Friday, February 29, 2008

Happy Leap Day!!! Does anyone know people who were born on Feb. 29th?

Friday, February 22, 2008

Thank you internet, now I know more about myself

SO...check out the gem I found. I am an avid blogger, and don't remember writing any of this. Also, am I a lesbian?

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Songs on my iTunes in which whistling plays a prominent role

1) Patience- Guns n' Roses
2) Dock of the Bay - Otis Redding
3) Winds of Change - The Scorpions
4) Civil War - Guns n' Roses
5) Per un Pongo Di Dollari - Ennio Morricone

Git the Man, Boys!

"What We've got here is a failure to communicate.."

Monday, February 18, 2008

It's Randy Moe

Yo, yo, yo. What is going in SoCal today. I'll tell you what, good times I am sure. You wanna what's happening up here? Probably not but f u cause you're finding out anyway.
Today is President's Day. My parents left to Anchorage and will be there till Friday. Usually this would call for a party but here I think not. First of all the party would be populated with unsavory high schoolers because those are the only people interested in partying here. It is sad I am a 30 year old male and nobody up here close to my age would be interested in such a party. Anyway it boils down to this my parents are gone, no party just me getting every chance I can to buy beer and drink copious amounts till the return. This is okay though and btw in case you can't notice I have already been drinking that is why this post sounds like and will continue to sound like a piece of shit.
Anybody remember Casa De Moe? Remeber when it was just some kids from the Civic swimming in my pool and we drank a beer or two. Man that was a long time ago. Does anyone know how it became the biggest pre Summer party in Pasadena? How did that happen? Anyway I am just sitting here bullshitting, reminiscing, drinking, just talking shit. Was it the biggest party in Pasadena? Maybe I am just having delusions of grandeur. Oh well whatever...
Next point my movie reviews did not create the type of buzz I was anticipating. BTW Jeff I did not say I would not watch "Black Sheep" again I said I would not buy it or rent it again. And at over $4 for a rental and over $12 to buy it NO. However if I were at a house and someone put it on I would happily watch it so there.
Man this blog sucks and is absolutley going nowhere and getting there FAST. Movie revies are suspended indefinitely maybe I will come back with some maybe not. Does anyone really care about my opinion I think not.
This is perhaps the most terrible blog I have evr written. It has no cohesiveness, no direction, no anything. It is just me rambling and putting periods wherever I feel. OK I have finishe another beer. I am going to get another one. But before I do I will finish this blog with an important question.
Is anyone opposed to me moving back down there towards the end of March? Please comment and let me know. That is all. Bye.

Friday, February 15, 2008

dorm father, post 1

I arrived shortly after dusk. Some students made noise just outside the front door; I believe it was Marilyn Manson on a stereo. Looking around at the jumble of furniture disarrayed in my new livingroom, I decided it would be best to first survey what I was getting into, so I opened the front door into the dorm.

"Some of them want to use you...some of them want to get used by you..."

Sweet dreams. The hour too early for sleep, however, and a number of boys milled about the makeshift hall with curtains for doors: they eyed me with a vague curiosity. Various funk-like odors prevailed over my senses as one by one, they introduced themselves. In turn, each time, I responded:

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Cabalu, the new Dorm Father."

some questions (in a name)

would you ever date someone with the same name as one of your parents and/or siblings? and if you ever have, did it end badly/weirdly?

what is it with kids named after famous people (I know a baby named Hendrix, oo-wee, and a dude named Hetfield. Thus these kids are destined for a life of partying), do their lives, do they actually end up resembling the people they are named for?

what do you think of me personally.

have a good one!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rudolph likes Valentine's Day

Top 5 things that I want to say

1. On Monday my school went into pseudo-lockdown because there were two bulls loose in the streets of Sylmar. Not pitbulls, bulls.

2. I went to the dentist today for the first time in 2 years. It feels good to have clean teeth. I highly recommend the Hastings Ranch Dental Group to anybody looking for a dentist. The actual dentist is on the ball and she's pretty good looking too. The hygienist that cleaned my teeth was really nice, did a good job, and caused minimal pain. Nice office, high tech, clean, friendly competent staff.

