Thursday, November 15, 2007

This has been your Movie and Television Review

I would like to retract my previous statement about Everest: Beyond the Limit. Last season was awesome. This season sucks. They turned it into some kind of Survivour on Mt. Everest. The climbers are all unrealistic douchebags, mostly leftover from last year. Fuck that show.

I saw Darjeeling Limited, the new film by Wes Anderson. Not bad, not great. Somewhere along the lines of The Life Aquatic. No where near the greatness of Rushmore or The Royal Tennenbaums.

For the most retarded movie I've seen in a long time, the award goes to "The Guardian" with Kevin Costner and Ashton Kutcher. When you have Netflix you order a lot to get your money's worth. It's amazing how bad Kevin Costner can be when he is trying to do drama.

I saw Black Snake Moan. I actually didn't find it that bad. Good Music, interesting characters, completely implausible scenario, but at least it was a somewhat original concept.

I'm anxious to see "No Country for Old Men" I'm a big Cohen Bros. fan.

1 comment:

Amanda Jane said...

I love me the cohen brothers but I don't think I'd ever be able to sleep after seeing that movie.