also, this was when we got our first stereo (we will always refer to my brother and I since, as twins, we never get separate "big presents" until much later in life). That stereo was an 8-track player and the only tape we had was Billy Joel. It was a dark time, but it got darker.

The one very positive music decision I made early in life was Beastie Boys. My brother and I had License to Ill (on vinyl) shortly after it came out. So you would think that things would only turn right from here. Not so fast my friend. Beastie Boys led us to KIIS FM, which led us to the absolute shit that Top 40 stations play. This includes C&C Music Factory, Color Me Badd, and I even think that either myself or my brother might have encouraged my mom to buy New Kids on the Block before we knew what that meant. I'm going out on a limb to say that it was my brother. Ask Amanda why I think this.

Strange enough, almost at this same time, I was getting into other music that would lead me closer to my own taste. My first black friend (I know it sounds bad, but I grew up in the 909) introduced me to NWA. He also introduced me to the idea that some kids call their parents by their first names as he always called his mom "Joy" and not mom. He also turned out to be a douchebag later in life. After that I found a short-lived love for late 80s / early 90s hip-hop. Granted, my parents would only let me have MC Hammer, Vanilla Ice and the Fat Boys, but I would go to the homes of my friends with less restrictive parents to listen to Slick Rick, LL Cool J (he cussed a little back then), 2 Live Crew and a little Public Enemy. I kind of stuck to this rap thing, but also ventured a little into alt rock.

This was about the time that KROQ only played the Smiths, The Cure, Depeche Mode, and other music for closet homosexuals as well as their counterparts - Oingo Boingo, Violent Femmes, and Jane's Addiction - bands whose fans would later produce our current EMO kids. Since I never like any of these shite bands I pretty much avoided KROQ like the plague (but was still listening to KIIS for some reason.) This would lead to my rock phase where I listened primarily to glam-type bands (Warrant, Motley Crue, Skid Row) who would lead me to Guns N' Roses, who would be the last "metalish" band that I ever listened to - it just wasn't my style. However, this is also the time that I got my first CD - Too Much Joy's "Cereal Killer". Too Much Joy is still probably my favorite band although I'm sure most people have never heard of them. In any case, they helped me realize that I like a little more mellow version of rock in most cases. This is also where I found one of my true loves in music - but that's for Part 2.

Part 2 sneak peak: 90's rock, grunge, punk, ska, jazz, electronica, up to today.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

This has been your Movie and Television Review

I would like to retract my previous statement about Everest: Beyond the Limit. Last season was awesome. This season sucks. They turned it into some kind of Survivour on Mt. Everest. The climbers are all unrealistic douchebags, mostly leftover from last year. Fuck that show.

I saw Darjeeling Limited, the new film by Wes Anderson. Not bad, not great. Somewhere along the lines of The Life Aquatic. No where near the greatness of Rushmore or The Royal Tennenbaums.

For the most retarded movie I've seen in a long time, the award goes to "The Guardian" with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. When you have Netflix you order a lot to get your money's worth. It's amazing how bad Kevin Costner can be when he is trying to do drama.

I saw Black Snake Moan. I actually didn't find it that bad. Good Music, interesting characters, completely implausible scenario, but at least it was a somewhat original concept.

I'm anxious to see "No Country for Old Men" I'm a big Cohen Bros. fan.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Last Day

Well its my last day at a job that i've worked at for 8 1/2 years! I spent my all my 20's here practically. That's kinda sad. Am i sad cuz i'm leaving though? Nope! This place is a funny farm of just the strangest people you could imagine. You all think you have that one person who drives you crazy or who you think may actually be crazy? Well imagine a whole company filled with those people. I kid you not. I didn't get a farewell party either. I'm the longest working employee who's ever left and i get no party. I just want 5pm to roll around so that i can start a new chapter in my life. I start at the Civic tomorrow. It should be cool. I'm excited to learn something new. And everyone that works there is always willing to help you. That's nice i think. That's about it from here. I'll keep you updated on the new job experience in the coming days!

Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Hi...i'm bored...really bored. So i gave notice to my job that i'm leaving and i'm in the process of pretending that i'm not here so that everyone has to find other avenues of getting the things they need. Unfortunately its going fine. So fine that i wonder why i'm here. I have nothing to do! There's small things that happen and i tell them what needs to be done, but once i correct them, it doesn't happen anymore. Now i know that's the way its supposed to go but i'm still stuck with nothing to do. My boss has decided to get rid of my position all together. So now my job has been divided into 3 parts. 3 parts with 3 people running each "department". Its not gonna work in the long run. Its gonna take some time for everyone to see that once i leave i think. Yesterday, at 4pm, my boss comes running into my office and hands me a very important order that needed to go out in like 20 minutes. It wouldn't be a problem if i were "here". But see, i'm not. If i were "here" i'd put the whole order together in 5 minutes and wouldn't even break a sweat. This new system he's created made him have to go talk to 3 people. Ridiculous. By the time the order was packed and shipped, those 3 "departments" were super stressed and so was my boss! And some how i was the one that got blamed? Blamed you ask? How? Well during the whole fiasco, he came to my office and in his little way, he told me that if this order doesn't go out right, i'd be in big shit! Needless to say, i was insanely angry! How dare he set up this whole system and then in the long run i'd be in trouble. He's the one who fucked up in the very beginning by giving ME the order. Stick with your new system buddy!!!! Ass. I can't wait to get out of here. So its now Wednesday, at....oh god...9:45am and i can't believe i have to sit here and do nothing. No one even talks to me, which is kinda great btw. But still, it gets to you. So that's the update.

