Monday, August 04, 2008

Its 8:30pm and about 90 degrees in my bedroom as I type this. I was thinking about Facebook. This insidious adult accepted myspace. Over the last couple of weeks I've recieved friend requests from people I went to high school with. I went ahead and added them as friends and wrote on thier wall to say hello and what's up, only meet with silence. One page I saw had 149 friends. 149 people if I went over the people I've met in the last 5 years it would not equal 149. Is this high school all over again, where self worth is judge by how many people you got to sign your yearbook? Only now its facebook and myspace friends. Don't get me wrong I don't begrudge people their friends, but if you want to reach out, at least follow up. If we have nothing to say to one another well, thats just fine too.
Christ its hot in here.
Here are some Pictures from the Road. I had a frickin great time out there. Yes, I was ready to come when we broke down, but I'm over the pain and am remembering the good times.

This is Zion National Park. We drove way the hell out of our way the first day, just to drive through. It was worth it though just to take that diversion and prove to ourselves that we were gonna take our time and do what the hell we wanted.
This was the day one destination, a Forest Service campground called Lake Hill (I did not see a lake) This was about 5 miles up a dirt road, outside the small town of Ephraim Utah. (I shouldn't say small, they did have a WalMart Super Center, where one could buy a head of lettuce or a shotgun, we bought a fishing pole and set of Dominoes)
Day two, delayed by sheep. Look at the Ewe makin' eyes at us, what a tease.

The open Road, Still Utah. With the break down we actually spent as many days in Utah as we did in South Dakota.This was the view, 20 paces from our campsite at Flaming Gorge Utah. There was also a lake about a hundred yards away. Too many good pictures from that day. I'll make a slideshow so you can see them. I'm just waiting for the pictures from Tim's camera.On top of the country in Rock Mountain National Park. (Highest Road in America)We were supposed to camp our last night, but instead we decided on a shower and getting hammered in the town of Wall South Dakota. We found the town dive bar, it was awesome. And although the locals reccomended we try Subway for a good meal. We found this little Pizza place that served Coors light in a can. If you ever find yourself Down and Out in Rapid City, you might consider picking up and moving to Wall.


appojax said...

Yeah, THAT's more like it!! Nice post, Pete. America aint so bad once you get a-drinkin. I learned that in Boston.

Divine Eye said...

What exactly does it mean by your title "Life outside the rat race".
I thinks there's something behind that.

Pete said...

Well, thanks for stopping by. Life Outside the Rat Race is a simply a chronicle of the things that we experience in our lives outside of work or school or whatever.

Anonymous said...

It's been awhile since I have been on here. I loved this post. Great pictures. I felt like I was there!

appojax said...

hello, my brother! komusta?