Thursday, September 01, 2005

another depressing post

I'm at work right now and I'm so bored. I can't find anything productive to do. So far, I've tried the following things. Reading What's the Matter With Kansas. Reading Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, reading the news, playing sudoku (I apparently don't have a working printer so couldn't print the puzzles) I'm 45 minutes away from this shift being over and I can't read another word or surf the web for one more minute. I'm currently listening to my iPod and posting of course. I feel sorry for you poor bastards who thought they were gonna read something funny or insightful and then come across another one of my mopey posts. I have to say its kind of cliche to blog about current events, but I have to say I can't believe whats going on in the south. Is our civilization so fragile that a Hurricane, albeit a major one, thrusts a whole region into anarchy. I'm no reactionary but its time send the army in and restore order. Also, its time for the president to declare a "War on God". God, with his storms and earthquakes and tsunamis has been threating our freedom for too long its time for us to take action and bring down this cosmic despot in the interest of the preservation of democracy. All kidding aside though, this shit is fucked up. I think anyone found to have taken up arms against their fellow citizens in this tragedy should be frickin deported. If they like that way of life they can go to Iraq or something. I wonder if Wal-Mart will reconsider carry large supplies of Guns and Ammo in their "superstores", I know I'd be feeling pretty guilty right now.


Jeff said...

Seriously, I have no problem with declaring martial law and allowing the summary execution of anyone caught with a gun or looting anything that is not a necessity to live. You may think that is harsh, but Pete wants war on God, so who is really crazy?

Pete said...

I'm just sayin' this God guy aint all he's cracked up to be with the wind and the water all the time. People die in 911: "War on Terror" white kids on coke: "War on Drugs" too many poor people: "War on poverty" Fuck it man, God hits one of our cities, We hit him back hard. "War on God." It ain't any crazier than anything else we're involved in.

Amanda Jane said...

i hate soduko, sudoku, or whatever the hell it's called...don't get sucked in! i have some bitterness after being snubbed by both my brother and yes, my mom...they chose to do their puzzles rather than carry on a conversation with me on an airplane. but i guess if you're doing it only to pass some solitary time at work, i can get over it...