Friday, February 15, 2008

dorm father, post 1

I arrived shortly after dusk. Some students made noise just outside the front door; I believe it was Marilyn Manson on a stereo. Looking around at the jumble of furniture disarrayed in my new livingroom, I decided it would be best to first survey what I was getting into, so I opened the front door into the dorm.

"Some of them want to use you...some of them want to get used by you..."

Sweet dreams. The hour too early for sleep, however, and a number of boys milled about the makeshift hall with curtains for doors: they eyed me with a vague curiosity. Various funk-like odors prevailed over my senses as one by one, they introduced themselves. In turn, each time, I responded:

"Nice to meet you. I'm Mr. Cabalu, the new Dorm Father."


Pete said...

There's a new sheriff in town. And I once saw him climb on to randy's neighbor's roof and pee off it. But its okay, they need someone with that kind of life experience. Give em hell.

Anonymous said...

aw geeze that' i forgot about that incident, let's not mention it again please? damn what a jackass i been. i wasn't even drunk i don't think.