Thursday, December 27, 2007

Cuz I can't think of a poem

Hey guys!! The title says it all instead of a poem I think I'll just give you a update on what's going on from the Great White North. I'm here working at City Hall doing audits on property cards so we can be ready for the 2008 tax roll. But enough mumbo jumbo about work. Christmas was pretty cool my Mom and I made a great meal. I think I'm becoming a pretty good cook. I got some shirts, a dvd, a cd, and some new boots. I really didn't need a lot becuase I bought my 360 and all the games I got now and don't need anything for it right now. Randy is still working hard for my uncle he finished working on my cousin's house for now. I'm still liking my job and it's better than a lot of jobs here. I'm working full days till the other deputy clerk gets back. Which means I'm only getting 6 hours of sleep cuz I'm used to going to bed round 12. But I can tough it out till the weekend and sleep in except for Sunday. My family and I are going to my Boss's house for New year's eve which should be fun I think they'll have firworks which is pretty cool. It's brisk outside it's not that cold and certainly not hot. No rain or snow either. I'm wondering how everyone else is doing. I should go and finish one of the big stacks of cards I have before I go home. Talk to you guys later.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Vindication for the Holidays...

I always told you that Die Hard was a good movie for Christmas, but you always looked at me funny when I said that's how Randy and I spend Christmas eve. (Someday I'll tell you the funny story of having to track down a VCR because Randy only had it on tape.) Well now the Literati over at Slate have vindicated me. So this Christmas we say, "Now I have a machine Gun. Ho, Ho, Ho!"

poem at work

Here's a spur of a moment poem I thought of while I was at work:

here eating cheese popcorn
can't watch any porn

transcribing a meeting
gives my brain a beating

ouside all roofs are white
it's almost 4 and already night

i wanna go home and play 360
but got to do some work for the city

christmas time is here
gonna get me some beer

wanna see all of you
vacation time is due.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lauri's 30th Birthday !!

Thank You!

Thanks to all of you who were able to come join me in celebrating my birthday! Thank You!!!!! :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

I'm going to hell...and you're invited!

So I'm leaving Rite Aid tonight (after picking up cold medicine for my eternally-sick wife) and realize that there is one of those people waiting outside for me to ask me to donate to his cause. Now, before you give me shit about this, please realize that most of these people are complete frauds. They tell you about some BS homeless shelter program and show you an old photocopy of who-knows-what that's supposed to be a permit to collect money. I'm sure that many of you have dropped some change or even a couple bucks into this guys box/bucket, bag, etc.

Well, not me. I give plenty to charities over the year - LEGIT charities. So here's my solution, which I know has reserved me a nice warm seat in hell. Now, even the scummiest ripoff artist won't do one thing - interrupt a phone call. So as I leave RiteAid I get out my cell phone and put it to my ear and talk about whatever. "Yeah, I'm just leaving the store right now and I'll be home in a little while..." Just long enough to get by the pseudo-legit beggar. I figure this way he doesn't have to lie to me with his bullshit "help us out during the holidays" lie and I don't have to lie to him with the "I don't have any cash - sorry." It works like a charm.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

so cold...can't type's f'ing freezing in my office. Why not crank up the heater you say? Marvelous suggestion, and I tried that. I am now convinced that the heater does not work. This is crap. The worst part is that I can see outside and it's all sunny and crap. It's a beautiful day outside (from what I can see) and I'm stuck in a fucking igloo. That's all.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

So yeah, i finally got that Xbox. So probably wont get many post for a while. Well, gotta get back to it.

Moe the Elder needs your ideas

Yo peeps what's happening? I know it's been forever since you heard anything outta me. But to tell you the truth it's only because for the most part shit don't go on up here. It has gotten colder, snowed a couple of days and now it's icy. That's it. I am still working for my uncle doing whatever he tells me to. Lately a lot of construction type of work. Not really into it I am not a fan of the manual labor. But he pays me so I do it. I did apply for a job as the Administrative Assistant at the Cordova PD. It pays more and probably not as much as work so cross your fingers for that. The more money I make the faster I come back.
So anyway that is what's going on up here in a nutshell. Now the real reason I blogged is this. My Mom is having a brunch in two weeks and since she is convinced I am an alcoholic I am in charge of drinks. She says she wants Bloody Mary's and Mimosa's. That's great. Only problem I have never made either of those. So what I am asking for is the "Perfect Bloody Mary" and Mimosa recipes (please include portions). Please keep in mind I live in AK so any ingredients that can only been found in CA won't work. So substitute ok? Well that's about it for now I look forward to your submissions. THANKS!!!

