Friday, August 29, 2008

Decision 2008....

...first my disclaimer....i am not good with politics, nor do i mean so start any crazy rants about this political race. i'm also not good with names or places or dates. so this post is merely a chance for me to say how crazy i think this Presidential race is.

Can you believe how crazy this Presidential race is??!! i mean we just finish the Democratic Convention where we found out who Obama has as a running mate. A white guy who's older than Barack. I knew nothing of Biden and i waited to hear his speech to make a decision about him. He seems alright i guess. He had family tragedy and stuff, very very sad. i almost cried when his son was talking and then he chimed in. But again, don't know to much.

Then today you got McCain who chose a young white woman as his running mate! From Alaska even! now i'm not dissin' Alaska at all. Its a lovely place. but i was listening to a short bio of her and it seems she's totally for oil drilling and she believes the polar bears are thriving! that kinda irks me.

Ok but i'm losing my original focus here. My whole thing is this, its a crazy race! who knew that in 2008 we'd be looking at a Presidential race where we got a young black man with an old white guy as his running mate, against an old white guy with a young white woman for his running mate! crazy! we started out with a white against black (by the way, the whole white/black thing never bothered me, i'm just being very obvious here) race and some how changed it up to an old vs. young, white vs. black, man vs. woman!!!! i'm freaking out here! crazy right!!!??

So i'd like to thank Sheila for not choosing her wedding day as November 4th this year, cuz there may have been an issue. But come November 4th, go out and vote, its just the beginning of this crazy world we live in. And Pete and I will keep you updated on possible Presidential 2008 night at our place. Bring your sleeping bag!

Happy belated

Sorry Pete I've been really busy with going to anchorage, working on the fungus festival, learning rules for voleyball, and many other things. I totally forgot about your birthday.

HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY PETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway hope you had a good time. I'm still waiting for my check to come but I'm planning on coming. But this time it will be F 'in on!!! Maybe we could do Vegas this time. For like your birthday and Randy's. Well gotta finish work cuz I work tonight officiating the volleyball games. Talk to you later. By the way did you see McCain's good looking running mate.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Now you know and Knowing...

Here's list of what I'm currently listening to and how that came to be:

Johnny Cash- The Man Comes Around
Its an apocolyptic song with up and downs. I think Johnny recorded it near the end of his career, because his voice is a kind of raspy. There are a bunch of recordings of it, so I don't think Johnny actually wrote it. Anyone know the origin of this one? I heard it on the final scene of the final episode of the HBO mini-series Generation Kill, which I liked.

Peter Tosh- Wanted, Dread or Alive
I heard this song on Pineapple Express and liked it because of the line, "I'm wa-anted, by the evil forces." I like that

MGMT- Time to Pretend
Its from the Beer Pong video that Vic made.

That couple that was in that movie "Once"-You ain't goin no where
This is a Bob Dylan song that I really like. I think their version, lends a certain somethin' to it.

Josh Ritter- To the dogs or whoever
I don't know who Josh Ritter is, I found this song on Rainn Wilson's celebrity playlist on itunes. It's pretty much the best song I've come across in years. It begins "deep in the belly of whale I found her..."

GZA The Genius - Pencil
Anytime a member of the Wu-Tang comes out with a new album I try to find at least one song to download. I don't want to row in my appreciation of the finer things. Question, are there any songs (raps?) by members of the wu-tang clan that do not in some way reference killer bees. If there are I do not want to know about it.

Thats pretty much it. I'm always looking for new stuff, or old stuff that I haven't heard, so throw somethin' out there for me.

Nothin much else going on. I'm slowly re-watching my entire DVD collection over again on my giant television. let me know if you want to screen a flick at my house. I feel like the whole point of having a nice TV is so that watching movies can be more event-like, as in more like actually going to the movies. I find that most of the movies I really like, aren't much fun unless you watch them with someone who also really likes them. I've been meaning to watch Tombstone sometime soon. Let me know if you're up for it. I tried to watch the old animated Transformers move with Orson Welles as the Unicron and Leonard Nimoy as Galvatron, it just didn't hold up like you would think it would. Although, the best part of that movie is that it has the song in it that Dirk Diggler records in Boogie Nights. "You got the touch, you got the Power..."
Work sucks right now. People around here lose their fucking minds in the summer because there are no events going on, me included.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Happy Birthday Pete!!!!!

