Monday, March 28, 2005

Nothing of Importance

Hi everybody. not a lot to say at this juncture. I got home from work about half an hour ago. Just sitting around kinda bored wishing I had something entertaining to do or what not. I don't though and I got no money which sucks cause I could really use a beer right about now. But oh well life goes on, I guess. I think I will listen to some Itunes now, as perhaps that will motivate me to say more?? You never know. Hmm...not working yet. Well anyway this is my last week of Spring Break and I have more or less wasted it and I see no reason to change my pattern now. I take that back waste is a strong word. Let's just say I used it to watch a lot of TV and play video games. That would be more accurate. So what's new with all you people?? Anything exciting? I am serious I would like to know. I am playing the role of the interested friend so let me know. Ok right now I don't even know what I am writing because it doesn't even make sense to me. So I am getting out before I make a total complete fool of myself. Bye everybody.

Sunday, March 27, 2005


So here I work...on easter...drunk on Bloody Mary's and Cape Cods. Using everyfiber of my being not to go over to Gelson's and buy a bottle and some cranberry juice. Oh how easy it would be. But no, I'll sweat it out or more to the point.. I'll sleep it off. This friggin gift show is a joke. However, being a joke they wont move out in a timely manner. I've already had to acost them three times about trying to leave with our tables. They must have pinched them sometime during the show....My alcohol soaked brain has nothing else to say at this juncture.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Hi Everybody!

Hey What's Up To All Y'all. I need to say something. I've been staring at the screen for 3 minutes and I can't think of anything great to say. Waiting to do something fun tonight. What Happened To Good Movies? Where are they?

A Good Day?

Today was like one of those fly dreams; I didn't even see a berry flashing those high beams. There was no helicopter looking for the murder and at two in the morning I got the Fat Burger. I was half way home and my pager was still blowing up. I was drunk as hell but there was no throwing up.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Aqua Teen Exchange

Frylock: Shake wait, The Highlander was just a movie.

Master Shake: Oh Frylock The Higlander was a documentary and the events happened in real time.


So since my quarter finished I know have WAY TOO MUCH free time. I spend the majority of my days sitting around watching old episodes of whatever TV show I happen to land on that looks somewhat intriguing. Today it's Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is actually kind of cool because it is one of the episodes I am in. So it is always a bonus when I get to see myself on television. Since my quarter ended I have left my apartment only once and that was for like maybe a half-hour to help Pete move a treadmill from his house to Lauri's house. Other than that monumental task I have not left my apartment. Now while my apartment is probably as fun as anybody else's apartment after 4 days or so of it being your only surrounding you start to go a little mad. I realize this is partially my own fault because I don't have a car so I can't really go anywhere and I can accept that. I am merely stating sitting around all day watching old episodes of Law & Order or Buffy or whatever else strikes my fancy that day and playing GTA: San Andreas can't be good. But then again if I was still in school I would be complaining about how much I had to do and how I wish I had nothing to do. Well be careful what you wish for.

& Lonely

Above is the first part of this post, I decided to break them up just to piss everyone off and because it makes me look more busy then I really am. So in the earlier post I was lamenting the fact that I am pretty darn bored after 4 days of not leaving the apartment. As I was finishing up that little ditty I realized something else. If I had a girlfriend or significant other my boredom would be almost non existent. Besides the obvious benefits having a girlfriend presents. There are the intagibles: Just sitting around with you so you don't feel like a total loser, bringing you food when you are hungry, etc., etc. I could go on all day about the intangibles so basically all I am saying is I am feeling a bit lonely lately. All you lucky people out there with a girlfriend or boyfriend respectively just take a look at them and think about all the great things that person does for you besides sleep with you. Anyway I guess I will get back to watching Buffy now or maybe play GTA who knows.

After all "The World is my Oyster" he replied sarcastically.

Funny Quote From Aquateen

Here's a funny little exchange from Aquateen that I saw tonight.

Master Shake: You don't know what I do for a living...
Frylock: Yer Damn right I don't...I saw you boiling a hotdog today... d'you get paid for that?

Just a reminder to Randy who said he would post more when his school quarter was over...It's now been four days since your last post...Just a reminder

