Friday, March 04, 2005


Man work fucking sucks lately. People gossip to much. I participate and I shouldn't. I'm over it. Next time someone tries to say something to me I'm gonna be like...tell it to the hand biznitch. I probably won't say that but something along those lines. My new boss is a fucking idiot I swear to god. I hate that dude. Things were going so well and the house of cards came tumbling down big time. Anyway who gives a shit, its just a job anyway I've been there too long as it is.
So whats new on a more irreverent front. I like that word "Irreverent". I'm not sure I'm using it right though.
Yeah, I just looked it up and I wasn't using it right. I thought it meant like random or off topic but what it really means is: lacking respect. Which makes sense if you think about it, you look at the root word reverence or revere which means respect, and it becomes clear.

You know what I've always wanted to do is take the questionaire that James Lipton always asks at the end of Inside the Actor's Studio. Okay here goes.

Lipton: Peter...what is your favorite word?

Pete: Repugnant (audience Laughs) It's just such a strong insult, I love it when Sam Jackson uses it in Jackie Brown. "Dis some repugnant shit."

Lipton: What is your least favorite word?

Pete: I don't have a least favorite word, but my least favorite expression is "Can I help you, sir?" I hate saying and I hate hearing it.

Lipton: You...are...a...delight!What sound or noise do you love?

Pete: I love the busied silence of nature. No cars, no phones, no people, but a million things going on all around.

Lipton: What sound or noise do you hate?

Pete: I hate when I'm in a crowded room and I can hear smatterings of a hundred conversations but can't focus on one.

Lipton: What is your favorite curse word?

Pete: It's the classic: Fuck and all its permutations. I once had a professors who used to like to say Fuck in class and he would complain about people who told him not to say it. It was his contention that sometimes Fuck was the best word to fit the situation, I am of that mind. Fuck Fuckety Fuck Fuck.

Lipton: What profession other than yours woulp you like to attempt?

Pete: I'd like to be on a mountain Search and Rescue team.

Lipton: What profession other than yours would you not like to attempt?

Pete: I never again want to work behind a cash register. Or serve food.

Lipton: And so you shall not for you...are...a...genius. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you enter the pearly gates.

Pete: I want God to flip me off, wink, buy me a beer and then answer all my questions.

1 comment:

Lauri said...

Hey Pete i like that post! Very funny and easy to read. I wasn't going to read it at first...wait thats not true, i always read your blogs, it just looked like (at a glance) that you copied some kind of play or something. But it was great!