Thursday, March 03, 2005

Remotivated...I heart TV

Alright I am listening to some new music I dowloaded from Itunes and it is reinvigorating me so I am going to blog. I am going to go back to what this blog was founded on. A day in the life of me(us) but today is just me.
So I woke up today around 10:30A or so, I had actually hoped to sleep longer but that just didn't happen that kind of perturbed me but whatever. So after having a cigarette I decided to watch some TV. One quick thing here(Thank God I have a DVR) there is nothing on the damn TV during the day it is like they pick all the worse shit and say let's air this during the day. Anyway so instead of watching CRAP I watched the episode of Smallville I missed on Wednesday. After that I got a glass of water and sat down to watch last week's episode of ALIAS. It was good I enjoyed it thouroughly. Then I moved on to this weeks episode of ALIAS. Enjoyed this one even more. By now it around 1, I am getting kind of hungry but got no food so I figure have another cigarette supress the hunger and watch some more TV. So after my hunger supressing technique I sat down to watch Sunday's episode of Robot Chicken. By the way if you get a chance watch that show it is hilarious so, so funny. It and Aqua Teen Hunger Force are arguably the two funniest shows on television. I strongly recommend you watch them both if you can. Well after that I decided to do some homework so I came on in to the laptop I am on now and typed a response to one of the discussion topics I had. After that I took a shower and motivated myself to go to the supermarket. We had nothing. No food no drink besides water NOTHING. So I went to the store.
Me and the store are bad news because I go through every aisle. I don't just purchase crap though. I bought stuff we needed like Macaroni, ground beef, chicken breast, Hamburger Helper, Diet Pepsi, the essentials basically. So anyway after buying all this food and drinks and what not I went to go check out. The check-out girl was hot btw. So after ringing everything up and getting my Ralph's Club card. The total bill was...(drum roll) 132.43. Yes that is right not a typo. You may be thinking how can he afford that much in groceries when all he has been doing all day is watching TV. I don't know either but it was well worth it though because now we have food. YEAH! Now... since I still have no car(maybe that is why no girls like me) I had to find a way to get home with all these groceries not good planning on my part I admit. So I did the most ghetto thing I have ever done. I rolled the shopping cart full of my groceries home. I felt so white trash, no offense to anybody who does this regularly. I just felt so lame. Anyway so I got home unloaded my shopping cart and put it out on the sidewalk next to another shopping cart. I was too lazy to walk back and drop it off at the market.
So then my broher comes home and decides to take a nap so I watch Tuesday night's episode of Law & Order:SVU. It was good even despite Ice-T, I might start watching it more regularly. So around 7:45P I went and woke his(my brother) lazy ass up. Asked him what he wanted for dinner(how nice am I?) and he said chili dogs. So we had chili dogs and watched Survivor because The OC was a repeat. Then after random TV we went to Lauri's apartment to pick up my cell phone because I left it there last night, DUMB ASS! So after hanging out there for a bit and watching some more TV, we left so I could come back here and finish my homework. I did and then I blogged a little. Started listening to my music now I blogged a lot. I am going to go watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force now because it is 12AM. I know what you are thinking man this guy watches a lot of TV. You know what you're right. I DO!! Later.


Pete said...

I can't fucking believe you brought the shopping cart home! Don't you remember how much that pissed me off when people would do that in Monrovia. THATS IT! I'm putting my foot down. No more flicking cigarette butts no more shopping carts no more Elvis sideburns. WE are not 909. We are 626 and you better start fucking acting like it or I'm gonna kick your white trash ass.

Randy said...

Relax. You're going to soil yourself.