Saturday, December 23, 2006

Beatles Rising

"Don't let me Down!"
For some reason this Beatles refrain became suddenly extremely relevant to me, one night when it was played on the George Nauri show on KFI. (Its what I fall asleep to.) I had the CD already but for some reason had not put it onto my iTunes yet. Strange how songs move in and out of your life, having relevance at certain times and falling into obscurity at others. I won't psychoanalyze myself as to why this song is suddenly important, but it certainly doesn't have anything to do with you fine people. MERRY CHRISTMAS, (Happy ch-iz-anikah to all you jewish mothahfuckas) I hope you all come by the parents house at some time on christmas eve for some Big Sandwich, eggnog, bloody mary's, beer or whatevers your poison.

1 comment:

appojax said...

"nobody ever loves me like she do, she really do"