In other news, if you haven't heard, Pete and I are headed to Texas this weekend. Nothing crazy, just the weekend. We leave Friday afternoon and get back Sunday night. It'll be my sister Sharon's bday on that Friday so i'm sure we'll hit some hilarious honky tonk bar. Culture shock for Pete! I can't wait! The weather will be great and there's the potential for a crazy Texas thunderstorm on Saturday. We'll take our camera and see what crazy Texas stuff we can get into.

Guess that's about it for now. Someone actually came into my office and needed help! I'll help them and then i'll be bored again. Let me know what your all up to! :)

Monday, November 05, 2007

Level 2 Answerer

One of my newest addictions is Yahoo! Answers. You can either ask or answer any question in a variety of categories. The more questions you answer, the more "points" you get. I have answered 54 questions, which really doesn't get you that many points (2 per answer). Where my addiction lies is in being voted the best answer, which nets you 10 points. Right now 25% of my answers have been picked as the best answers and have earned enough points to be a "Level 2" answerer. I generally answer questions in the beer, wine and spirits section, the soccer section, and the economics section.

Here is my best answer so far. Its about soccer. I was picked as the best answer out of 18, which is a lot by my standards.

Does this make me a nerd (or add to my nerdiness)?

Question of the Day

Whats a Moe?

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Like some kind of blogging pheonix....

Hey Ratracers! hows it going? hope all is good in Cali. I've had the most chaotic and eventful year, but feel like I have passed into calmer waters now (or is the eye of the storm?). Have ended up working at a backpackers hostel in Wales, where, apparently I'm the bar manager. Those who remember my frankly heroic drinking sessions in the Crown will probably be thinking of emailing Cardiff Backpackers to warn them. But I assure you 90% of the time I'm sober (except in the first few weeks when it was probably more like 5%). The main duties of position are: talking shite to travellers, forcing my record collection upon guests, sleeping on the couch during night shifts and a little light cleaning.- it's the role I was born for!

Have also started doing a bit of music promotion type stuff- putting on gigs and club nights. Pete and Laurie, I dont envy you- I get stressed when dealing with a handful of people in a small venue- I dont know if I'd have the mental capacity to operate at your level!

anywho, hope everyone is good, will try to drop in more often.

Iechyd Da! (good health)

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Plight of a Substitute

So I have been subbing for my Aunt since Tuesday. That's right it seems here in Cordova anybody can be a sub. The classes are small and no trouble plus she pays well. I am not really what you would call a substitute teacher though. I would refer to it more as a glorified babysitter.
The point I am trying to emphasize here is that I have nothing to teach because the lesson plans she leaves all instruct the student what to do and really allow me no free reign over what they should do or will do. It is a digital photography class by the way, I also teach a nursing class later in the day. She also gives passes to these kids in Digital whenever they ask for it so they can take pictures. It is rainy, cold and windy as a mofo outside right now and the only reason I am blogging now is because nobody is in the class. That's right people not a single student is now in the classroom. They all have a pass to go take "pictures." Yeah right. Anyway I feel like I am being taken advantage of a bit. But I can't deny the kid a pass. I am just the substitute. I have to abide by the actual teacher rules, don't I? If she gives out passes willy nilly I have to as well. Whatever all the kids here are rejects anyway. It is so sad. I feel somewhat bad for them because they have no idea what the real world is like and probably won't like it even if they escape Cordova. I also feel bad for them cause there is nothing for them to do. I see them aimlessly wandering around the front of the library, down First street. No wonder half of them are on drugs what else is there to do.


Well it finally happened! I got a new job! I gave two weeks to my current job yesterday and i start my new job on Nov. 15th. What's my new job? Well it came in handy to have a second job at the Civic cuz they decided to hire me full time. So i'll now be an Event Manager there. I'm very excited!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Great TV

Everest: Beyond the Limit is back on Discovery channel. What a great show. Full of a bunch of retards who paid to climb Mt. Everest. So far we have two dude who didn't even come close last year and a woman who apparently has no mountaineering skills. All paying an army of sherpas to cook for them, carry all their shit (figuratively and probably literally) so they can have their bodies and brains deteriorate from the high altitude as they attempt to walk up Everest. The thing that strikes you most is how the American "climbers"/clients come off as such douchebags when compared to the mild Aussies and Kiwis. They don't listen and they pretend to know everything as move toward impending death. You find yourself rooting for their failure.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Top __ Lists

Top 8 things I miss about my childhood

1. Saturday morning cartoons while eating overflowing bowls of Cap'n Crunch.
2. collecting baseball cards
3. cupball (baseball, but we used crushed paper cups and hit with our hands)
4. Mr. Wizard
5. climbing the tree in my grandparents' backyard and pretending that it was Airwolf
6. swimming for hours on end until I was wrinkly
7. trick-or-treating
8. ______ tag (freeze, TV, movie, etc.)

