Wednesday, March 23, 2005

& Lonely

Above is the first part of this post, I decided to break them up just to piss everyone off and because it makes me look more busy then I really am. So in the earlier post I was lamenting the fact that I am pretty darn bored after 4 days of not leaving the apartment. As I was finishing up that little ditty I realized something else. If I had a girlfriend or significant other my boredom would be almost non existent. Besides the obvious benefits having a girlfriend presents. There are the intagibles: Just sitting around with you so you don't feel like a total loser, bringing you food when you are hungry, etc., etc. I could go on all day about the intangibles so basically all I am saying is I am feeling a bit lonely lately. All you lucky people out there with a girlfriend or boyfriend respectively just take a look at them and think about all the great things that person does for you besides sleep with you. Anyway I guess I will get back to watching Buffy now or maybe play GTA who knows.

After all "The World is my Oyster" he replied sarcastically.

1 comment:

Pete said...

Them white boys had me on crystal meth.