Monday, December 03, 2007

I'm a little pissed off today

I'm a little pissed off today. Not at anything in particular, just a bad mood day. People are extremely frustrating sometimes. It's amazing the amount of people that will act contrary to thier own best interest simply because its what they've always done. It's amazing that some people will act like fucking douchebags when a little pressure is applies to them. I'm being purposely vague here, but I'm talking about any of you. Jobs are hard, life is hard. It's full of little inconveniences that at the end of the day make you flop on the couch and fall asleep even though you know its gonna fuck up your sleep later in the night. I like my job, its fun and everyday is something new, and frankly I would work 14 hours a day everyday, if I thought that the next day someone might cut me some slack, or if I could get others motivated to make some real progress. So now its 9 o'clock and I feel like I just got home from work and will probably be in bed in an hour. And I still haven't go t a smog check or registered my car. I'm just a little pissed off. I think my mood has a lot to do with physiology which, let's face it, ain't in a good place right now. I missed lunch to day and found that I had the shakes at the end of the day, I crammed down a double size peanut M&M before getting home and having two servings of dinner because I had starved myself all day. I need to find balance. I need to chill out. I need exercise.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

and Pete is in a bad mood today as well....