Top 8 things that replaced the things on the previous list

1. Saturday morning soccer with English breakfast (and maybe a pint)
2. collecting wine
3. soccer
4. Simpsons
5. hiking around Pasadena and pretending that its the wilderness
6. drinking for hours on end until my liver is wrinkly
7. drinking Pete and Lauri's beers
8. ???

Top 5 things that I am forced to do as an adult that completely ruined all my childhood images of being an adult

1. job
2. bills
3. other people being retarded
4. responsibility
5. the slow decay of my memory

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Harry Potter Issues

I don't read the Harry Potter books, but I've seen all the movie's, (Isay most of the latest one on the plane home from Chicago) so I have some issues maybe you Potterphiles can answer.

1. Why is the bad guy always the defense against the dark arts teacher? Why can't Hogwarts better it's screening process? When Harry's class graduates from Hogwarts, they will have had no training against the dark arts because all their teachers have been Voldemort's minions? If Mad Eye Moody was Voldemort or his minion (i forget) why was he so nice to Neville Longbottom?

2. Where was the Tri Wizard tournament in the fist book? Every book seems to introduce some previously unknown element to the magical universe that make everything before it seem kind of silly. In Goblet of Fire, its indicated that every 3 years the Tri Wizard tournament is held , but that would mean that it wouldv'e been going on during Sorcerer's Stone, but you didn't hear anything about it? Then there is the train to Hogwarts, which got replaced by Flu Powder, which got replaced by Port Keys. I realize we can't expect the author to stick completely to the constraints she set up in the first book, but it makes everything feel a bit inconsistent.

3. Why does Harry end up going back the the Dursely's every year. Doesn't anyone have a couch the kid can flop on for the summer? What happened to the Weasely's pad? Did they send him packing or what?

Friday, October 26, 2007


Help me I can't sleep. I feel like Ed Norton in the beginning of Fight Club.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

I May be Losing my soul...

I was going to do this as a list. Y'know top 10 reasons I think I'm losing my soul. But I wanted to break away from the list format and give a little exposition. Well here it is... I think I may be losing my soul for the following reasons. I now travel for business. I can give you travel tips. I can tell you a good place to get a steak if you ever find yourself in downtown St. Louis. I can't tell you where to find a cool local hangout, but if you ever want to take a trip to the top of the St. Louis arch, I'm your man. I think I might be losing my soul because on return from my last business trip I had an Action Items List. I went to a software conference for Christ's sake...who among you can claim that one. I think I might be losing my soul because I, on a regular basis, use the term "revenue streams". I have on two occasions this year signed a document entitled "Individual Performance Objectives". I think I may be losing my soul because on Nov. 1st. I have to attend a Microsoft Outlook Class (and it's the advance class). I think I may be losing my soul because I completely lose all control of my mind and any usefulness after 10pm on a weekday. I don't really read anymore, because any time I try to read, I start to think about work.
Thats enough. I didn't used to have to take take my job so seriously. I have a boss that really buys into this shit and frankly I'm getting raises like there is no tommorow, but I don't know it worth feeling like a douchebag a lot of the time? Any suggestions?

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Just wanted to say

You all were right. Everyone of you. I never should have moved here. I regret it every day that goes by.
I just wanted to say that. I also wanted to apologize to my firends down there for leaving you. I am outta here as soon as possible. I look forward to seeing you all next year sometime.
Sorry everyone I was wrong you were right.


How do you say Bored in AK?

1. I've come to realize the last person who held my hand...was a really long time ago
2. I am listening to..."Band of Horses" new album
3. I speak...english
4. I am one
5. My best friend(s)...are probably doing some thing fun anywhere but Alaska
6. My no more
7. I hate it when people ask...What time is it? Time for you to get a watch it would seem
8. an elusive creature
9. Marriage is...not in my near future
10. Somewhere, someone is thinking...Whatever happened to that Randy Moe character?
11. I'm always...drinking
12. I have a secret crush...On someone. If I told you it wouldn't be secret anymore.
13. My cell phone...Is in front of me but not working. Sorry. I live in the backwoods.
14. When I woke up this morning...I wished I was in California
15. Before I go to bed at night...I think about life and stuff
16. Right now I am thinking about...the answers for this survey
17. Babies are...small and smell bad a lot
18. I get on MySpace...Cause I have nothing better to do
19. Today I...ordered some stuff from Amazon and am filling this out now. Riveting, I know.
20. Tonight I will...Hopefully not sit at home but realistically I will
21. Tomorrow I will...Go to Church against my will and then watch football the rest of the day and drink till I fall asleep.
22. I really want...a million dollars in California

BTW the answer was: Fill out a stupid survey you found on MySpace.

Updated Slideshow

See the updated slideshow below for some pics of our trip back east. Tom has all the pics from the wedding.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Top 5 Happy Hour snacks (in order)

1. Wings
2. Nachos
3. Skins
4. Cheese fries
5. chips n' salsa n' guacamole

Clearly, wings are the best. Please advise.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Floating Between Infinities

We're on a canoe, me Tom and Lauri. It's 11pm, there is no moon and the milky way is banding across the sky and refelcting on the water. If we stop paddling and float, we can't tell where the sky ends and the water begins. I know that sounds a little Forest Gump, but it felt as we were floating between two infinities. I'm not sure it gets any better than that.

