Friday, September 14, 2007

Why don't you do something with your life?

Hello all it has been a long time. I think I'm going to start posting more. I feel so out of the loop without that devilish myspace. Anyway wanted to go ahead and say as always i had a great time camping . We played some old games and we played some new games. i think my favorite addition would have to be sling ball or as Jeff's white trash family calls it hillbilly horse shoes.My least favorite would have to be shot sorry, i'm sure Pete would agree with me on this. Anyway talk to everyone soon I'll be at the crown tonight come by for a pint. Oh by the way they don't have the Internet in Alaska? What the fuck i miss you too Randy(asshole).


Pete said...

Seriously, what the fuck Moe? I see you are online right now and currently ignoring me.

Anonymous said...

Oh so all of a sudden people are hating on Shot Sorry. but it was a big hit at the time. and i can bet that we will be playing it again next year