Thursday, March 03, 2005


What's going on homies? It's just a random Thursday night, I was just finishing up some homework and figured rather than incurring the wrath of Pete again I should post something exciting on teh blog. I got nothing exciting to say though, but I will give it a shot.
So lately I have been really stressed about school because I have so many papers due and I am constantly not doing all that I should be doing on them. So what is going to happen is the week before they are due I will crap out some BS and hope that is good enough to get me out of the class. We'll see. Lately work has been pissing me off too my boss is starting to annoy me. Like she got all mad at me last week because I gave this girl who was working with me like an extra 15 minutes on the clock. Shit, she came in early I figured rather than tell her to go wait for 15 minutes I would put her to work. Oh no that was evil! It just really pissed me off but whatever.
Another thing what the hell is up with me? I must put out some bad phermones or something or women just find me hideous, one of the two. Lately I am getting no love from the women it is rather sad. I don't know if it is the way I act, the way I talk, the way I look. Somebody who knows me and reads this, help a brother out. Although Pete did bring up a good point about this guy we know who will go nameless. Nah nevermind that's nothing that is just a cop-out on my part. Anyway enough about girls I have given up trying to figure them out and what they want.
I got nothing else this is sad. I really do want to write a good blog entry but I just am getting a total memory blank. I got nothing at all. if I come up with something I will definitely post though. Sorry...

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