Friday, October 12, 2007


Have you ever wondered what your name would be if you were a Brazilian soccer player? Well, check out this website too find out. I'm Jincha.

Bob Dylan = Dylando
George Bush = Georgildo
William Jennings Bryan = William Jennio
Charles Grodin = Groda
Barack Obama = Obamiano
Chuck Norris = Chimo
Pol Pot = Perto
Robot Chicken = Chickaca
Try to guess: Luka, Vadino, Obi Wisco, Pinhosa, Finhosa

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Top 5 wines that I am looking forward to drinking soon

1. 1999 Domaine Alfred Califa Pinot Noir
2. 2005 Domaine Carneros Estate Pinot Noir
3. 2005 Kynsi Pinot Blanc
4. 2004 Maloy O'Neill Enzo (blend)
5. Pete's 1980-something Bordeaux (its about time to open that sucker up Pete - find a special occasion)

If you want to see all of the bottles that I am currently holding check out my list at

Monday, October 08, 2007

See if you can spot these quotes

As election season approaches, you should remember this little piece of wisdom...

"You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!"

In your various love lives out there you should remember this bit of wisdom...
"There's a million of FINE lookin' women in this world, but they don't all bring you lasagna at work...most of them just cheat on ya."

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Variance on a theme (my first post here)

Most of you have checked out my regular blog and noticed how I have gone to the list format. I will be now bringing a barrage of lists to Life Outside the Rat Race. However, all of my lists here will be the Top ____ of ______. Lists are easy on the eyes and the brain. I think if we broke more things up into lists people would read more. Hell, look at 90% of newspaper stories - paragraphs are often 1-2 sentences. So I'm going with it.

Top 5 things impractical things I would buy if I won the lottery: (in no particular order)
1. wine cellar
2. collection of full size arcade games
3. an airplane
4. private movie theater
5. L.A. Galaxy

Top 3 people that are dead to me:
1. Mel Gibson
2. most of my high school friends
3. Steve Guttenberg

Top 7 favorite childhood toys:
1. Optimus Prime
2. G.I. Joe hovercraft with depth charges
3. Hippity-Hop
4. Tutti Fruity (stuffed animal - shut up Pete, I know what you're thinking)
5. Richard Scarry Busytown playset
6. O.G. Nintendo
7. Construx

Top 8 favorite beers
1. Guinness
2. Murphy's
3. Sierra Nevada Pale
4. Kona Fire Rock
5. Newcastle
6. SLO Brewing Co Blueberry Wheat
7. Kostritzer
8. Tetley's

Top 4 Cold War propaganda movies
1. Red Dawn
2. Rocky 4
3. War Games
4. Iron Eagle

Top 1 movie that convinced me that if was good enough at video games I would get recruited by either the military, pro sports teams, or some secret space rebel army:
1. The Last Starfighter

Thursday, October 04, 2007

I shall be released

I think If I'd have been born in the 40's I would have been a Rock Star in the 60's. It all might have ended in tragedy.

I am now listening to two versions of the same song. It's called "I shall be released" I'm listening to the version by The Band and also by Bob Dylan.

Welcome Jeff, now make with the funny.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

ipod top 5

I'm not really a big ipod listener and only just recently did it get updated on itunes. But i still enjoy these 5 faves:
1. Good-Better Than Ezra
2. More Than a Feeling-Boston
3. Ordinary World-Duran Duran
4. Don't Stop Believin'-Journey
5. Take a Picture-Filter

A little help from my friends!

So i need/want a new full time job. My skills are as follows: i'm awesome, hard working, smart and will do anything if the money is right. If any of you have some information, i'd appreciate it.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Movie Night is Back Motherfuckers

Its time for another Movie night motherfuckers! For real this time. I know the spaghetti western night fell through, but this one is for real, so long as the demand is high enough. Here is the movie, are you ready for it?

Big Trouble in Little China

Yes, possibly the greatest 80's movie. It's Kurt Russell, a young Kim Catrall and director John Carpenter at their very best. If we can make this happen, we'll do a chinese buffet, and Tsingtao beer. RSVP your interest level and we'll pick a Saturday night.

Here are a few lines from the movie to wet your appetite:

"Now you listen to the old Pork Chop express on a Dark and stormy night..."

"Wise man has enough sense to get in out of the rain!"

"if I'm not back in an the president."

"Son of a Bitch must pay!"

"This does what, exactly?
Huge Buzz!"

"great! 6 demon bag, terrific! what's in it?!"

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Homework Assignment

So you want my iPod Top 5. Some of these are older I haven't gotten around to downloading anything brand new yet. So here goes:

1234 - Feist
Damn infectious

Cowboy - Kid Rock
I have no idea why I listen to this so much

Ticks - Brad Paisley
Yes it's country, deal

Never Again - Kelly Clarkson
Can't help it she rocks out

Whats Up Fatlip? - Fatlip
Thank you Pete

Saturday, September 29, 2007

My iPOd 5

My iPOd top 5 is quite an ecletic group. I will tell you a line from the song too.