Friday, August 22, 2008

latest eye candy (link)

MARION COTILLARD is so pretty and young. and talented.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Hi All. I hope you like the new look. I was feeling like it was time for a change. AJ, if you feel like doing some new art for the header, then just send it on over to me.

I have in my possession a copy of perhaps the cheesiest 80's movie of the decade "The Last Dragon". I will be screening it on Friday night. If your interested in watching it with me, just let me know. Maybe a 7pm screening followed by some drinks either at the pad or out on the town?

"Sho 'Nuff!"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

cuz i can't think of a title...

Hey guys!! What's up I'm still re-adjusting to my life up here in Alaska from my vacation in California. I thought the other day I should go out with some friends and then I remembered all of my friends are down there. So as some of you know last week my Uncle died and we had his funeral this past saturday. The Baptist Church where we had his service (and also where he was the Pastor) was full of people both upstairs and downstairs and it was cool to know how many people he knew and how many people cared about him. During the service my Dad got sick. Later on we took his temperature which was 102 which is NOT good for someone having chemo. His white cell count was LOW really low. But after spending 2 days in the hospital he got to come home monday and goes there to get antibiotics but now its okay. He's back to normal but I'm still working full days at the chamber. Getting pestered by stupid people (not all locals). One guy thinks he's a hotshot photographer and says he should have a free bear guide to take photos and we haven't sent him any information. Well next time I'm going to tell him to go to Katmai because Bears just wander all around there. I'm so bored... I need a real job. On monday I ordered some custom etnies shoes and I think I did a good job on designing them. Me and Donald are thinking and brainstorming about expanding the STL website and show and make it look nice with updates and team reports soon. I don't know if my dad is doing chemo next week but if he did I'm finally gonna be able to see "The Dark Knight" I feel I need to do my part to help it pass "Titanic" cuz looking back "Titanic" wasn't good. Also this time I will not go to any strip clubs who wants to take me on that bet. Let me tell you something else some lady told my Mom with my uncle dead and my dad sick that I'm gonna be suicidal. I gotta get outta here! Anyways I just needed to vent. I get my PFD (big money check cuz I'm cool) in October and I'm thinking about coming down to California again and that can't come soon enough. Well I leave with a quote from one of my fave songs : All the wasted time, The hours that were left behind, The answers that we'll never find, They don't mean a thing tonight.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Its 8:30pm and about 90 degrees in my bedroom as I type this. I was thinking about Facebook. This insidious adult accepted myspace. Over the last couple of weeks I've recieved friend requests from people I went to high school with. I went ahead and added them as friends and wrote on thier wall to say hello and what's up, only meet with silence. One page I saw had 149 friends. 149 people if I went over the people I've met in the last 5 years it would not equal 149. Is this high school all over again, where self worth is judge by how many people you got to sign your yearbook? Only now its facebook and myspace friends. Don't get me wrong I don't begrudge people their friends, but if you want to reach out, at least follow up. If we have nothing to say to one another well, thats just fine too.
Christ its hot in here.
Here are some Pictures from the Road. I had a frickin great time out there. Yes, I was ready to come when we broke down, but I'm over the pain and am remembering the good times.

This is Zion National Park. We drove way the hell out of our way the first day, just to drive through. It was worth it though just to take that diversion and prove to ourselves that we were gonna take our time and do what the hell we wanted.
This was the day one destination, a Forest Service campground called Lake Hill (I did not see a lake) This was about 5 miles up a dirt road, outside the small town of Ephraim Utah. (I shouldn't say small, they did have a WalMart Super Center, where one could buy a head of lettuce or a shotgun, we bought a fishing pole and set of Dominoes)
Day two, delayed by sheep. Look at the Ewe makin' eyes at us, what a tease.

The open Road, Still Utah. With the break down we actually spent as many days in Utah as we did in South Dakota.This was the view, 20 paces from our campsite at Flaming Gorge Utah. There was also a lake about a hundred yards away. Too many good pictures from that day. I'll make a slideshow so you can see them. I'm just waiting for the pictures from Tim's camera.On top of the country in Rock Mountain National Park. (Highest Road in America)We were supposed to camp our last night, but instead we decided on a shower and getting hammered in the town of Wall South Dakota. We found the town dive bar, it was awesome. And although the locals reccomended we try Subway for a good meal. We found this little Pizza place that served Coors light in a can. If you ever find yourself Down and Out in Rapid City, you might consider picking up and moving to Wall.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Road trip

This is Tom smelling himself

South Dakota

Awwww the old hog house