Wednesday, August 30, 2006

MovieStar At D&B

Yes there is a movie star at Dave and Buster's where I work at. He actually works there at Dave and Buster's. He's an up and coming movie star and soon will be known throughout the world. If you don't know it's me!!!! ALEXANDER "HOLLYWOOD" MOOOOOEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yup my new movie Accepted came out and my word of mouth have made it spread throughout Dave and Buster's like wildfire. Every day i come in I hear from another person saying Hey I saw you in your movie. It's a great feeling. I will probably get more better ones soon. About I've counted about 15 people that have said they saw me. Two of the managers are calling me Hollywood (at my request) but they still do it. Even some of the cooks are recognizing me from the movie and saying they saw me too. I didn't even say anything or had a name in this movie. Just imagine when I will have that. Yeah!!!!! Well I already saw Accepted and hopefully will see it again. Cuz I want everyone to see me and just Cuz That's How I Roll! So if you want to see a good movie and me then watch Accepted! Well let me end this post with a quote I made myself : "Life is a MOVIE and I'm the STAR!!!"

Monday, August 28, 2006

The below pics are all out of order. The last ones are from the first day and so on up. Enjoy.
For those in the know, I will say only this about this nature boy pic. "They drew first blood, not me!" Also, "if your going to send that many men against (Pete D.) you better remember one thing...a good supply of body bags."

Seeing the Sequoia's in there natural habitat on this hike was incredible. Here are three young trees. And by young I mean they probably started growing the same time as the battle of Hastings (1066 A.D. for you non English Majors or right around the time all of Owen's poeple started speaking French). The sad part about taking their picture is that you can never get the whole tree into the frame.
This is King's Canyon looking Down the King's river. King's Canyon is Awesome and it reminds me of Yosemite Valley. But why do I look so happy in this pic?
1. I just turned 30
2. Only the bugs have lease in Kings Canyon in August. We spent the whole day swatting bugs of every kind on this hike.
See below to find where this sign led us.
This is the Lovely toilet facility that the previous sign led us to. Lauri found it much more comfortable and less risk of tetanus to squat in the bushes nearby. But what can you expect at nearly 10,000 feet.
This is Lauri near the top of one of the most spectacular trails I've ever hiked.
I'm at home right now, and all the pictures from San Clemente (and there are some good ones are on Lauri's computer so you'll have to wait til tommorow for those. But for today here are some choice pics from out trip to Sequoia.

This is Lauri at the top of Moro Rock. It's got views like Half Dome, except you can drive right up to it, walk ten minutes, and you're at the top.

Some bitchy lady asked us to take a picute of their family, I volunteered Lauri, then they told her that it might be on their Christmas card. No pressure there! Anyway, they took a picture of us in return. I forgot to take of my sunglasses. This was at the General Sherman tree, which although is supposedly the largest tree in the park, it is not nearly as impressive as seeing them not surrounded by tourists and asphalt and is also not nearly as impressive as me and Lauri and so is not pictured here.

Once again, blogger is not cooperating with me as I try to post these pics, so I think I'll do them one by one from now on.

Friday, August 25, 2006

May the force be with you

I just wanted to give a happy birthday shot out to my boy Pete.

Munci Bach Droog

Hey Dudes and Dudettes, hope all is well with camping, and i hope the surf doesn't suck for those of you who can pry themselves out of their camp chairs. i'm staging a slightly more lonley (and colder) camping trip in Britain next week- got three weeks off work so i'm gonna get my tent and my board and go wondering. have a coors light for me (and a tequila, and a pipe, and a vicoden).

Thursday, August 17, 2006


You are all jerks, I know that right now you're having a jolly ol'time setting up your little camping site, and having happy hour. Laughing playing sorry. Simply enjoying yourselves, while I am at work. You guys suck!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

The African Black Rhino may be extinct. Pass on the Sad News.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul

In his book Life, the Universe, and Everything Douglas Adams describes Sunday afternoons in this way, “That terrible listlessness that starts to set in at 2:55pm, when you know you’ve taken all the baths you can usefully take that day, that however hard you stare at any given paragraph in the newspaper you will never actually read it or use the revolutionary new pruning technique it describes, and that as you stare at the clock, the hands will move relentlessly on to four, and you will enter the long dark teatime of the soul.”
For me, the long dark tea time of the soul has, for a long time now, been a Sunday afternoon reality. Anytime I find myself with a Sunday off and Monday back at work, I dread Sunday afternoons. I get stressed out on Sundays. I find that as Sunday afternoon hits, I get restless as I think about how badly I’ve wasted the weekend and how the week ahead is going to suck because of it. Whether it was the term paper I was supposed to write, or the errands I was supposed to run, it all starts to pile up like “loose ends tying a noose in the back of my mind” (Beck). By 3 o’clock Sunday afternoon, I’ve watched all the TV I can possibly watch in a weekend and my mind just won’t concentrate on whatever is on. I start to get the urge to go out, but know that doing so will only cause suffering the next morning. So I sit and stare at the TV, not really watching anything, and my foot starts to violently twitch as the nervous energy starts to build up. I pace around and try to figure out what’s really making me all anxious, so I can maybe do something about it, but its never something specific, is it? Its either too late and you’ll just have to now consider the consequences or its just those thousand little things that on their own wouldn’t bother you, but taken together, keep you from enjoying The Simpsons.
I’ve long since given up trying to get a good night sleep on Sunday nights. With all the shit that builds up on Sunday night coupled having invariably slept in on Sunday morning I always just stare at the ceiling hoping that I fall asleep before 3am so I can at least get two hours sleep. I just figure that Monday morning is going to suck and I’ll be back in the swing by Tuesday morning.
The fucked up thing is that I know the solution to this little problem. I just have to not leave loose ends hanging on Friday and I need to get more exercise on the weekends so I’m more worn out on Sunday afternoons. And don’t think that I don’t make a pledge to do just that every time the long dark tea time of the soul rears its ugly head. But then Friday morning rolls through and you start to think about how hard you’ve worked all week and how no one works on Friday afternoon anyway and that you’ve earned a few beers…and there it is, and it all falls apart.
So here I am, deeply entrenched in the long dark tea time of the soul, stressing over the tiny crap that builds up, knowing that none of it is going to be as bad as it seems. Nevertheless, it almost midnight now and I have to be up at 5am. The scary thing about all this is that the quote I started out with is from a passage about how Sunday afternoons and the long dark tea time of the soul drove an immortal being mad.
So here's to hoping I'm not going mad.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

A brief foray into the Rat Race

It is from this humble cubicle that I run the daily operations of my humble convention center. Some features of my cubicle: to the left of my monitor is my tower, taped to which is a picture of yoda and a speech bubble, remiding me that "anger, fear, aggression, the dark side of the force are they..." just below that is a quote from the Old English poem "The Wanderer" reminding me that "wisdom is slow and comes but late. There are pictures of a sunset from camping and a group picture of us at the tracks. Now all of you out there share your work space with the group.

Return of the gangsta

To all my little camping hoes, i ain't rich bitch!

ha ha ha...

Is it wrong that i think, hope, and pray that this company will go under cuz i'm gone for two weeks?? Cuz i think it might. hee hee hee.... Its Thursday and i there are only 4 more working days to get things done and it ain't happening. It definately puts a smile on my face while walking down the halls here. to be continued......

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hump Day

Anyone up for happy hour at the Crown tonight??

What is this world coming to?

So... I'm back, and how you ask? Well, my boss took a meeting in Long beach, so I either spend the afternoon on the internet, or sleep at my desk, not so fun, I've already tried. Lauri's post filled with camping stuff made me think. So, I'm planning on coming down to hang out for some camping this year. I'm not so much of a camper, but I've been told that it's mostly wake up, drink, sit on the beach, drink, sit by a fire, drink, play clue & sorry and drink. That I'm totally up for.
Oh, what is this world coming to I ask, well I was at target the other day, I heard Lauri's voice in my head say something about sorry and camping, so I ventured over to the game section, and guess what? They didn't have hungry hungry hippos (a personal favorite) or Trouble (another of my favorites). I was going t buy them for camping. What the F! No trouble or hungry hungry hippos (from here on out to be refered to as H3). Taget is my go to place, they have so much that I need and even more that I do not need but find myself purchasing anyway. And yet when I go looking for something important like H3 and trouble they don't have them. I am disappointed!

I can't wait........ go on VACATION!!! Who's ready? huh? Cuz i sure am! Only 8 more days to go and i'm outta here. I've been checking for our beach temps and i think we're looking good guys. I'm of course expecting the morning cloudiness but i'm hoping for some great stars which i think we all don't look enough at while we're there. One bummer is that the days are getting shorter. I hate rushing to make dinner to go down to the tracks. Well we'll see how it goes. We're gonna have a keg this year in the big green tent! I think the people around us are gonna wonder why in the world so many people keep going in and out of this green tent. Its gonna be so relaxing though. Then Pete and i are gonna go to Sequoia right after that! I've never been to Sequoia but if its even close to what Yosemite is, i can't wait. I think this will be the longest vacation time i've taken. Almost two weeks! Coming back to work is gonna suck. But for now i'm excited. I'm training this guy at work so that when i'm gone he can do a few things. I'm half ass training him cuz he can't be trusted with certain mfg information. Then i need to make sure that i'm off at the Civic too. That might be a bit tricky but i think Pete covered it all for us.