Sunday, March 20, 2005

A Lament for Arrow 93.1

This morning Lauri and I were driving and she said all so nonchalantly that arrow 93.1 no longer existed. In my disbelief I quickly turned the dial to find them playing Madonna's Lucky Star...I nearly jumped out the window. It turns out that the station is now called K-Jack and its home to the crappiest music in the world; later that day Lauri heard them playing Right Said Fred's I'm too sexy. I had just read an article in Rolling Stone that a lot of Rock stations were being cancelled due to poor listenership but i never thought it would happen in LA. Yet there it is, classic Rock is now unavailable on the radio in LA. Those of you living in LA are trying to calm yourselves by reminding yourself that you still have KLOS 95.5, but I ask you to remember that that station has already started calling Pearl Jam "classic rock" they are playing Achtung Baby side by side with Led Zepplin. No offense to U2 but you're just not there yet. I wish to say this...It's one thing when a radio station dies, its quite another when an entire format dies. Actually, I don't know what to say I'm still in shock.
I do want to make this statement though, the music that was played on 93.1 was from an era we refer to homogenously as "the 60's" though it spanned into the early 70's and the theme of a lot of the music from that era is rebellion and anger. It was the era of vietnam, it was the era of the Watts Riots, it was the era of the civil rights movement, a lot of that era's anger is reflected in the music that came out of it. Now that music is gone. We are involved in another protracted conflict moral justification is cloudy at best, we are a country divided by our political views and we have no music to reflect the anger that some of us are feeling. We have no check and balance to this new conservative movement that is sweeping the country. Today's music is safe, politically, its turned a blind eye to political conflict because to market music it can't piss off anyone. If you were to piss someone off they might not buy your album. Anyway, I'm digressing. Let me just say that as the voice of the "60's" becomes ever more relevant again everday it is simultaneously being silenced all over the country and being replaced by Kelly Clarkson and fifty cent.
Arrow 93.1
En Pace Requiescat

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just checking in

Hey there everyone. I really don't have much to write about right now. Pete already talked about St. Patty's Day so there goes that story. Let's see I met this hot girl who I really wanted to hook up with but nothing happened it just kind of fizzled. I have issues with women, but I am not going to get into that on the blog. I worked today and it sucked. Lately I have not been having a good time at my job and I am not sure why but something must be done because if I don't like my job I tend to do an even worse job than I normally do and that can be very bad. After work I came home and watched some NCAA college hoops, then took a nap, then watched an episode of SVU I had recorded, and then watched some more NCAA hoops. In a nutshell that is my day. In all seriousness does anybody have more fun than me? I think not. I have an online final to take tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it but I think it won't be too bad. I am just looking to pass my classes now with whatever possible grade can pass me. So...I guess that is about it, Pete is on the phone so I am going to get off and post later this weekend maybe on Sunday after my final.

Friday, March 18, 2005

Nick Names

The Following nicknames have been assigned to the following people for the following reasons.

Lauri- "Big Deez"-Not the reason you might think.
Randy-"Rock Harders"- Because he rocks harder than you.
Alex-"AMOE"(pronounced with a long A and a long O)-In accordance with the prophecy.

Its In The Stars

Today's Date: Mar. 18
Virgo 8/23 - 9/22
It may be time to slow down, dear Virgo. If you've been running circles around everyone lately, this is especially true. Given your tendency toward determination and hard work, you can exhaust yourself without even noticing. Consider taking it easy today to give your body and mind a chance to rejuvenate. You'll be able to continue going a lot longer with a battery recharge than if you stubbornly proceed as you have been. Slow and steady is the way.

This my horoscope as it appears on MSN today. This is either proof that horoscopes are a bunch of hooey or that I have incredible foresight...I've been taking it slow for like the last six months now.

The Battle of St. Patty's Day

Yesterday everyone was gettin' mad at me because I kept refering to myself as having "tight beats" in reference to how I looked. Really I wasn't dressed up or anything I just like that term. It was St. Patty's day yesterday and we went to The Crown. It eas insane because it was also the start of March Madness and everyone was in there to watch the games. Alex was getting all pissed off at these Laker fans who were being really loud. I didn't really think much of it. But then this other guy started rooting loudly for the Heat and you just knew there was going to be a fight. First there was a minor confrontation, each party returning to thier respective tables. But niether side wanted to back down. It escalated from there and yes a fight broke the crown. Niether of the parties were Crown regulars. Look, I just can't have that in my bar. We've already given Vic's over to the thugs, and I refuse to have this shit going on. So I got involved. I don't want to overstate my contribution it was largely for show. My original intention was to talk both parties down until the game was over, but the bar was crowed and by the time I got there I found myself grabbing a dude that was about twice as bulky as I was. The thing about this fight was that no one really wanted a fight, not even the people who were fighting. Each party had plenty of people to hold them back I didn't believe there was any real danger unless people let thing get out of control. Anyway, so as I'm trying to get a hold of that dude I see Tim come over the bar and get in the middle of things, then Ron had the other party and got him out of the door. I was tryin to see if Tim was okay but he told us to see if Mike was okay so I followed ron out the door. Things were a little uglier outside. I saw one of the fighters had someone on the ground but left him alone after that. The other one's friends had him held back. But there was this other guy who was raginghe really wanted to fight and he was one of those tall wiry dudes with a long reach that you usually don't want to fuck with. He was screaming he kept trying to jump the railing to get at the dude he wanted to fight. When he kept getting deterred he let out this scream. It was like William Wallace in Braveheart. It was a bit disturbing. Anyway, his friends ot him in the car and things kind of settled down after that. The thing that really scared me was that the Heat fan came back after like twenty minutes with his friend William Wallace and immediately ordered two pitchers of beer, there's no security at The Crown because they've never needed it, its not that kind 0f bar. So there was no one to stop them from coming in. They behaved for the rest of the night but it pissed me off that they could start a fight and come back in. The other thing that sucked was that no bagpipers stopped by like they usually do on St. Patty's day. I pesonally feel like a little amazing grace on the pipes could have really diffused things. Tim ended up asking some other people to leave because they were getting rowdy and they got a little pissed off but by that time Tom was there and he's one of those wiry dudes with the long reach that you would be ill advised to fuck with and Ed was there and he's just plain big so no one was gong to start anything around him. We left fairly early because we got there early. I hope there was no more trouble.

