Tuesday, September 04, 2007

No Sense of Direction

I have a terrible sense of direction. I always have. The only way I can get around in Pasadena is to remember that the mountains are north. This came in to play just last night when I tried to get home from San Clemente. For some reason, I always find the 57 freeway to be an elusive little freeway, I always seem to miss it, one way or another. So there I am driving on the 57 north, in the carpool lane when without warning it dumps me on to the 60 it happened so fast, I didn't even see which direction of the 60 I was dumped onto. I, however was confident that I was going west. It felt west, I felt like even though I didn't know the area so we'll that I would be able to recognize the streets as we headed in a westerly direction. Lauri suggested we might be headed east, "I think I saw a sign saying 60 East." "Negative" I replied confidently, its like Led Zeppelin said, "There a feeling I get when I look to the west." That feeling was slowly fading as I began to see street names going by in the wrong order. But as I was not familiar with the area I felt I might have had a muddled memory as to which streets go where. Then I saw a sign indicating the next 7 exits for Ontario. I looked at Lauri, "we're not going east..." much less confidence this time. "OK..." almost no confidence from Lauri. "GOD DAMMIT!" finally admitting to myself that I had just driven a half hour in the wrong direction. After a few twists and turns I found my way back to the 57 North, and eventually back home. I once found my way home from San Clemente by way of Down town LA. Maybe its my subconscious telling me I shouldn't be going anywhere except TO San Clemente.


Lauri said...

There is nothing worse than not being able to see the mountains. I'm amazed at myself sometimes for being able to drive in Texas when i visit.

Anonymous said...

Funny story. That same thing happened to Leo and I coming home from San Clemente last night also. We were almost at the 15 freeway when we noticed. Damn 57!

Jeff said...

I don't know how y'all get to San Clemente, but the 710 to the 5 never fails me.

You, my friend, got a taste of the 909 - where east is west, up is down, and black is, well, let's not talk about the color black and the 909.