Speaking of the Civic. I haven't talked about how its been working there since i got the new position. Its ok. Its kinda what i thought it would be but kinda not. I think that's how it is with all jobs though. I started out working some shifts with Pete. Which was great cuz we were hanging out together and i was getting paid to do it. i was also learning a lot from him about the job, things i didn't know. Then our shifts changed around a bit and i was working and he wasn't, i hate that! Not only that but i was learning things from co-workers that didn't mesh with Pete's taining. I got lazy and not confident in myself. I don't work again till Sat. so hopefully i can get back on track over there.

At this job things have been a bit tense. The girl who worked up in the front office left abruptly and pissed off her supervisor, Jennifer. Now i came to be kinda friends with this girl (she's the one who got pregnant earlier in the year, i think you all know that story) and we would talk now and again up in the front office. Well Jennifer didn't like that cuz she's got some weird thing about how i talk to certain people and not to her. It comes down to her being crazy. So when the girl told Jennifer it was her last week Jennifer freaked out all of a sudden and they barely spoke for the rest of the week until Thursday came around. Thursday i decieded not to go to work so i missed the whole thing. I got all the gossip on Friday so this info is like third hand stuff. But i guess Jennifer yelled and kinda cursed at her and then she freaked out and ran up to my boss's car, who was just driving in, and said she was leaving today. Then some meetings took place and she got a bad deal here. She ended up leaving at about 10am on thursday. The party on Friday was cancelled and somehow my name was thrown in a couple of times. How i got involved is just Jennifer being crazy. I know the story got a bit short at the end there but i can't type all that happened. Not to mention Pete would make fun of me. Enough about that though, i got something else to say now... Have any of you seen that show on Discovery call Dirty Jobs? Oh my God i love that show! He's hilarious. He reminds me a bit of my uncle who lives in SD and he also reminds me of a Simpons character. He's funny and the people who's jobs he goes to are funny. Its just a great show. Check it out sometime. I watched the same episode back to back last night cuz it was so good.

Well i hope no one says i don't blog cuz i just wrote a novel. I need some more coffee (which explains the ranting here, coffee schkeming) and then i guess i'll see what the six people who work for me are up to. I'm sure i'll see you all this weekend sometime. Have a great day!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Selling Out to the Man

The rumors and text messages are true. I have finally sold my soul to the devil and got a cell phone. My job is paying most of the bill so I'm not too upset. I didn't even put up a fight, and go on some tirade to Human Resources on the soul stripping foulness of cell phones. (I had already gone on a tirade about used/unused PTO, so I didn't want to push my luck.) I actually like the phone I got, its covered in black rubber, so I don't mind banging it around. Its also got the same interface as Randy's so I'm familiar with how to use it. I got the unlimited text messaging, so expect plenty of drunk text messages to come your way. obviously I can't give you the number here, but if you call Lauri, she'll give it to you.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Landis Cheats

Floyd Landis is a cheater

Thank you "Floyd" Landis, (what a retarded name, no one named Floyd has ever done anything good in this world...except Pink Floyd. and Floyd the Barber) for embarassing your entire country. You Fucking cheater! As if the United States doesn't have enough problems right now, do our athletes really have to embarass us in front of the entire world by cheating...IN A BIKE RACE?
Message to Floyd Landis: Move to East Germany you shrunken balled bitch! We don't want your cheating ass back.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


I've just removed as the home page of my computer an will never check msn or again. Why? because they ran a headline that says "Current Events: Sign of End Times?" How could a serious news organization be so irresponsible as to run such a hysteria induced headline? PLEASE, don't run a serious analysis of world events, that would just be too informative and balanced. You crazy fucks, is attention that important to you? You've lost all integrity. I feel like saying more, but will just say this...FUCK MSN AND MSNBC!!!!!

Regular Out of State Reader

Through the magic of Site Meter, I have determined that we have a regular reader in Longview Washington. I would like you to introduce yourself to the group. Let us know what you're all about. I'm glad you like the blog.

The Simpsons

To Make up for my previous miss on a Simpson's quote, let me offer this little exchange:

Homer: Could Jesus microwave a burrito so hot that even he couldn't eat it?
Flanders: He could but then...Well, as melon scratchers go, thats a Honeydew.
Homer: Now you know what I've been going through...