3. I just realized that my wife beat me to the punch and installed out printer on my new computer. This is a pretty sizeable achievement for someone that is not into fixing computers. I'm proud of her.

4. Valentine's Day is for suckers. My poor male students get suckered into buying all kinds of useless crap for these girls that you know are just leading them to heartbreak. I call bullshit on them.


A Post


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Two movies tonight

So I said I would start reviewing movies tonight so here goes these are two that I first rented when I joined Netflix back in early January.

Black Sheep

The Bourne Ultimatum

So these are the first two movies so obviously a little disappointing. Only a Good for "Black Sheep" and a Poor for "The Bourne Ultimatum" and actually I am being generous with Bourne it easily could be no stars.
"Black Sheep" was actually a pretty decent movie after seeing trailers though I expected a little more it had a few funny moments and a couple nice gory effects. Was it worth renting again or buying nah. But for a 90 minute movie about genetically engineered killer sheep, what do you really expect.
"The Bourne Ultimatum" was worthless. Frankly this movie series never should have existed it peaked at the "The Bourne Identity". The next one shouldn't have been made and this one definitely should not have been made. WTF was with the camera. Stop with the god damned shaking. Use a tripod or something. I can't believe people thought that was great. Personally it was making me nauseous. One decent fight scene, dull car chases and a really weak pay off at the end. Did I also mention it really had no plot. It was one very long 115 minute chase. We learn nothing about Bourne that we didn't already know. I was just very disappointed plain and simple.
So these were my first movie reviews comments are welcome or other posts telling me how retarded I am or recognizing my genius. I will take either. Obviouslt these first two movies weren't the best but tomorrow I will have more and I know there is at least one 4 star in there.
Well that's it for now. Hope everyone is having a great time. BYE!!

Haunting questions

I can get Grape soda and I can get Orange soda, but if I want apple soda I have to drink sparkling cider?

Why can't I get diet grape and orange soda?

Lack of Posts

Hey everybody what's going on down there in sunny SoCal? Not much is happening up here. I am housesitting my neighbor's again so I got a lot of free time. It is snowing again. This time it is blowing as well. So we got blizzard like conditions. Supposedly about 2-3 inches of snow. We'll see.
Anyway I am posting because looking at the blog I was dismayed by the recent lack of posts besides Jeff's awesome music video. If you haven't seen it you are missing out. How did you find that? I admit I am partially to blame as far as a lack of posts goes. So what I have decided is to reinsate my movie ratings just to liven things up a bit. I have been watching a lot of movies lately so I am going to go with a 1-4 star rating system
  1. Poor
  2. Fair
  3. Good
  4. Excellent

I have done away with the Classic rating cause there really is no way to determine if a movie will be a classic until time passes and the movie is reevaluated. So this post will end and I will resume watching my movie. Later tongiht I will post some reviews of past movies and what I thought of them. Remember this is only my view and does not represent views of all. Actually what I want are your views too I want posts telling me why I am wrong or why you agree. Ok well I gotta run. Look forward to hearing from you. Peace!!

Monday, February 11, 2008

Friday, February 08, 2008

Bow Down

Bitch you know the side. World, motherfucking, wide.

Back in the Day

Who is that good lookin' cat?

News from iTunes

1) You probably won't recognize 90% of the songs in the Top 100 downloaded songs. Probably because they suck.
2) Journey's Don't Stop Believin' had been in the top 100 for a long time now and does not suck, however.
3) Tom Petty made into the Top 100 with his superbowl performance. Awesome.
4) Snoop Dogg has been neutered. Check out his song Sexual Eruption, it kinda made me throw up in my mouth to hear the man who taught me not to love them ho's sing some Hanna Montana-esque dance club song.
5) Who would win in a fight, Miley Cyrus or Hannah Montana?

Monday, February 04, 2008

Don't forget...

...tomorrow is Super Tuesday. Go vote. Primaries and propositions. Take care of business.