Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Top __ Lists

Top 8 things I miss about my childhood

1. Saturday morning cartoons while eating overflowing bowls of Cap'n Crunch.
2. collecting baseball cards
3. cupball (baseball, but we used crushed paper cups and hit with our hands)
4. Mr. Wizard
5. climbing the tree in my grandparents' backyard and pretending that it was Airwolf
6. swimming for hours on end until I was wrinkly
7. trick-or-treating
8. ______ tag (freeze, TV, movie, etc.)

Top 8 things that replaced the things on the previous list

1. Saturday morning soccer with English breakfast (and maybe a pint)
2. collecting wine
3. soccer
4. Simpsons
5. hiking around Pasadena and pretending that its the wilderness
6. drinking for hours on end until my liver is wrinkly
7. drinking Pete and Lauri's beers
8. ???

Top 5 things that I am forced to do as an adult that completely ruined all my childhood images of being an adult

1. job
2. bills
3. other people being retarded
4. responsibility
5. the slow decay of my memory

1 comment:

Pete said...

You know what ruined my childhood images of being an adult? The realization that I will NEVER own a Lamborghini or even a Ferrari. Depressing.