Sunday, December 02, 2007

In Defense of Tolkien, Briefly

So Phillip Pullman (Author of the Golden Compass) thinks that Lord of the Rings is a trivial work? Well it's not. Pullman says that LOTR does not ask or answer the religious questions that the Narnia books do. Well, being a secularist, he should be happy about that, but he's not because he's interested in those types of discussions. LOTR is not Moby Dick, it doesn't ask or answer deep philosphical questions, but that doesn't make it trivial. Consider what it does bring to the table. Besides beign the fonding work, practically, of the fantasy genre what it really does bring to the table is environmentalism(the ents, and anti mechanization are prevelent) and feminism. ( Arwen, Galadriel, and Eowyn are the three of the best heroes of the books) It's a fairie tale on steroids but at least its not thinly veiled didactism. Thats all, just a quick defense.

AJ, there was an article in today's sunday Times called 45 painters under 45. If you didn't get a chance to read it I'll hold on to it for you.

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