1. Sum41 - Underclass Hero : This song starts out loud and strong and a great first line. "Well I wont be caught livin in a dead end job."
2.Funeral For A Friend - Streetcar : A rockin out song I usually play this when I take a drive. "So goodbye do you enjoy life."
3.Ringers - Apocalypto : This is not on Itunes yet but will be soon. Also I have to give support to my friends. But everyday when I check my myspace and rock out to this smack you in the face rock song I sing along. "I cannot stay right here for you to return to me."
4.Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Gaurdian Angel : The best love song and I think even if you sing this song bad you might get laid. It was hard to pick a line but I'll have to go with this one. "I will never let you fall I'll stand up with you forever".
5.My Chemical Romance - Teenagers : Now I know I'm not a teenager anymore. But this song rocks and sometimes I wish I was a teenager so I can sing this song to teachers and authority figures "They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies and the books to make a citizen out of you."

This list was hard and besides for #3 they are my top songs on my iPod right now. But #3 will be on soon at least thats what Joe ( the singer) said.

This guy has been living on our patio for about a week now. He looks at you when you come near.

Friday, September 28, 2007


As requested, here you go:

Paramore - Misery Business (there is a badass acoustic version somewhere on the internet)
Ghostface Killah & Amy Winehouse - You know I'm no good
Kanye West - The Glory/Homecoming (both songs are awesome, and back to back, Chris Martin and Kanye, who would have thought?)
Maroon 5 - Won't go home without you
The Game - Down (best 2-3 minutes of shit talking in a while)
Cold war kids - Hang me out to dry

There you have it, a quick glimpse into the music I am currently listening to.

An Assignment

This an assignment post. Are you up to the task? We all have iPod's and I assume we are all always looking for good music. Let me know 5 or 6 songs that you are currently listening to. Don't be embarassed, this is a chance to introduce the rest of us to some new and exciting music. Jeff you're in this too. Here's what I'm listening to:

1234 -The Feist
Strangers - The Kinks
This Time Tommorow - The Kinks
Forever Begins - Common
The Good Life - Kanye West
Where do you go to (My Lovely)- Peter Sartstedt

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here I Am

Alright so it has been like forever since I blogged and I don't want to write a short story so I will try to keep this interestingly long enough but not boring long enough. It's a fine line. Here's how I am going to try to do this: 2 sections.
Section 1
Stuff you likely know
I now live in Alaska, The Great White North. No I do not live in an igloo; however, I do live with my parents. Pretty sad I know. I just turned 30 years old and I live with my parents. My whole family lives here. Anyway most everybody should know all this already. So I am just summing it up real quick like before I move on.
Section 2
Stuff you may or may not know
It rains a lot here. It hasn't been too cold yet though. I have been a referee at HS Volleyball games. I have a job interview on Friday at the local community college for the position of Administrative Assistant. Getting it would be nice. I spend most of my time listening to iTunes and staring at either the TV or my computer. It is all very exciting. I have a fantasy football team currently in first place in the league up here. I watch football whenever humanly possible. I more or less have to go to church every Sunday or people will talk and since everybody knows everybody here I like to stay outta the spotlight. I am not dating anybody. There are about 2-3 single girls here I believe unless you are into high school girls which at my age is a bit wrong. I just found out my cell phone is unable to be activated up here because they lack the technical knowledge. So unless I get to Anchorage anytime soon no text messages, maybe. I am starting to receive bills up here now. I subbed a HS class for 3 days. I have setup my uncle's home LAN. I have also setup our own LAN at home. I helped my cousin with his wireless LAN. I go to bed around 11PM AK time. I have helped out my cousin with his new house he is basically remodeling on a large scale. I have gone four-wheeling out the road. I have not gotten on the lake yet or been out an a boat yet. It is just a matter of time. I am gonna try to squeeze in a couple hikes before it gets too cold. I don't have much money but that is kinda normal right.
I am going to take a break now to go eat some lunch. be back later
Back now just had some lefover taco meat and tater tots. It was delicious
OK well I am not sure what else to say right now. If I come up with anything I will blog it. I promise to be more of an active participant in this blog since I have no other means of communication with you all. I look forward to hearing or seeing you all again. Bye for now.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Happy Birthday Boys

Just wanted to say happy birthday to my boys Randy Moe and Lafayette Gooler. I hate you guys

Friday, September 21, 2007

Did I tell you I quit drinking?

So I'm innocently trying to goad Randy and Alex into an online chat session, because you know they don't call, email, text or post on the blog. So I send this to Alex, "Did I tell you I quit drinkin?" To Randy I say, "Screw yourselves, I'm livin' the Hollywood dream life!" Like I said, I just tryin to get their goat. I don't hear anything back for like a half hour until I get a reply on Alex's screen name that says. "That's great news Pete, the boys are both at a basketball game..." It was from their parents. Now they think I'm an alcoholic in recovery. If anyone was an alcoholic it was Randy, not me. This is some fucked up shit when you can't IM your late 20's friends without worrying about whether mommy and daddy are gonna see. Get your shit together motherfuckers! Not that you read the blog.
Do I have latent hostility? Probably.
By the way, I quit drinking.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Why don't you do something with your life?

Hello all it has been a long time. I think I'm going to start posting more. I feel so out of the loop without that devilish myspace. Anyway wanted to go ahead and say as always i had a great time camping . We played some old games and we played some new games. i think my favorite addition would have to be sling ball or as Jeff's white trash family calls it hillbilly horse shoes.My least favorite would have to be shot sorry, i'm sure Pete would agree with me on this. Anyway talk to everyone soon I'll be at the crown tonight come by for a pint. Oh by the way they don't have the Internet in Alaska? What the fuck i miss you too Randy(asshole).

