Saturday, December 23, 2006

Peter's brand

Just the other day we were sitting around the office talking about the beers we liked. I mentioned that the worst beer I ever tasted was a beer that had my name on it. Its that "Peter's Brand" shit that they sell at Trader Joe's, it friggin awful. So today one of the sales managers was really nice and bought me a couple of 6 packs for Christmas (she was not privy to the previous conversation) What was one of the six packs? Peter's Brand. (she was being clever and thoughtful and I appreciate it.) As I looked at that six pack, I thought to myself, how can this beer be as bad as i remember, is there any such thing as a "bad beer". Well I just cracked open the first of the six pack, and good god is it bad! It tastes like a normal beer that some scraped across their asshole before putting the bottle cap on. I think I will bring a class action suit for all the Peters in the wortld whose name this beer defames.

1 comment:

appojax said...

my new brand is ol grand dad