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Work Clothes

So I was thinking today as I was getting ready for work how different I dress in my real life compared to my work life. In real life I wear torn jeans, flip flops if its over 70 degrees, and a tee shirt. In my work life I wear slacks, a long sleeved collared shirt, a tie and dress shoes. Every time I put that shit on I don't feel like myself. I feel like I'm playing a role of a good customer service oriented employee. Maybe thats part of the whole theory behind dressing up for work. Or maybe I'm just doing the wrong kind of work. Thoreau said something like "beware any enterprise that involves a change of clothes and not a change of the wearer." Im not entirely sure what he meant by that, but I think he meant that If you cant be yourself at a job, then the job's not for you. I begin to wonder what my colleagues wear when they are not at work, and do they wonder what I wear when Im not at work. Do they think I dress like this all the time? God that would be a nightmare. Can you really know someone without knowing how they dress? Flip flops and jeans are an important part of who I am, like it or not its how I define my personality. I don't know...

Monday, March 14, 2005

Part 1 of 2

So it's about 5:30 pm on Monday evening. Just so you know I was seriously playing with HTML on this post so it may look a bit funny but I have been at home all day and I am bored. I have got a lot done though so it is not like the entire day was a waste. It started out rather early considering I get really drunk last night. I woke up around 9 am and there was no falling back asleep so I decided to watch some of the TV shows I had recorded but not got around to watching yet. I watched two
Law & Order:SVU

which is quickly becoming one of my favorite shows on television. Then an episode of Robot Chicken which I have mentioned before as a very funny TV show on Cartoon Network. Then Alias

which I have always liked and it was pretty good. After all that I figured I better do my Accounting homework cause it is all due tomorrow. So I sat down at the computer and did all that shit it wasn't very hard but because I am lazy I waited till the last minute. Anyway it all worked out. So the only thing I have left to finish is my 15 page term research paper which I am almost done with. Just fill out the Works Cited page and stick in some of my own opinions and what not. No problem. So after my Accounting homework was done I went on Itunes and started dowloading songs which is always constructive and fun. After that I really haven't done anything. I watched Law&Order way back from 1990, but that was boring so I decided to get my ass up and blog since it had been a while. I got nothing left to talk about right now though. I could talk about Tim's birthday party but I think I will leave that for later tonight so I have something to blog later. Which I promise I will do. Well that's it for now. I'll be back. I am now finished with all the links and pics on this page it is five till 7. Appreciation motherfuckers!

Overdoing it...

Last night was Tim's birthday. We started at The Boat and then went to his house. I over did it big time. I had two of those large mugs of Miller High Life and was feeling pretty dang good. I got a 20 pack of Bud at the AM/PM (the best place to go for a 20 pack. Only 12.99 let me know if you know of a better deal). Then me and Lauri went to the Wysteria Festival. I was starting to get hungry because all I had at the boat was a large half and half salad. So I got a polish sausage snadwich at the festival that was pretty good. Then we went to Tim's and laid into that 20 pack. I don't really know when things got out of hand, I never really do. One second your having a great time, the next thing you know the room starts going end over end and you realize that you've been drinking for nine hours. I drank so much last night that even Randy was saying he'd had enough. Wait, thats it! I know where it all went wrong. There was a tall boy of Bud Ice in the fridge that I wanted. I offered to split it with Randy but he said he didn't want any. Then I asked Lynlee if she wanted to split it with me and she said yes. As we all know or should know, Bud Ice has a higher alcohol content than most regular beers. I remember that was the last beer I drank and thats when I started to feel all loopy. To be honest in all my experience of overdoing it this was comparitively minor. I didn't throw up. I had a hangover, but it wasn't like a debilitating hangover that I usually get. I just took a three hour nap and was fine. It was actually a pretty good time. Randy stayed awake and fought off the hiccups so that was cool. I still pretty much wasted my whole monday but I had to come to work anyway so its not like it was wasted wasted. I got St. Patty's day at the Crown on thursday, thats always fun. I think I'm going to have to lay down some self restraint though. The idea is to just lay down a nice buzz. Loosen up the tongue. And then recover when the night is over. I'll wake up feeling great and be ready for the next time. I'll let you know how it goes.

Saturday, March 12, 2005


When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer

When I heard the learn'd astronomer;
When the proofs, the figures, were ranged in columns before me;
When I was shown the charts and the diagrams, to add, divide, and
measure them;
When I, sitting, heard the astronomer, where he lectured with much
applause in the lecture-room,
How soon, unaccountable, I became tired and sick;
Till rising and gliding out, I wander'd off by myself,
In the mystical moist night-air, and from time to time,
Look'd up in perfect silence at the stars.

