Thursday, March 10, 2005

This will be a day to remember...

I think I have one day about every six months where I become so disgusted with myself I vow a lifestyle change. Today was one of those days. I played GTA from 11pm tuesday night til 3am wednesday morning. I woke up at 9am and was at Lauri's again by 10:30am...playing GTA. Alex called me for a ride to the mechanics at 11:30. As I was driving to pick him up the line between video game and reality becam blurred. When I got to the mechanic's he was standing outside and I could swear I saw one of those little arrows above his head like on the game. On the way back I was trying to figure out which cars I could export at Easter Basin. For those of you who don't play you won't know what I'm talking about. I went home and played some more. I made a salad for lunch.. and then I played some more. I could have gone hiking it was a beautiful day. I just couldn't motivate myself. It sucks because by the time Lauri gets home she's been at work all day and she just wants to flop on the couch, who can blame her. But by the time she gets home, I'm so sick of tv I could scream. Its strange, my life moves in weird cycles... there seems to be a point every year around this time where I have nothing to do and I get restless. For three years swimming started getting heavy around this time and I would be super busy til summer. Last year it was the Ford Theatre and having two jobs. Something always comes up. I wonder what, if anything, it will be this year. Hopefully something because I'm going broke again and I don't like it. At any rate I vow never to have another day like today where I sit on my fucking ass all day and accomplish nothing. I'm gaining weight at an alarming rate and I can't stand it. I thought I had that relatively under control, but I clearly do not.
What else is goin on? Hmmm..The new blog is in development, but slow going. I have a little smattering of a noir story that I might post. I started it last night and will work on it tonight again. I really don't want to post anything until I have at least a few to post. Otherwise I might get a block and one chapter or something will just sit there for months and months and the blog wont make sense. I's like to post a picture on this post just because it keeps the blog looking attractive. I have the Star Trek Convention moving in tommorow so maybe a Star Trek Picture. Lets see what we can find...

This scene was a tear jerker. Its from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Its where Spock sacrifices himself to save the ship. The famous "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.. or the one."scene. It's also where Spock tells Kirk. "I am and always shall be.. your friend." I'm not some wierdo Trekkie or anything but I do like the Next Generation shows. I recently came out of the closet as a Star Trek watcher to some of my freinds but they didn't believe me. Anyway, Star Trek II is definitely the best of the original cast movies. So there it is.

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