Thursday, September 13, 2007

I enjoy Bullet Points

A list... (a la Jeff but much more cryptic)

  • You know how I know I'm getting old? I find myself liking The Eagles just a little too much.
  • Never barge into your bosses office and just start talking. He may be on the phone or making your schedule for next week.
  • Never argue with me in the morning take everything I say before 9am as wrote. (I wield far too much power)
  • Never run over a fire hydrant. Bad things happen.
  • Be self realized. Know your faults and work on them. Never say, "thats just way I am..." It will lead to eventual financial ruin or you'll become really rich, either way you'll be a douchebag...nevermind do what you want. (I realize I'm being preachy, see how that works)
  • There's a movie coming out that reminds me of a story that I once started but never finished with some friends. I'm little pissed, but I guess these ideas are just out there. It's all the collective unconscious.
  • It's a strange really is. We're all friends here so I'll just say this, there are much more people out there that are NOT like us than are. Am I like us? or them? Are you one of us? Or them? Its becoming less clear.
  • My favorite lyric so far from all the rap Lynlee gave comes from Mos Def and goes like this.."I ain't shit to play with...I give a Goddamn what your name is." Also "you mumble like a coward, I'm Mos Def you need to speak louder.." Actually that whole song is fucking incredible. Its called Speed Law.
  • I got Kung Fu: season 2 on Netflix and learned this: discover inner harmony, avoid discord with others.
  • I just sat around for 5 minutes or so not writing anything.
  • It's late and I'm going to pay for this in the morning. I hate that that is the case.
  • I watched "The Last Boy Scout" last night. Bruce Willis was at the peak of his powers in that movie. Damon Wayans sucked. And still sucks. In fact I'm prepared to denounce the whole Wayans family.
  • I've vowed not to watch Star Wars again until I get a big flat screen TV and surround sound. I'm not going to able to keep that vow.
  • Happy Hour at El Torito is incredible. But an hour after its over you body feels like its getting the shit kicked out of it from the inside out.
  • This list is over
The perfect place for a game of Dominoes?

Monday, September 10, 2007

New Page Element

Check out the bottom of the blog. I stole this slideshow concept form Vic's myspace page.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Regarding Whiskey: A Rebuttal

Oh, Petey, say it ain’t so! I think that your experience with whiskey may have steered you in the wrong direction. I understand that Tim, Tom, and especially Bill make it look so easy to just down the stuff, however I feel that your method of attack on the fine beverage may have been too gung ho. I do not feel that it was a wise idea to get familiar with whiskey with a game of “whiskey sorry.” It is never a good idea to take a shot every time someone gets “sorried” during the game (for this retarded game, I blame Emily). So, Pete please reconsider your harsh words for a wonderful delight of a beverage, and maybe partake whiskey every once in while but in moderation so you can actually enjoy it and not have to puke the whole way home.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

No Sense of Direction

I have a terrible sense of direction. I always have. The only way I can get around in Pasadena is to remember that the mountains are north. This came in to play just last night when I tried to get home from San Clemente. For some reason, I always find the 57 freeway to be an elusive little freeway, I always seem to miss it, one way or another. So there I am driving on the 57 north, in the carpool lane when without warning it dumps me on to the 60 it happened so fast, I didn't even see which direction of the 60 I was dumped onto. I, however was confident that I was going west. It felt west, I felt like even though I didn't know the area so we'll that I would be able to recognize the streets as we headed in a westerly direction. Lauri suggested we might be headed east, "I think I saw a sign saying 60 East." "Negative" I replied confidently, its like Led Zeppelin said, "There a feeling I get when I look to the west." That feeling was slowly fading as I began to see street names going by in the wrong order. But as I was not familiar with the area I felt I might have had a muddled memory as to which streets go where. Then I saw a sign indicating the next 7 exits for Ontario. I looked at Lauri, "we're not going east..." much less confidence this time. "OK..." almost no confidence from Lauri. "GOD DAMMIT!" finally admitting to myself that I had just driven a half hour in the wrong direction. After a few twists and turns I found my way back to the 57 North, and eventually back home. I once found my way home from San Clemente by way of Down town LA. Maybe its my subconscious telling me I shouldn't be going anywhere except TO San Clemente.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

This is the aftermath of the Thunderstorm at camping. Not only that, but its just a badass pic.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Countdown to the Long Weekend

Well kids the countdown to the long weekend begins. My job has generously declared a half day today so I'll be out of here by 2pm today. I think I'm gonna use that extra three hours to Play some GTA San Andreas and maybe eat some leftover chinese food. Whatever I do, its going to be in the presence of heavy air conditioning. Maybe I could go catch a matinee or something.

As it turns out, my contemplation of not drinking anymore was quickly cut short by an invite to the Crown by some folks from work. What could I do? I can't let them go to the crown by themselves...thats all I have to say about that.