-Walt Whitman

This, I think, is my favorite poem by Whitman. See, I love science and astronomy in particular the only problem is that mathmatics is the language of Science. I hate mathmatics, thats not true I don't hate mathmatics, I'm just not any damn good at them. Anyway, I think old Walt here does a pretty good job at explaining how someone of a more literary bent might view astronomy. The numbers don't particularly matter, its the simple beauty of it that inspires. I could read an Astromomy textbook all day and not feel as good as if I just sat on the roof all night and stared at the stars.

Emergence of the Conscience

Oh Lord what I wouldn't give for a beer. Its saturday night, I'm stuck working the Star Trek Convention, and all I really want to be doing is watching a movie and having a beer. "Thats what you get for squandering your college years and finding yourself still in school and working part time at twenty-eight." a little voice in my head says. Thats my conscience, he can be a little asshole sometimes. "Shut up!" I say, "As soon as I get a hold of some beer you're a dead man!" That'll keep him quiet for a while.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

Not much going on. Occupy your time in a constructive manner.

Not much to blog about today. (Isn't it funny how we can create verbs out of abbreviations of nouns? A Web Log becomes a blog and to post on a blog becomes the infinitive verb "to blog" or the present progressive "I am blogging".) Anyway, I'm just here at work waorking the Star Trek Convention, always a pain in the ass. At least I know what to expect. I have so far stuck to the promise of my last blog and actually did some stuff today. I went to school, I went for a hike and then I came to work. I thought I was scheduled for 5pm but it was really 4pm so I ended up being like 45 minutes late. Oh well. It was hot today and the sun felt good but I miss the storms (Damn, has this blog deteriorated into talking about the weather? I hope not.)Hmmm. (this is me sitting idle for five minutes trying to think of what I was thinking of today.)Hmmm. Damn, this posting sucks. Im gonna post this then I'm going to browse through some other blogs for inspiration.

This will be a day to remember...

I think I have one day about every six months where I become so disgusted with myself I vow a lifestyle change. Today was one of those days. I played GTA from 11pm tuesday night til 3am wednesday morning. I woke up at 9am and was at Lauri's again by 10:30am...playing GTA. Alex called me for a ride to the mechanics at 11:30. As I was driving to pick him up the line between video game and reality becam blurred. When I got to the mechanic's he was standing outside and I could swear I saw one of those little arrows above his head like on the game. On the way back I was trying to figure out which cars I could export at Easter Basin. For those of you who don't play you won't know what I'm talking about. I went home and played some more. I made a salad for lunch.. and then I played some more. I could have gone hiking it was a beautiful day. I just couldn't motivate myself. It sucks because by the time Lauri gets home she's been at work all day and she just wants to flop on the couch, who can blame her. But by the time she gets home, I'm so sick of tv I could scream. Its strange, my life moves in weird cycles... there seems to be a point every year around this time where I have nothing to do and I get restless. For three years swimming started getting heavy around this time and I would be super busy til summer. Last year it was the Ford Theatre and having two jobs. Something always comes up. I wonder what, if anything, it will be this year. Hopefully something because I'm going broke again and I don't like it. At any rate I vow never to have another day like today where I sit on my fucking ass all day and accomplish nothing. I'm gaining weight at an alarming rate and I can't stand it. I thought I had that relatively under control, but I clearly do not.
What else is goin on? Hmmm..The new blog is in development, but slow going. I have a little smattering of a noir story that I might post. I started it last night and will work on it tonight again. I really don't want to post anything until I have at least a few to post. Otherwise I might get a block and one chapter or something will just sit there for months and months and the blog wont make sense. I's like to post a picture on this post just because it keeps the blog looking attractive. I have the Star Trek Convention moving in tommorow so maybe a Star Trek Picture. Lets see what we can find...

This scene was a tear jerker. Its from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Its where Spock sacrifices himself to save the ship. The famous "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.. or the one."scene. It's also where Spock tells Kirk. "I am and always shall be.. your friend." I'm not some wierdo Trekkie or anything but I do like the Next Generation shows. I recently came out of the closet as a Star Trek watcher to some of my freinds but they didn't believe me. Anyway, Star Trek II is definitely the best of the original cast movies. So there it is.

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

9 in the AM

Let me tell you how bored I am right now. I am really bored. Sorry can't come up with a good analogy this early. So what is going on with everyone else? I am so stressed out and swamped with school work it is not even funny. I don't get stressed very often, ask anyone. I am about the most laidback and relaxed guy I know. But right now I just have so much stuff to do that I am freaking out. Anyway...
I used to not really look forward to Wednesday but now I do for two reasons.
  1. No more school till next Tuesday
  2. Hump Day Late Night Happy Hour at the Crown City Brewery

It is so great to be able to relax with some friends at my favorite watering hole mid-week. Sometimes I may drink too much but it doesn't matter cause I got nothing to do on Thursday so it's all good. The prices are great, the only qualm I have is no food during this late night happy hour. But that is only a minor issue, not nearly enough to dissuade me from the greatness that is Late Night Happy Hour on Wednesday.

