Friday, November 30, 2007

Appreciation and Bile (Time to live with your decisions)

Tonights post will be short because I am tired from movie night.

Thanks to those who came, I think we successfully demonstrated the genius of John Carpenter and Kurt Russell.

To those that acted super excited but then bowed out at the last minute and I do mean, literally the last minute, and you were several, it's over between us, good luck with the rest of your lives.

Thank you god for the rain although it makes my life at work extremely difficult, I still enjoy the change.

Thats it, I can't take it anymore, I'm buying an Xbox 360 tomorrow, don't fuckin try to stop me! I need this. When GTA 4 comes out I want to have a good understanding of the Xbox controller. So there it is.

I would like to suggest this, I can't think of stuff to talk about so I would like you to suggest topics.. You put it out there and I will pretend to speak intelligently on it. And I do mean ANYTHING. Let's make a game of it, come up with something ridiculous and see if I can post a few paragraphs on it.

Also, I'm working on a top 5 Rock Bands post, so those of you who are members and can access drafts, no peaking, it spoils it.

Look at Randy's new Picture. Two things I miss, The Crown and Randy Moe. He would have enjoyed movie night. Come home soon my brother.


Pete said...

Just kidding, of course, about the over between us thing. see you next time...

Jeff said...

You broke the streak already. I had a feeling last night that you wouldn't post.