Friday, August 31, 2007

Countdown to the Long Weekend

Well kids the countdown to the long weekend begins. My job has generously declared a half day today so I'll be out of here by 2pm today. I think I'm gonna use that extra three hours to Play some GTA San Andreas and maybe eat some leftover chinese food. Whatever I do, its going to be in the presence of heavy air conditioning. Maybe I could go catch a matinee or something.

As it turns out, my contemplation of not drinking anymore was quickly cut short by an invite to the Crown by some folks from work. What could I do? I can't let them go to the crown by themselves...thats all I have to say about that.

Camping was an exciting time. I think we actually had a group of people move across the road because of us, but at least they did that instead of turning it into a beg pencilneck incident

1 comment:

Lauri said...

That weekend went by way to fast. and it was sooo HOT!