For some reason when I hit the "enter" button I am getting a full line space and I don't appreciate it but fuck it I don't feel like figuring it out right now. My Economics teacher is a real kook. He was just going over some answers to an in class assignment we were doing and then he went off on some tangent about the "tsunami incident". He was trying to tell us the tsunami was just a cover up for some weapon they were testing out in that region. That is just a small example of his craziness. I will be giving you more when he says something else because it is inevitable.

We are supposed to be doing some in-class assignment now about "Changes in Economic Activity". We have to explain the effect on output and employment that would result from each action taken alone in this situation analysis. Personally I don't give a flying fuck about this or any other change in economic activity. To me it is all a bunch of crap that I have no interest in and if I have no interest in it than it isn't worth knowing. You people reading this would do well to remember that little nugget.

So what is the deal with... something? Damn it I need a topic. I am hot in here, it is kind of stuffy. So we are on break now but I don't feel like getting up plus I don't have any cigarettes so what's the point? Exactly there is no point. I have been blogging for about a good half hour now and have said absolutely nothing of any worth. When Pete writes in the blog it is either funny or insightful. When I write on the blog I feel I am just using up space writing about shit. It's not even funny, definitely not insightful and so I am not clever or interesting. Go fuck yourself!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

New Blog

I'm going to be creating and experimenting with a new blog of my own. Basically, if it goes the way I want it to its going to contain fiction by me and maybe by you guys if you are interested. I think I'm going to work on it tonight, as least setting it up. The problem is going to be finding a private place to work on it. Let me know what you guys think.

A Nifty New Feature

As you may have noticed I added a few active links to the blog so we can access our e-mail or Lauri's blog from the page. Cool.

Monday, March 07, 2005

Tryin to start a dust up...

Alex was just trying to start some shit between me and Randy. I was like "hey, what do you guys wanna do?" and Alex was like "sit here and watch this" (WWE Raw). What do you wanna do" and I was like "walk around, and get in adventures" and then Randy was like "where do you wanna walk to?" and then Alex was like "You know where he wants to walk, he wants to go to the store and get pork rinds and beer." and then Randy was like "I don't think Pete likes beer." And then I was like "I like beer." and then Alex was like "Pete, says he likes beer." and then I was like I'm going to blog this. And then I did. And now everyone is in Alex's room where the computer is so I guess he didn't really want to watch RAW. He really wanted to hang out with us. But now he left and went back to watch RAW because Randy farted and it smells...bad. Okay its freakin stuffy in here and that fart smells like shit. I have to leave now.

Death Valley Excursion

I wanted to go to death valley on Sunday. They say the wildflowers are blooming because the place just got more rain than it has in years. My plan was to get on the road at 5am, get there by 10am hike trail or two and then head home. Lauri objected (Hi babe) to the getting up at 5am and drivng five hours to go hiking on her only day off this week. The widflowers swayed her not at all. Instead we woke up at about 10am (I couldn't help thinking that it was wierd that I could have been hiking in death valley by that time.) I got up to make coffee, Lauri fell back asleep. For the next two hours I drank coffee and played GTA SA. At about 12:30 we left the apt for errands and lunch. I decided on Chili's for chicken crispers with corn on the cob and fries. During the course of lunch I came up with the plan that we should go to Trader Joes and get some of their awesome guac and go to my house and lay in the sun and eat guac and drink beers. It was agreed upon. I made her pinky swear as these plans can so often go astray. So we did that for a while. Lauri fell asleep and I drank her beer. I was starting to lay down a nice buzz. Well, the sun went down behind the house and it started to get cold so we decided to go in the spa. It was a bit green and seemed too hot or something so we didn't stay in very long. We decided to walk to Lauri's apt. with our chips and guacamole and half a bottle of Ketel One from our vegas trip. It would be risky because Sierra Madre is still under Imperial control (note: Star Wars Reference) and if the Storm Troopers caught us with an open alcohol container we'd be in Jail for sure. We smuggled our illicit package in the Trader Joe's bag so not to attract attention. Tim's house is on the way to Lauri's and we thought what better place to mix a couple of bloody mary's than Tim's house. Tim's house is like a self serve bar if you will. They always have beer on tap, pint glasses most mixers available, tons of well liquor and the doors are never locked. So even if no one is home you can enjoy a cold beer and sit in the back yard. Tim, as it turns out, was home recovering from a nasty hangover. It was about 4pm by this time so you know it had to be bad if he was still lain low. They were missing bloody mary mix so I offered to go to the liquor store and get some Gatorade for Tim (electrolyte replacement) and some bloody mary mix for ourselves. My beer buzz was solid but not overwhelming by this point and I decided that using my legs to get to the liquor store was pure insanity, no it would have to be one of the long Skateboards that reside right outside the door of Tim's house. Lauri objected immeadiately, having abandoned two beers now she was being crushed under the heavy weight of logic. How would she get there? She'd be left behind. Don't worry, I had a plan. This skateboard was big enough for two of us. Im not sure if I've ever attempted the tandom skateboard yet and Lauri certainly had her doubts, but it was such a nice day for it and such a nice state of mind for it. It took me about fifty yards to get the balance down and putting Lauri up front absorb the fall if there was one was a stroke of genius (Just kiddin babe). Once we got it down though, what a ride! I know Lauri enjoyed it too despite her constant plea of "please stop I want off". Needless to say cooler heads prevaled and by my masterful skateboarding skills we made it to the Liquor store unscathed even weaving at several points to avoid Sierra Madre dog walkers. $5 later we were in possesion of one Gatorade and one dusty bottle of brown bloody mary mix. We had to walk back to Tim's the way was sightly up hill. Once back we watched AnchorMan and drank bloody mary's. I ended up making them too spicy, but then accidently spilled mine on Tim's rug and had to make a new one. After that we walked back to Lauri's. A fine buzz would remain for the rest of the evening. We watched TV I played GTA. I fine day all around. This is too long to proofread right now so I apologize for spelling and grammar errors.