Camping was an exciting time. I think we actually had a group of people move across the road because of us, but at least they did that instead of turning it into a beg pencilneck incident

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Regarding Whiskey

Never again. I threw up on the way home from San Clemente on Tuesday. It might have had to do with drinking nothing but Beer and then whiskey all day Monday. Tim, Tom, and Bill make it look so easy, I thought I could hang. I cannot. So I say this on the start of my 32nd year on this planet, I forsake whiskey for good. There are Whiskey and Bourbon types and there are vodka and Gin types. I am the latter. One more of lifes little "who am I?" questions answered.
Frankly with Randy out of the picture, (and apparently disinclined to even maintain contact) I'm inclined to give up alcohol all together.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Steve the confused and frustrated apartment manager

So I went to Randy's old apartment to pick up the laptop he left behind. I was a little leery of doing this, knowing the condition he left the place in, I was worried about running into an angry landlord out for blood looking for anyone connected to the son of a bitch that left him with the awful job of disposing of a refrigerator that had been off for last month or so, with food still in it. What I found was a friendly old chap named Steve. I told him I was a friend of Randy's and that I needed to pick up a few things, specifically a laptop that he had left. Steve asked me to come outside, he said he was tired of the smell. He asked my name, I told him. He asked if it was true that Randy had lit out to Alaska. I told him that was true. He said I could go on in and take whatever I could find. I went to Randy's bedroom looking for his laptop. Sadly it was not there. Steve had come inside with me. His mood was best described as perplexed. Steve just couldn't wrap his head around the concept of someone leaving an apartment in such a state. I can't say I much disagreed with Steve. Broken beer bottles littered the floor. Closets were left half full of clothes. Blankets, a door mat, old mail, dishes in the sink, old porn videos on the floor. A stereo sort of half boxed up. There was a bed frame, but no bed. I was tempted to take a few things that I could use around the house but I didn't want to seem like a looter, leaving Steve only with the detritus. Steve told me that the Goodwill had been by earlier, but didn't want anything, the place smelled too badly they had said. Steve expressed regret that he had entered the apartment without prior notice but that the neighbors were complaining about the smell and that he had suspected that someone, or something had died inside. He described to me that the refrigerator had "blown up." I'm not sure what he meant, but I'm quite sure that whatever had ended up growing inside that fridge was capable of breaking free in a dramatic escape attempt possible resembling an explosion. When I told Steve that I didn't see a laptop, he said he didn't know nothin about no laptop but that there was a computer monitor in the closet. No thanks. Steve had funny way of continuously looking around, as if surveying a war zone and seeing some of his best friends splayed out, limbs in places they shouldn't have been. His expression said to me, "I've seen some fucked up shit...but this...". The question he kept repeating verbally was "why". As in, "why would he leave this..." why "would he leave that...". I felt bad for Steve, he had quite a bit of work ahead of him. I told him I had a pick-up truck and that maybe I could swing by later in the week and pick some stuff up. It wasn't true. I'll never go back there again. I took down Steve's number and told him that I would asked randy to give him a call. I think Steve wanted a call back, more than anything just to have that question answered.."why". Just as I was leaving Lauri had finished getting Randy' mail, a foot high stack of bills and magazines like Forbes and Car Craft. Lauri said she wanted the lamp she had given Randy back. So I went back in, only to find Steve still standing there surveying the carnage, shaking his head.
Sorry Steve, there is only one answer to this conundrum and you missed him by six days.


I never did find Randy's laptop and I noticed right away that Steve was wearing Randy's Alaska baseball cap, and I had for a minute suspected that Steve had helped himself to the laptop. Happily, I found out that Randy's aunt had beat me there and collected the laptop, so it's on it's way safely to Alaska.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

43'd from Ichima

So this is actually pretty embarrassing but its a good story so I'm gonna tell it. Me and Lauri got 43'd (half of 86's you have to leave but you can come back) from Ichima Sushi. Here goes...

So we ordered some sushi. Was it a lot? I don't know we ordered alot of small stuff like a couple of spicy tuna rolls and some salmon and yellow tail sushi. Then we ordered a few specialty rolls you know Rainbow, crunch, philly, etc.
The waiter takes our little sheet without saying a word. But 2 minutes later he's back.
"I just wanted make sure you wanted all these rolls"
"Yes" we said.
"It's a lot of Food!" He said
"We know..."
"Okay..." he mutters tentatively.

The rolls begin coming. One after another. As if no one else can eat until our huge order has been filled. We are enjoying our dinner, eating slowly as the rolls begin to pile up. We have 4 rolls that we are picking from. Here comes the waittress...
"umm I just wanted to know if you really wanted the rest of the rolls you ordered..."
I sigh. These signals are none too subtle.
"umm what do we have left"
"a philly roll, an in and out tuna roll, and a eel avacado roll."
They all sound so delicious why would we not want these rolls? But clearly Ichima is worried that our guts will burst open with raw fish and they will be forced to mop it up?
so I say "okay just bring us the philly roll and thats it."
So she does it, none too happy I might add to risk an explosion.
We finish the last of our food and the first waiter comes over and says "so you cancelled two rolls?" with that oh so smug I told you so giggle.


Here's the thing...this was not an "all you can eat" situation. we were paying for everything we ordered. Here's the other can go to the same sushi place on different nights and get different portions. you can get a spicy tuna roll that is tiny and only four pieces, or you can get some sushi that is a 1 inch x 1inch piece. So I order a lot. So what?

So by now, you're wondering, "how much could they have possibly ordered to warrant that kind of response?" Okay well here's the list, try not to judge us too harshly.

