Thursday, February 14, 2008

Top 5 things that I want to say

1. On Monday my school went into pseudo-lockdown because there were two bulls loose in the streets of Sylmar. Not pitbulls, bulls.

2. I went to the dentist today for the first time in 2 years. It feels good to have clean teeth. I highly recommend the Hastings Ranch Dental Group to anybody looking for a dentist. The actual dentist is on the ball and she's pretty good looking too. The hygienist that cleaned my teeth was really nice, did a good job, and caused minimal pain. Nice office, high tech, clean, friendly competent staff.

3. I just realized that my wife beat me to the punch and installed out printer on my new computer. This is a pretty sizeable achievement for someone that is not into fixing computers. I'm proud of her.

4. Valentine's Day is for suckers. My poor male students get suckered into buying all kinds of useless crap for these girls that you know are just leading them to heartbreak. I call bullshit on them.


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