Leave me the Hell alone and Live your Politics

I guess it wasn't so much of a surprise that no one has posted since my last post on Thursday, more of disapointment really. Anyway, musn't dwell on the negative and simply get on with future. Saturday was a strange day in that I was feeling kinda down for no real reason. Just a bummer mood. I don't know why I started that way never mind that, I got over it and it wasn't important. What was important was the absolutely vile conversation I had with a new co-worker. For some reason, people, when they meet me, demand that I justify my existence by explaining what I'm doing with my life and what I plan to do with the next ten years of my life. I fucking hate it. I hate answering questions about myself and I hate that people feel like they have to interrogate me. I can't imagine doing that to someone and I can't find the rationale in them doing it to me. This particular incident was especially invasive and has permanently scarred any future interaction I might have with this person. It went something like this:

She says: So Peter I understand you going to be a History professor...

I'm not I'm studying English Lit. obviously she got this information from the last person who interoogated me but didn't listen.

I say: English actually

She says: I see and what school are you attending right now..

would it be so fucking hard to say "cool" and just leave it at that? Or how bout just simply "what school you go to"?

I say: Cal Poly Pomona

She says: Woooow!

Don't fucking pretend you've heard of it, most people haven't and most people mistake it for a technical school so fuck off with your "woooow!"

She says: and is being a teacher something you've always wanted to do?

This question pisses me off for so many reasons I don't even know where to start. First of all, I just met you like three minutes ago and already we're into the lifetime aspiration questions. Second of all, who grows up wanting to be a teacher. I wanted to be fucking race car driver or fireman or some shit. Then I wanted to be a writer then I discovered you don't actually make money as a writer so I decided to become a teacher. You know me as an Event Supervisor and I'm fucking awesome at event management but don't ask me about that for fuck's sake I mean it's only going to be the primary focus of our relationship. No, instead ask me about what I wanted to be when I grew up...

I say: Just for the last few years now.

She says: And who are your favorite author's

Oh please god when will this end?

I say: I go from author to author

She says: Really...and what are you reading right now.

describing this conversation is giving me chills up my spine but I will soilder on. You see, I've said before, what's really important is what people like, NOT what people are like. What books you read, what music you listen to and what movies you like say alot about who you are. As an extremely distrustful person I keep information about myself very private lest people form opinions about me without all the facts. When I read a book in public I bend the cover around the back so people don't see what it is. When I listen to music in the car I rool the windows up and turn the radio down at stop lights. I'm not paranoid, i'm just private. In short, the question "What are you reading right now?" is for me, like a stranger, and she is a stranger, saying "Show me your dick." at this point I am desparate to end this converstion. Unfortunately, my new boss is standing right there and any rudeness by me would be frowned upon. This is how I know I don't belong in the hospitality industry; its populated by extroverts who are more than happy to tell you thier life story at the drop of a dime.

I say: I just picked up Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

She says: Oh thats by that guy that just passed away oh don't tell me his name ummm...

No I won't tell you I'll just stand around while you agonize over it when i can just give you answer

I say: Hunter Thompson

You know what... the rest of the conversation goes on in a discussion of my having to explain who Hunter Thompson was, when he wrote, who he was associated with, and what the book is about...I'm not going to go on in this word for word fashion but I will say that the conversation ends with my telling her that the book is about Thompson covering a road race in Las Vegas under the influence of as many illegal drugs as he could find. She laughs at this in a way that signals she thinks the book is trite and that the conversation is finally over. Thank Christ. I really do long for the day when it will be socially acceptable for me to say "I'm an introvert and don't like talking about myself. What you need to know about me and what I want you to know about me you will learn in the course of knowing me." Until then I'll keep having crappy conversations like this one.

