Friday, August 29, 2008

Decision 2008....

...first my disclaimer....i am not good with politics, nor do i mean so start any crazy rants about this political race. i'm also not good with names or places or dates. so this post is merely a chance for me to say how crazy i think this Presidential race is.

Can you believe how crazy this Presidential race is??!! i mean we just finish the Democratic Convention where we found out who Obama has as a running mate. A white guy who's older than Barack. I knew nothing of Biden and i waited to hear his speech to make a decision about him. He seems alright i guess. He had family tragedy and stuff, very very sad. i almost cried when his son was talking and then he chimed in. But again, don't know to much.

Then today you got McCain who chose a young white woman as his running mate! From Alaska even! now i'm not dissin' Alaska at all. Its a lovely place. but i was listening to a short bio of her and it seems she's totally for oil drilling and she believes the polar bears are thriving! that kinda irks me.

Ok but i'm losing my original focus here. My whole thing is this, its a crazy race! who knew that in 2008 we'd be looking at a Presidential race where we got a young black man with an old white guy as his running mate, against an old white guy with a young white woman for his running mate! crazy! we started out with a white against black (by the way, the whole white/black thing never bothered me, i'm just being very obvious here) race and some how changed it up to an old vs. young, white vs. black, man vs. woman!!!! i'm freaking out here! crazy right!!!??

So i'd like to thank Sheila for not choosing her wedding day as November 4th this year, cuz there may have been an issue. But come November 4th, go out and vote, its just the beginning of this crazy world we live in. And Pete and I will keep you updated on possible Presidential 2008 night at our place. Bring your sleeping bag!

1 comment:

Kujo said...

i like this take