Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Here I Am

Alright so it has been like forever since I blogged and I don't want to write a short story so I will try to keep this interestingly long enough but not boring long enough. It's a fine line. Here's how I am going to try to do this: 2 sections.
Section 1
Stuff you likely know
I now live in Alaska, The Great White North. No I do not live in an igloo; however, I do live with my parents. Pretty sad I know. I just turned 30 years old and I live with my parents. My whole family lives here. Anyway most everybody should know all this already. So I am just summing it up real quick like before I move on.
Section 2
Stuff you may or may not know
It rains a lot here. It hasn't been too cold yet though. I have been a referee at HS Volleyball games. I have a job interview on Friday at the local community college for the position of Administrative Assistant. Getting it would be nice. I spend most of my time listening to iTunes and staring at either the TV or my computer. It is all very exciting. I have a fantasy football team currently in first place in the league up here. I watch football whenever humanly possible. I more or less have to go to church every Sunday or people will talk and since everybody knows everybody here I like to stay outta the spotlight. I am not dating anybody. There are about 2-3 single girls here I believe unless you are into high school girls which at my age is a bit wrong. I just found out my cell phone is unable to be activated up here because they lack the technical knowledge. So unless I get to Anchorage anytime soon no text messages, maybe. I am starting to receive bills up here now. I subbed a HS class for 3 days. I have setup my uncle's home LAN. I have also setup our own LAN at home. I helped my cousin with his wireless LAN. I go to bed around 11PM AK time. I have helped out my cousin with his new house he is basically remodeling on a large scale. I have gone four-wheeling out the road. I have not gotten on the lake yet or been out an a boat yet. It is just a matter of time. I am gonna try to squeeze in a couple hikes before it gets too cold. I don't have much money but that is kinda normal right.
I am going to take a break now to go eat some lunch. be back later
Back now just had some lefover taco meat and tater tots. It was delicious
OK well I am not sure what else to say right now. If I come up with anything I will blog it. I promise to be more of an active participant in this blog since I have no other means of communication with you all. I look forward to hearing or seeing you all again. Bye for now.


Lynlee said...

Holy Shit! A Moe sighting

Lauri said...

Hey Randy, send a pic of you in your most true to Alaska state. We can put it in your pic area. ya know?