Work was work. It was a symphony performance so it was the usual crop of disabled elderly people and rich people wanting to be treated like rich people. A few words about these rich people. They are invovled in the arts and would probably describe themselves as liberal. Despite that, they treat people in the service industry like crap. They claim to be egalitarian but are more conscious of class structure than anyone I've ever dealt with. I want to be very specific about the group I'm talking about. I'm refering to rich artsy people; women with degrees in music and philosophy who don't really need to work but feel they are doing society a favor by working for the symphony association. Now, I'm being more political than I wanted to be in this forum and far be it from me to run down liberals, I am one for god's sake, but somebody I was having this conversation with said something that stuck with me, she said "people should live thier politics." As liberals we believe that a class system is bad news because someone always has to be at the bottom of the system. If we want to live without a class structure, the first step is treating everyone in society as your equal and not just a face that brings you food. Anyhow, enough on that, but try to heed my advice and "Live your politics."

Friday, March 04, 2005


Man work fucking sucks lately. People gossip to much. I participate and I shouldn't. I'm over it. Next time someone tries to say something to me I'm gonna be like...tell it to the hand biznitch. I probably won't say that but something along those lines. My new boss is a fucking idiot I swear to god. I hate that dude. Things were going so well and the house of cards came tumbling down big time. Anyway who gives a shit, its just a job anyway I've been there too long as it is.
So whats new on a more irreverent front. I like that word "Irreverent". I'm not sure I'm using it right though.
Yeah, I just looked it up and I wasn't using it right. I thought it meant like random or off topic but what it really means is: lacking respect. Which makes sense if you think about it, you look at the root word reverence or revere which means respect, and it becomes clear.

You know what I've always wanted to do is take the questionaire that James Lipton always asks at the end of Inside the Actor's Studio. Okay here goes.

Lipton: Peter...what is your favorite word?

Pete: Repugnant (audience Laughs) It's just such a strong insult, I love it when Sam Jackson uses it in Jackie Brown. "Dis some repugnant shit."

Lipton: What is your least favorite word?

Pete: I don't have a least favorite word, but my least favorite expression is "Can I help you, sir?" I hate saying and I hate hearing it.

Lipton: You...are...a...delight!What sound or noise do you love?

Pete: I love the busied silence of nature. No cars, no phones, no people, but a million things going on all around.

Lipton: What sound or noise do you hate?

Pete: I hate when I'm in a crowded room and I can hear smatterings of a hundred conversations but can't focus on one.

Lipton: What is your favorite curse word?

Pete: It's the classic: Fuck and all its permutations. I once had a professors who used to like to say Fuck in class and he would complain about people who told him not to say it. It was his contention that sometimes Fuck was the best word to fit the situation, I am of that mind. Fuck Fuckety Fuck Fuck.

Lipton: What profession other than yours woulp you like to attempt?

Pete: I'd like to be on a mountain Search and Rescue team.

Lipton: What profession other than yours would you not like to attempt?

Pete: I never again want to work behind a cash register. Or serve food.

Lipton: And so you shall not for you...are...a...genius. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates.

Pete: I want God to flip me off, wink, buy me a beer and then answer all my questions.

Thursday, March 03, 2005

Remotivated...I heart TV

Alright I am listening to some new music I dowloaded from Itunes and it is reinvigorating me so I am going to blog. I am going to go back to what this blog was founded on. A day in the life of me(us) but today is just me.
So I woke up today around 10:30A or so, I had actually hoped to sleep longer but that just didn't happen that kind of perturbed me but whatever. So after having a cigarette I decided to watch some TV. One quick thing here(Thank God I have a DVR) there is nothing on the damn TV during the day it is like they pick all the worse shit and say let's air this during the day. Anyway so instead of watching CRAP I watched the episode of Smallville I missed on Wednesday. After that I got a glass of water and sat down to watch last week's episode of ALIAS. It was good I enjoyed it thouroughly. Then I moved on to this weeks episode of ALIAS. Enjoyed this one even more. By now it around 1, I am getting kind of hungry but got no food so I figure have another cigarette supress the hunger and watch some more TV. So after my hunger supressing technique I sat down to watch Sunday's episode of Robot Chicken. By the way if you get a chance watch that show it is hilarious so, so funny. It and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are arguably the two funniest shows on television. I strongly recommend you watch them both if you can. Well after that I decided to do some homework so I came on in to the laptop I am on now and typed a response to one of the discussion topics I had. After that I took a shower and motivated myself to go to the supermarket. We had nothing. No food no drink besides water NOTHING. So I went to the store.
Me and the store are bad news because I go through every aisle. I don't just purchase crap though. I bought stuff we needed like Macaroni, ground beef, chicken breast, Hamburger Helper, Diet Pepsi, the essentials basically. So anyway after buying all this food and drinks and what not I went to go check out. The check-out girl was hot btw. So after ringing everything up and getting my Ralph's Club card. The total bill was...(drum roll) 132.43. Yes that is right not a typo. You may be thinking how can he afford that much in groceries when all he has been doing all day is watching TV. I don't know either but it was well worth it though because now we have food. YEAH! Now... since I still have no car(maybe that is why no girls like me) I had to find a way to get home with all these groceries not good planning on my part I admit. So I did the most ghetto thing I have ever done. I rolled the shopping cart full of my groceries home. I felt so white trash, no offense to anybody who does this regularly. I just felt so lame. Anyway so I got home unloaded my shopping cart and put it out on the sidewalk next to another shopping cart. I was too lazy to walk back and drop it off at the market.
So then my broher comes home and decides to take a nap so I watch Tuesday night's episode of Law & Order:SVU. It was good even despite Ice-T, I might start watching it more regularly. So around 7:45P I went and woke his(my brother) lazy ass up. Asked him what he wanted for dinner(how nice am I?) and he said chili dogs. So we had chili dogs and watched Survivor because The OC was a repeat. Then after random TV we went to Lauri's apartment to pick up my cell phone because I left it there last night, DUMB ASS! So after hanging out there for a bit and watching some more TV, we left so I could come back here and finish my homework. I did and then I blogged a little. Started listening to my music now I blogged a lot. I am going to go watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force now because it is 12AM. I know what you are thinking man this guy watches a lot of TV. You know what you're right. I DO!! Later.


