Friday, August 17, 2007

Things that drive me absolutely insane

So, I know that every time that I blog (few and far between) it’s always some sort of complaint or bitch session (except for the Lauri my hero blog), but that’s how I roll. Here are a few things that you may call pet peeves, but I simply call them things that drive me fucking crazy. This was inspired by a shitty driver on the way to work the other morning that committed # 1.

1. When people wash their windshield on the freeway. Hey Asshole, there are people who are driving behind you that now have your dirty water and washer fluid all over their car. This especially pisses me off when I am the car behind said culprit or when I have just come from the car wash. Have some courtesy and do that shit when your car is at a complete stop.

2. Couples who go out to eat and sit in a booth, but sit on the same side. If no one is meeting you, just fucking separate for one meal. Plus, who wants to be elbowed for an entire meal when you can sit across form each other and gaze into each others eyes.

3. People who insist on touching my face. I have no idea where your hands have been or when the last time you washed them was, so keep them the fuck off of my face. I don’t wash my face for nothing.

4. People who call my job and have no information nor are they willing to find it, but want me to help them. On a daily basis some retard ass customer calls my job and wants some information about their order (i.e. order status, payment information, tracking, etc.), which is fine; however when I attempt to assist them the inevitable happens. When I ask for the item number purchased, or the user id the item has been purchased under, the answer is “no, I don’t have it, can’t you find my order another way?” No, I cannot. Once I had a guy get angry with me because he had no information to offer, no item #, no, user name, not even what he had purchased, and when I explained that I could not locate his order without any information he said “What do you mean you can’t locate my order, I thought if I called you would just know.” What!!?? Was he serious? Now I’m supposed to be a psychic. Actually this one is pretty much summed up as I don’t like dumb people.

5. People who ask if you’re okay when you’re crying. It’s just so stupid, if I’m crying I am obviously NOT okay, genius!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

I have to confess. On a number of occasions I have cleaned my windshield while on the freeway. I just wanted to get the dead bug or bird poop off before it dried. I'm sorry Lynlee.