Friday, December 07, 2007

Party at our Place!

Sorry loyal readers, I know its been a coupla days. I was actually a little disheartened by the low response to the last post. Not that those who did comment, didn't have good reaction to it, but c'mon a wikipedia article about the taint with two actual taint picture, and a slang term identifying it as the "trail of tears" I damn near laughed myself silly.
Lauri turns 30 on Saturday and we are having a Party at our place. We gon' burn this muthafucka down! There will be snacks, beer and music, but we can always use more of all three. Let me know that you WILL be there!

Yeah, Yeah!

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Just the thing I promised I wouldn't do

For tonight, just an informative link for you. Make sure you scroll all the way down to ge the most out of this article.

Monday, December 03, 2007

Bring Your Nickels, Tap Your Feet

I'm a little pissed off today

I'm a little pissed off today. Not at anything in particular, just a bad mood day. People are extremely frustrating sometimes. It's amazing the amount of people that will act contrary to thier own best interest simply because its what they've always done. It's amazing that some people will act like fucking douchebags when a little pressure is applies to them. I'm being purposely vague here, but I'm talking about any of you. Jobs are hard, life is hard. It's full of little inconveniences that at the end of the day make you flop on the couch and fall asleep even though you know its gonna fuck up your sleep later in the night. I like my job, its fun and everyday is something new, and frankly I would work 14 hours a day everyday, if I thought that the next day someone might cut me some slack, or if I could get others motivated to make some real progress. So now its 9 o'clock and I feel like I just got home from work and will probably be in bed in an hour. And I still haven't go t a smog check or registered my car. I'm just a little pissed off. I think my mood has a lot to do with physiology which, let's face it, ain't in a good place right now. I missed lunch to day and found that I had the shakes at the end of the day, I crammed down a double size peanut M&M before getting home and having two servings of dinner because I had starved myself all day. I need to find balance. I need to chill out. I need exercise.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

In Defense of Tolkien, Briefly

So Phillip Pullman (Author of the Golden Compass) thinks that Lord of the Rings is a trivial work? Well it's not. Pullman says that LOTR does not ask or answer the religious questions that the Narnia books do. Well, being a secularist, he should be happy about that, but he's not because he's interested in those types of discussions. LOTR is not Moby Dick, it doesn't ask or answer deep philosphical questions, but that doesn't make it trivial. Consider what it does bring to the table. Besides beign the fonding work, practically, of the fantasy genre what it really does bring to the table is environmentalism(the ents, and anti mechanization are prevelent) and feminism. ( Arwen, Galadriel, and Eowyn are the three of the best heroes of the books) It's a fairie tale on steroids but at least its not thinly veiled didactism. Thats all, just a quick defense.

AJ, there was an article in today's sunday Times called 45 painters under 45. If you didn't get a chance to read it I'll hold on to it for you.

Broken Streak

Yeah okay, so I didn't post last night. I guess that answers that question. The funny thing is that I didn't do shit all day. Literally, I watched TV from 4am to about 11pm. I watched Munich then I watched most of The Abyss then I watched Star Trek: First Contact. Then I tried to watch 28 Weeks later, but it wasn't any good. In between I watch some other stuff I can't remember. There was a nap in there as well. I even made a half hearted attempt to get drunk somewhere in there, but I ran out of steam. No I didn't buy an Xbox. I looked into it, but everyone is out of stock. The video game thing has gotten weird. It used to be that there was nintendo and there was sega. Now you have 3 different versions of the playstation, probably 5 different versions of the Xbox, and the Wii which is just strange. And they always seems to be sold out. Do they make these things one unit at a time? Even 2 years ago when I needed to replace my PS2 I had a hard time finding it and that was about a 7 seven year old system. Anyway, I hope this makes up for last night. I'll post again later today.