What's going on homies? It's just a random Thursday night, I was just finishing up some homework and figured rather than incurring the wrath of Pete again I should post something exciting on teh blog. I got nothing exciting to say though, but I will give it a shot.
So lately I have been really stressed about school because I have so many papers due and I am constantly not doing all that I should be doing on them. So what is going to happen is the week before they are due I will crap out some BS and hope that is good enough to get me out of the class. We'll see. Lately work has been pissing me off too my boss is starting to annoy me. Like she got all mad at me last week because I gave this girl who was working with me like an extra 15 minutes on the clock. Shit, she came in early I figured rather than tell her to go wait for 15 minutes I would put her to work. Oh no that was evil! It just really pissed me off but whatever.
Another thing what the hell is up with me? I must put out some bad phermones or something or women just find me hideous, one of the two. Lately I am getting no love from the women it is rather sad. I don't know if it is the way I act, the way I talk, the way I look. Somebody who knows me and reads this, help a brother out. Although Pete did bring up a good point about this guy we know who will go nameless. Nah nevermind that's nothing that is just a cop-out on my part. Anyway enough about girls I have given up trying to figure them out and what they want.
I got nothing else this is sad. I really do want to write a good blog entry but I just am getting a total memory blank. I got nothing at all. if I come up with something I will definitely post though. Sorry...

Tim's take on the Blog

Anonymous said...
"i don't mean to be mean but you guy are dorks. the John Doe society is way better"

Movie Quote...

They call Los Angeles the city of Angels...I didn't find it to be that exactly. But, I'll allow there are some nice folks there...
-The Big Lebowski

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

A Thought on Comic Books

I was having a thought about comic books on my way to work today. See, one of my dream jobs would be to write comics. But I don't actually read comics anymore on a regular basis for two reasons. Comics are way too expensive for what you get and the plots move way too slowly. You get 32 pages and maybe as many sentences in an issue and can pay up to $2.75 per issue. There is too much focus on the graphics and not enough on the words. As a consequence comic book story lines move really slowly. It could take a year for a story arc to complete that might take you three hours to read. Dont get me wrong I think that graphics are an integral part of the medium, however, I don't think that one should outweigh the other. I'd be willing to bet that comic artists make way more money than comic writers.
Having said that, I think that comic books, as they have been mis-labeled for years, are one of the most exciting mediums in America. The merging of words and graphics allows the creators to do so much in terms of storytelling. Think about how comics have come full circle. When Stan Lee took over the reins at Marvel, he demanded that comics be grapically exciting, more like movies than a comic strip. He wanted the images to use angles and perspectives that portrayed movement. So exciting were the images created between say 1965 and 2000 that the movies are just now catching up and learning how to make good "Comic Book Movies". In fact, film directors are now attempting to make movies more like comics; holding static images for short periods of time to emphasize the image (think of Goodfellas with the stills or The Matrix with bullet time as a few examples.)
Unfortunately, comic creators themselves don't seem to be taking the medium seriously, still thinking of themselves as producing collector's items and focusing on quantity rather than quality. The serial nature of comics is a marketing tool as much as it is anything else.
With the advent of the Graphic Novel comics are heading in the right direction but we're still very limited in what gets produced, mostly superhero comics targeted at teens.
I envision large numbers of graphic novels being produced every year. Fiction that covers as many genres as the standard novel. With attention paid to writers and artists that compliment each other's work. I imagine graphic novels that are 200 pages long and that you can beat up and bend the cover of, and pass around to your friends just like you would a standard novel. The images don't have to be spectacular, they have to be good and they have to portray emotion, atmosphere, and a sense of movement. But the words and the stories have to be great. The best graphic novel ever produced, I think, is Batman: Year One by Miller and Mazucelli(Hope I spelled that right) The graphics aren't as detailed as say a Jim Lee comic but they are atmospheric as hell. And the story is at once a Love story, a hero story, and a noir detective story. I think the medium needs to move more in this direction if it wants to be taken seriously in the literary world.

Template Change

Hey Boys. I changed the template because our old one was screwed up. It was putting our Info and posting at the bottom. So if you hate this one I'll try to change back or pick something else. But I think this works pretty well for now.