Monday, November 05, 2007

Level 2 Answerer

One of my newest addictions is Yahoo! Answers. You can either ask or answer any question in a variety of categories. The more questions you answer, the more "points" you get. I have answered 54 questions, which really doesn't get you that many points (2 per answer). Where my addiction lies is in being voted the best answer, which nets you 10 points. Right now 25% of my answers have been picked as the best answers and have earned enough points to be a "Level 2" answerer. I generally answer questions in the beer, wine and spirits section, the soccer section, and the economics section.

Here is my best answer so far. Its about soccer. I was picked as the best answer out of 18, which is a lot by my standards.

Does this make me a nerd (or add to my nerdiness)?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

dammmit it's 2:53p, i just got here, but that means i only get a coupla more minutes to read! damn y'alls is some postin fools!!