Saturday, March 19, 2005

Just checking in

Hey there everyone. I really don't have much to write about right now. Pete already talked about St. Patty's Day so there goes that story. Let's see I met this hot girl who I really wanted to hook up with but nothing happened it just kind of fizzled. I have issues with women, but I am not going to get into that on the blog. I worked today and it sucked. Lately I have not been having a good time at my job and I am not sure why but something must be done because if I don't like my job I tend to do an even worse job than I normally do and that can be very bad. After work I came home and watched some NCAA college hoops, then took a nap, then watched an episode of SVU I had recorded, and then watched some more NCAA hoops. In a nutshell that is my day. In all seriousness does anybody have more fun than me? I think not. I have an online final to take tomorrow and I am not looking forward to it but I think it won't be too bad. I am just looking to pass my classes now with whatever possible grade can pass me. So...I guess that is about it, Pete is on the phone so I am going to get off and post later this weekend maybe on Sunday after my final.

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