2 yellow tail sushi
2 salmon sushi
1 rainbow roll
2 spicy tuna rolls
1 ichima roll
1 crunch roll
1 eel avo roll
1 philly roll
1 in and out tuna roll

Yes, looking at it, it is quite a bit but you never know how small those sushi pieces are gonna be. Anyway, here I sit, satisfied, but not bursting. I wanted to be bursting...

Disc 6 Track 12

What's Up Fatlip

Feelin' downtrodden
Fresh kid turned rotten
I can't believe I'm like E then I'm coppin
Over the years seems like I'm gettin' dumber
Reminiscing to a time when I was younger with a hunger
Full a dreams, determination, self-esteem
But now it seems they hesitate to be on my team
You know the routine, when you winnin' they grinnin'
All up in your face, like they was wit' you from the beginnin'
But on the flipside,
When you washed up like a riptide
Fools clown 'bout how you slipped and let shit slide
Beside the fact
My voice is wack
Clowns runnin' around, talkin' 'bout I smoke crack
Ain't got no homies that got my back
Yeah I'm a brotha, but some times I don't feel black
My girl is white
My game aint tight
Niggas who ain't seen me in a while be like "Dude, you aight?"

Who am I kiddin', who am I foolin'
When they be like "What's up Fatlip?," and I say "Coolin'"

Blowin' like a sucka almost every day
In the back of your mind you prob'ly thinkin' I was gay
But naw, I'm just a bitch ass nigga
The type that get jacked if I's a rich ass nigga
See I been a loser just about all my life
Type that try turn a ho to a housewife
What do you expect
I give respect
And feel for hoes niggas keep in check
I'm far from hard
Emotionally scarred
On Pico Boulevard
I was regarded as a retard
I make myself sick
Get on my own nerves
Immature, insecure,
Grown up nerd
Has-been MC
On a label that's unstable
Choppin' bliggy on a table

Who am I kiddin', who am I foolin'
When they be like "What's up Fatlip?," and I say "Coolin'"

Living Life Among the Tall Trees

The Hike from Hell part 2

This is a view of Half Moon Meadow from an 800' elevation gain in just under a mile.

Hike from Hell

This is Half Moon Meadow...

Night Drive

We decided to go for a little drive at night. Little did we know that we wouldn't make it back to camp until 10pm.

The Shadow of a Man

I enjoy a bologna Sandwich.

Yosemite Valley from Dewey Point

If trees can see, this one will have had a pretty good view for the last 500 or so years.

Campsite #6 Summerdale

The quintessential campsite. However, we placed our tent under a tree, apparently upsetting the local squirrel. At night he would bark at us angrily and rain down upon us with tree detritus. Fortunately, none of it was fecal.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Things that drive me absolutely insane

So, I know that every time that I blog (few and far between) it’s always some sort of complaint or bitch session (except for the Lauri my hero blog), but that’s how I roll. Here are a few things that you may call pet peeves, but I simply call them things that drive me fucking crazy. This was inspired by a shitty driver on the way to work the other morning that committed # 1.

1. When people wash their windshield on the freeway. Hey Asshole, there are people who are driving behind you that now have your dirty water and washer fluid all over their car. This especially pisses me off when I am the car behind said culprit or when I have just come from the car wash. Have some courtesy and do that shit when your car is at a complete stop.

2. Couples who go out to eat and sit in a booth, but sit on the same side. If no one is meeting you, just fucking separate for one meal. Plus, who wants to be elbowed for an entire meal when you can sit across form each other and gaze into each others eyes.

3. People who insist on touching my face. I have no idea where your hands have been or when the last time you washed them was, so keep them the fuck off of my face. I don’t wash my face for nothing.

4. People who call my job and have no information nor are they willing to find it, but want me to help them. On a daily basis some retard ass customer calls my job and wants some information about their order (i.e. order status, payment information, tracking, etc.), which is fine; however when I attempt to assist them the inevitable happens. When I ask for the item number purchased, or the user id the item has been purchased under, the answer is “no, I don’t have it, can’t you find my order another way?” No, I cannot. Once I had a guy get angry with me because he had no information to offer, no item #, no, user name, not even what he had purchased, and when I explained that I could not locate his order without any information he said “What do you mean you can’t locate my order, I thought if I called you would just know.” What!!?? Was he serious? Now I’m supposed to be a psychic. Actually this one is pretty much summed up as I don’t like dumb people.

5. People who ask if you’re okay when you’re crying. It’s just so stupid, if I’m crying I am obviously NOT okay, genius!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Fare Thee Well...

A sad reality is now coming to fruition, Randy is leaving Southern CA for the wilds of Alaska. And soon. His flight leaves Thursday morning at around 8am. I'd like to send him off with a proper hangover, so lets do it up right and meet at the Crown on Wednesday evening, to say your goodbyes and Fare thee wells. In the mean time feel free to stop by his apartment and pillage all his shit that he won't be able to take with him. (I got dibs on the table and ice chest so keep your grubby hands off.) If you've always wanted a Duck hunting couch, chair, or ottoman now is your chance.
Tell all your Pasadena friends that the man largely responsible for Casa De Moe is heading for greener pastures.
With a little luck and hard work, it won't be too long before we see him down in these parts again.
Please Be There!