Saturday, October 06, 2007

Variance on a theme (my first post here)

Most of you have checked out my regular blog and noticed how I have gone to the list format. I will be now bringing a barrage of lists to Life Outside the Rat Race. However, all of my lists here will be the Top ____ of ______. Lists are easy on the eyes and the brain. I think if we broke more things up into lists people would read more. Hell, look at 90% of newspaper stories - paragraphs are often 1-2 sentences. So I'm going with it.

Top 5 things impractical things I would buy if I won the lottery: (in no particular order)
1. wine cellar
2. collection of full size arcade games
3. an airplane
4. private movie theater
5. L.A. Galaxy

Top 3 people that are dead to me:
1. Mel Gibson
2. most of my high school friends
3. Steve Guttenberg

Top 7 favorite childhood toys:
1. Optimus Prime
2. G.I. Joe hovercraft with depth charges
3. Hippity-Hop
4. Tutti Fruity (stuffed animal - shut up Pete, I know what you're thinking)
5. Richard Scarry Busytown playset
6. O.G. Nintendo
7. Construx

Top 8 favorite beers
1. Guinness
2. Murphy's
3. Sierra Nevada Pale
4. Kona Fire Rock
5. Newcastle
6. SLO Brewing Co Blueberry Wheat
7. Kostritzer
8. Tetley's

Top 4 Cold War propaganda movies
1. Red Dawn
2. Rocky 4
3. War Games
4. Iron Eagle

Top 1 movie that convinced me that if was good enough at video games I would get recruited by either the military, pro sports teams, or some secret space rebel army:
1. The Last Starfighter


Pete said...

Why so down on Steve Guttenberg? Don't you remember all the good times he gave us? Police Academy's 1-4, Short Circuit, Cocoon...nevermind, fuck that guy. Damn Stonecutters

appojax said...

...riffin off jeff's listos...

top five arcade games i would have in my casa collection:

1)Spy Hunter
2)Street Fighter II
3)Ms. Pac-Man (for the ladies)/Galaga tabletop machine (you know what i am talking about you drunks)
4)Terminator II (i'm into sequels...and the machine gun vibrat-a-tats)
5)About five or six dope pinball machines, like Star Wars and South Park, not to mention FIFA World Cup and the Addams Family or Twilight Zone. Okay, maybe also Cyclone for the old schoolers. So it was a top ten actually.