Tuesday, December 26, 2006

The Year of Change

In this year old post, Lauri predicted that 2006 would be the year of change. I think she has been proven right, not only for herself but for a lot of you out there. Lets see if I can highlight some of the life changing stuff that happened over the course of the last year. i'll start with Lauri since it was her post. She wanted to get a new cheaper apartment, which she managed to do with the help of a new, awesome, roomate/ live in lover (lovah!). She wanted a new job, well she was offered a new job, but decided to turn it down because of the huge raise she got at her current job. Well done Lauri with making things happen. As for myself, I finished all my classes at Cal Poly finally and went from working part-time to being a dept. head over the course of the year. I finally moved back out of my parents house and got a new apartment with Lauri and I paid off my truck.
Aside from Lauri and me there have been a bunch of reisdence changes this year, lets see if I can remember them(I'm not including those of you that got married this year, you'll get your turn): Tim moved out of 511 and in with Bima. Tom moved down to...I don't even know what city that is, Alhambra? San Gabriel? Shiela ended up moving in with her sister in texas and then got a house of her own. Alex moved to Alaska. Our Welsh blogger Owen got an office job and then quit the office job, I'm sure causing several residential shifts.
Then there were the marriages: Amanda and Jeff, Melanie and Aaron, Bree and Ruben, Ed and Amy, who did I miss?

Yep, the year of change. I wonder what will 2007 bring? Will it be more of the same or more changes? I don't know but I'm looking forward to finding out.


appojax said...

well, I resumed my relationship with stand oil, which is moving the paint along swimmingly. my, but it was a good year, wuddunt it?

Lauri said...

Danny and Jill had a baby. That's another one for you.

Pete said...

I wasn't sure if that was 2005 or 6. So thanks!

Jeff said...

I can't believe you left out the biggest change of them all! The change in Congressional majority. Today it was made official.

Pete said...

But today was in 2007

Jeff said...

But they were elected in 2006.

Pete said...

So you could say that In 2006 a nation came to its senses...kind of.

appojax said...

impeach bush